Xue God, you got the wrong object

Chapter 84 I Don't Understand Girls' Friendship

Chapter 84 I Don't Understand Girls' Friendship

Qin Shu didn't sit in her seat for several days, and she missed her so much, she pulled Jiang Ling as soon as she sat down.

"Baby Jiang Ling, your elder sister Qin is back, do you miss me?" Since recruiting new recruits, Qin Shu would occasionally call her "Baby Jiang Ling" on purpose, and the elder sister was very friendly.

Jiang Ling didn't know why Qin Shu liked her so much.

"Think about it." But Jiang Ling smiled, and winked at Qin Shu as she spoke.

Hearing this, Jiang Shijing raised his head and glanced over here, "You girls call girls baby?"

Probably because he still doesn't understand the friendship between girls sometimes, so Qingjun frowned slightly.

It happened that a voice shouted from outside the door. "Baby Jiang Shijing, I'm back!"

Jiang Shijing "..."

Qin Shu and the others haven't answered yet, they laughed when they heard the sound outside the door.

Boys also call boys baby.

Xu Qi was also laughing there, "Chi Zimu, you said you called him a baby while saying that you were not crooked."

As soon as Chi Zimu came back, he dragged Xu Qi towards Jiang Shijing.

Chi Zimu punched him.

Jiang Shijing looked out the door, Qin Shu and the others looked at Jiang Shijing, and then he went out.

"Chi Zimu, are you itchy?"

I was ready to give him a meal.

After Jiang Shijing went out, Xu Xiaocai who was next to Qin Shu said, "Qin Shu, you have so many treasures."

Qin Shu raised her eyes, "That's not it, is it Xu Xiao's baby?"

Xu Xiao frowned at her, "...Yes."

Then Qin Shu caught a glimpse of Jiang Shijing and Chi Zimu "hooking shoulders" outside the door, and said to Jiang Ling, "Look, the boss said he likes men, and Chi Zimu also called the boss baby, so I said they are couple."


Jiang Ling finally understood that although Qin Shu was a big sister, she never seemed to understand liking this kind of thing?

Until now, he thought that Jiang Shijing liked men, but he couldn't see that it was just an excuse.

Anyway, Jiang Ling felt that Jiang Shijing definitely didn't like men, and he was just trying to reject girls.

"...You call me baby too." Jiang Ling had no choice but to remind her.

Trying to break Qin Shu's firm guess that they are a couple.

"But I don't like women." Qin Shu said firmly.

Jiang Ling "..."

Jiang Ling frowned when she saw Qin Shu's exquisitely transformed eyebrows.

Well, there is logic.

"Qin Shu, what..." Jiang Ling hadn't finished speaking.

Xu Xiao suddenly said, "Jiang Ling, Qin Shu, I'm going back first, and I'll come back after class."

"Okay, baby Xu Xiao." Qin Shu said with a smile.

"Okay." Jiang Ling also said.

As soon as Xu Xiao left, Qin Shu began to ask Jiang Ling about her relationship with the boss. Xu Xiao didn't seem to be very interested in this matter, so she didn't ask in front of her.

After listening to it, I feel that I am really listening to what you have to say, like listening to a word.

However, her enthusiasm passed the day when she knew the news, and it's nothing now.


As soon as the class bell rang, Qin Shen came in with the textbooks, smiling all over his face, and didn't start the lecture.

The class saw that Lao Qin was in a good mood, "Old Qin, are you in such a good mood?"

"You won't get a raise, will you?"

The whole class laughed when they heard this, joking, when did Lao Qin's salary increase?

When I usually give lectures, I unknowingly reveal my poverty.

Who knew that Qin Shen said, "You guys are really right."

The whole class was surprised to say "Huh?"

"Quiet." Qin Shen patted the table, "Students, before class, I have some good news to tell everyone!"

Qin Shen also paused deliberately, trying to whet everyone's appetite.

(End of this chapter)

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