Xue God, you got the wrong object

Chapter 154 Catch the Thief

Chapter 154 Catch the Thief

"This is?" Jiang Ling asked.

"My mother, I took it with me."

Jiang Shijing said indifferently, his eyes were rarely unnatural.

He didn't know that it had this effect when he wore it, so he took it casually.

But...Jiang Ling's clothes fit her well.

Jiang Ling pinched the corner of her clothes, like this, parent-child dress?

While the two were chatting.

Suddenly, a figure galloped away from Jiang Ling's right side, with a hood on his head, and he almost missed Jiang Ling.

And an old lady behind them was trying to shout, "Thief... catch the thief!"

There were actually quite a few people on this street at this point last time.

With so many people around, it is really brave to dare to rob blatantly.

The man was rampant, with a shining knife in his hand, "Get out of the way!"

Passers-by got out of the way in fright.

Jiang Shijing frowned, seeing the old lady who was catching up, walking slowly.

Rushed out.

Jiang Ling was going to go too, but Jiang Shijing would have nothing to do with her, so she turned around and went back to help the old woman.

Sure enough, after a while Jiang Shijing grabbed the man, dodged the man's knife, and swung him directly to the ground.

First hit.

After a few breaths, the gangster couldn't move, "It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

"Brother, it's not kind, you also snatch the old lady's things?" Jiang Shijing pushed the man to the ground with his backhand.

Everything happened so quickly, when the people around reacted, they saw that a young man had subdued the robber.

Jiang Ling had already called the police, and helped the old lady come over to see this scene.

Before he could be happy, a figure crept up and down in the crowd behind Jiang Shijing.

Under cover, the crowd clutched a long stick and slowly approached Jiang Shijing.

Jiang Ling felt bad.

And mates?

The man had already raised his stick high in the gap when everyone had no time to react, his face was ferocious, and he was smiling as victoriously as possible.

Almost without thinking, Jiang Ling threw the slightly heavy object in her hand, aiming at the man's head.

"Ah!" sounded.

Right on the head.

Knock down in an instant.

The face that had been fierce just now wrinkled together instantly, and the stick fell beside Jiang Shijing.

Jiang Ling didn't know why, but at that moment, she felt like laughing, just for a moment.

"Jiang Shijing, are you okay?" She picked up the stick and threw it away.

Only then did Jiang Shijing turn around and see the man lying on the ground covering his head, grinning in pain, so funny.

sneak attack?

He didn't feel it.

Lifting his eyelashes, Jiang Ling was asking him if he was okay.

There was a strange feeling in my heart again, "It's okay."

The old lady and the people around hurriedly gathered around to ask the little girl and the young man.

Today's young people are really fierce.

Then help them hold down the two gangsters and wait for the police to deal with them.

Jiang Shijing stood up, patted his clothes, and kicked their knives away.

Jiang Ling got away from the crowd, and stood aside with Jiang Shijing, thinking that they would stay and make a simple record when the police came, so they didn't leave in a hurry.

And here Jiang Ling was comforting the mother-in-law, pulling out the cloth bag that the gangster was holding tightly to and returning it to her.

"Grandma, return it to you."

"Oh, thank you little girl and boy. I don't have anything in this bag, why would you snatch my bag?"

Jiang Shijing relaxed a little towards the old woman, "It's okay, mother-in-law, be careful next time."

Jiang Ling already felt it when she took the bag, the things in the bag were stacked one after another,
Putting it in the bag, it felt like there were piles of cash inside from the outside, and she felt the same way at first glance.

But if the old lady said so, it would definitely not be the case.

(End of this chapter)

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