Xue God, you got the wrong object

Chapter 65 Want to add me?

Chapter 65 Want to add me?
When the two arrived home, Chen Siqi was tired of waiting.

The moment the door opened, I was refreshed.

"Brother and sister are back!"

"That's right." Jiang Ling raised her hand and shook the candle in her hand for Chen Siqi to see.

Chen Siqi rushed over and hugged Jiang Ling, "Thank you sister."

Shen Xi secretly looked at the so-called elder sister who was taking credit from him. Just now Yu Su taught him in a low voice, but now he is silent.

Liang Yuan and Yu Su followed, "Hurry up, light the candles, and let Qiqi make a wish."

"Auntie will help you achieve it!"

After inserting candles and letting Chen Siqi make a wish, several people cut the cake and ate it.

After eating, Liang Yuan and Yu Su coaxed Chen Siqi to sleep, and then they started to tidy up the kitchen.

Jiang Ling also wanted to help, but of course she was rejected.

When Chen Siqi was away, Shen Xi greeted her aunt in advance and went home to sleep.

In the end, only she and Jiang Shijing were left sitting on the sofa, both looking at their phones.

Jiang Shijing glanced at his phone, then at Jiang Ling's arm, "Are you sure you don't want to wipe it?"

"No need." Jiang Ling stopped responding to Ruan Anan's message.

Jiang Shijing frowned slightly, so he didn't care about his injuries?

Or is it that scratches are not injuries.

Jiang Shijing felt that the blood streaks didn't go well with his fair skin.

"Forget it, it's useless to ask." Jiang Shijing said so, put down his phone, stood up and went upstairs.

Jiang Ling: "...?"

Then why are you asking.

Ruan Anan heard another message, and Jiang Ling bowed her head to reply.

[Ruan An'an]: Huh, but I didn't see my senior for a week after I went to the training.


[Fish Scale]: It's okay, we will make an appointment when you come back, An'an, come on and train! 【fighting.jpg.】

[Ruan An'an]: Okay, make an appointment!

Jiang Ling smiled, it was indeed an appointment, and her relationship with Jiang Shijing was no longer tense.

Let's see when we can make an appointment with Jiang Shijing, and then find a reason to slip away and let them be alone.

I wanted to go back to Ruan Anan's emoji package.

Instead, he remembered something and felt the need to tell Ruan An'an.

[Fish Scale]: By the way, An An, you have to be careful when you're alone, and don't find the wrong room.

Jiang Shijing didn't go to the training, who knew who owned the wrong room Ruan Anan opened, what if he ran into someone changing clothes again.

Although Ruan Anan was puzzled, she remembered her senior sister's words.

[Ruan An'an]: Okay, okay, remember.

[Ruan An'an]: I really missed the room before. 【cover your face/】

[Fish Scale]: Alright, go to sleep, we are leaving tomorrow! 【hug/】

【Chong Duck/】

[Fish Scale]: Well, good night~
Ruan Anan also said good night to her, and Jiang Ling put down her phone.

Pick it up again and click into the class group to find Jiang Shijing's personal interface.

Jiang Shijing's wechat profile picture is a solid color, and the net list has a word "Jing".

Jiang Ling stared at the interface, hesitating whether to add WeChat together.

"Want to add me?"

A voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Jiang Ling was taken aback suddenly, and turned to look at Jiang Shijing who had gone downstairs and stood behind her at some point.

A little embarrassed but still calm, "I thought that since we reconciled, it would be better to add some contact information."

When Jiang Shijing came down with the iodine, he saw Jiang Ling holding the phone to order or not.

From this angle, he could just see the contents of the phone.

"Add it if you want, and I won't stop you." Jiang Shijing handed her the things in his hand, "Here."

"Otherwise my mother saw it and knew that I abused you."

(End of this chapter)

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