Xue God, you got the wrong object

Chapter 298 Something is wrong

Chapter 298 Something is wrong

Jiang Ling: "...It is my fault."

Who blames me for thinking too much.

Jiang Ling was about to refute a little with words, but Jiang Shijing suddenly became serious as he walked.

"So... what are you trying to express in the car?"

When Jiang Ling heard this, her words were blocked.

Tsk, what she just said seems to have asked about Lei.

She watched Jiang Shijing stare blankly for so long, and they were joking just now, so she thought he wouldn't care about what was said in the car.

Subconsciously, Jiang Ling touched her nose, thinking about how to answer without hurting Jiang Shijing's face.

Jiang Shijing's expression was calm, his eyes kept on Jiang Ling's hand touching his nose.

Seeing that Jiang Ling didn't speak, Jiang Shijing simply continued to ask.

"What about me? Hmm? Why do you ask me how it feels to see Meng Fan and Ruan Anan together?"

Jiang Ling said: "It's nothing, I asked nonsense."

Jiang Shijing: "Oh...then I'll ask blindly, how did you feel at that time?"

Jiang Ling: "?"

Jiang Shijing: "Huh?"

The two of them stared wide-eyed, it seemed that Jiang Shijing wanted Jiang Ling to give an answer.

Jiang Ling had no choice but to tell the truth, "Maybe a little... helpless and angry?"

The heroine and the second male lead have such a good relationship, yet the male lead hasn't reacted yet.

Isn't she helplessly angry?

Jiang Shi nodded, and then said, "Oh... I'm also quite angry."


When Jiang Ling heard this, her eyes lit up immediately.

Jiang Shijing's face darkened, and his eyes looked a little darker at Jiang Ling.

Did Jiang Ling really misunderstand?

Jiang Shijing smiled, "Yes, I'm quite angry, so what's wrong with me? Why are you so happy?"

"Ah..." Jiang Ling touched her face. Does her expression look happy? Recently, her expression management has become more and more inadequate.

But she continued, "So you're mad and don't do something about it? Don't you think you should pull them both apart?"

Jiang Shijing still replied like a piece of wood, "Why should I do something?"

Jiang Ling "..."

I don't understand.

Why didn't the male protagonist respond? Did he believe too much that the female protagonist's sister would not be snatched away or did he believe in his own charm? Since he is so confident, why didn't he confess his love?

Seeing that Jiang Shijing didn't seem to get what she wanted to ask, Jiang Ling had no choice but to change the way of asking, "Then...then you can't think about why you are so angry?"

Jiang Shijing doesn't know that he likes someone, but he doesn't know what it's like to be jealous?

Isn't jealousy a natural feeling?

Jiang Shijing raised the tails of his eyes, and became more and more puzzled by Jiang Ling's questioning method, but on the other hand, he really felt that Jiang Ling's eagerness to hide... was very cute.

He also likes to see Jiang Ling put down his guard, not calm at all.

The two emotions were intertwined, Jiang Shijing looked at Jiang Ling in silence for a few seconds, and saw Jiang Ling's big eyes reflecting his own umbrella.

After a few seconds, he said, "I know."

Jiang Ling's almond eyes lit up again, "Then why are you angry?"

The hero finally got the hang of it?

Jiang Shijing stood still with an umbrella, "Because you're angry."

It's not the answer Jiang Ling imagined at all.

Not only was it not, Jiang Ling was so confused by this answer that the handle of the umbrella made her loose, almost slipping off.

Jiang Ling: "...?"

Jiang Ling: "...Boss Jiang, are you telling a bad joke again?"

This sentence, why does it sound so...wrong.

What do you mean because I am angry, you are angry because I am angry.

(End of this chapter)

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