Xue God, you got the wrong object

Chapter 79 The heart beat violently for a moment

Chapter 79 The heart beat violently for a moment

The distance between the two suddenly shortened, and Jiang Ling could still feel the breath of the hero.

Jiang Shijing spread out the books and draft paper on Jiang Ling and Qin Shu's desks.

The right hand holds the pen, and the wrist with protruding wrist bones is exposed, "Come."

The word "come" sounded quite gentle.

But Jiang Ling always felt something was wrong, she just couldn't put it into words, so she stared at the questions in the book and calmed down, and said, "Okay."

Because of the topic, although Jiang Ling didn't want to listen, she still leaned over.

Jiang Shijing was taller than Jiang Ling, even when he was sitting.

So much so that the moment Jiang Ling approached, Jiang Shijing's finger holding the pen moved slightly.

Smell that milky smell again.

There was a strange feeling in his heart again, and after quickly ignoring it, Jiang Shijing carefully explained it twice, although he knew in his heart that Jiang Ling would not listen.

During the period, Jiang Ling nodded and responded from time to time, "Oh", "Yes", and "Okay", listening very seriously.

Jiang Shijing's bony hands slid on the white paper, and he turned his head to give a lecture, while Jiang Ling listened quietly and seriously, nodding from time to time.

The two sat side by side, wearing the same blue and white school uniform, and they looked good.

All the classmates in their class thought it was seductive.

However, the real situation is that Jiang Shijing's voice came to Jiang Ling's ear from the left side, and then rushed out again without stopping in the brain.

Jiang Shijing's voice was obviously nice, but Jiang Ling lost interest.

It is a typical left ear into the right ear.

While talking, Jiang Shijing noticed Jiang Ling's gradually becoming numb, and laughed inexplicably in his heart, so he held back and didn't ask.

Little classmate, pretend again.

In the end, after speaking three times, I felt that it was enough, and I was going to let her go and stop torturing her.

He said, "Do you understand? If you don't understand, ask again..."

As he spoke, he turned his head to see what happened to Jiang Ling's expression, whether he was angry.

Coincidentally, Jiang Ling couldn't bear to listen any longer, interrupted Jiang Shijing's possibility of continuing, and turned to Jiang Shijing and said, "I understand."

The moment they turned their heads, the voices of the two coincided and their eyes met.

Jiang Ling was pulling a smile, and the dimple was looming.

I don't know if I really thought she understood.

Ignore the words of her indiscernible frown.

The eyes are bent into crescent moons, which seems to be the joy of understanding, but in fact the words "stop talking" are written.

From a close distance, Jiang Shijing could still clearly see Jiang Ling's curly eyelashes, as well as his shadow reflected in her pupils.

Jiang Shijing "..."

The heart beat violently for a moment.

"That's fine, then I'll go back." So Jiang Ling heard Jiang Shijing say that.

Relieved, wishing Jiang Shijing would leave quickly, she nodded.

Jiang Shijing took back his book and sat back down. He moved the stool away very quickly and made a soft sound.

Jiang Ling felt Jiang Shijing's urgency.


Why does it feel like Jiang Shijing is more anxious than her?
Jiang Shijing sat down, reached into the drawer and found that there was no water.

I feel a little dry inside, as if I forgot to buy water.

He patted Song Qi on the front table, "Is there any water?"

Song Qi immediately took an unopened bottle, "Yes Brother Jiang, here it is."

Jiang Shijing took it and raised his head to take a few sips, the sharp Adam's apple on his neck rolled up and down.

After taking a few sips, I felt comfortable before stopping.

"It's not Brother Jiang, why are you drinking so hard?" Song Qi asked suspiciously.

Jiang Ling was also a little puzzled when she heard the voice.

thirsty?No wonder I was in such a hurry to go back.

"Boss, you won't be dry from talking too much, right?" Jiang Ling opened her mouth uncertainly.

If this is the case, it is really the fault of her physics scum.

Jiang Shijing held the water bottle and rested his right elbow on the table.

"No, it's too hot," he said.

 Little Pumpkin: Jiang Shijing, you have the ability to provoke Jiang Ling, if you have the ability, don't be cowardly, something has happened.

(End of this chapter)

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