Quick Transmigration Goblin: Don't tease, the villain is turning black

Chapter 800 The final chapter of the return of the gods 89

Chapter 800 The final chapter of the return of the gods 89
"Your story is too false."

Some people in the crowd spoke resentfully, most of them did not believe such mysterious rumors.

Zhang Xiaosheng was able to refute swearingly before, but now he obviously lacks confidence:

"I also said, it's just a rumor, there is no evidence anyway, you believe it or not."

He is more willing to believe that such a legendary character is fictional.

After two unreliable stories in a row, the audience's interest faded a lot and dispersed one after another.

Zhang Xiaosheng packed up the storytelling props and was about to leave. When passing by Quan Jiu, seeing that she hadn't left, he couldn't help but stop.

"I think the girl has a very strange face. She shouldn't be from the neighborhood, right?"

Quan Jiu was talking to 001, when he heard the words and turned his head, Zhang Xiaosheng's eyes were greeted with red lotuses flickering between his brows.

Zhang Xiaosheng was taken aback, staring blankly at the vivid red lotus between her brows, and forgot to speak for a while.

"Well, passing by."

Quan Jiu nodded lightly at him.

Zhang Xiaosheng was dizzy, staring at the red lotus between her eyebrows:

"The ancient monsters and demon generals are being suppressed in the scar of the sky. It's extremely dangerous. Recently, the crack has shown signs of loosening. If you're okay, girl, go away as soon as possible."

As a native of the small town, he clearly sensed that many powerful people have come to the town recently, and he thinks that the future will not be peaceful.

"Thank you sir for reminding me."

After Quan Jiu thanked him, he left the inn and looked at Master Ling.

"The nearby auction house is auctioning the Resurrection Grass. I'll take Fengzui to have a look."

Master Ling smiled warmly: "Wuhen and I go for a casual stroll and meet at the inn."

001 followed Mr. Zero on the street, recalling the acquaintance between Quan Jiu and Mr. Zero, he raised his eyebrows slightly, stopped, and stared at him:
"When the little girl merged her life and soul but thanked you for the first time, I felt something was wrong."

It was the same just now, obviously he is the little girl's elder brother, but she explained her whereabouts to Mr. Ling.

Master Zero knew that he would find out sooner or later, and he didn't intend to hide it:

"I knew her from before."

001: "????"

"So you recognized her when she bound the system?" His mind was spinning quickly.

Master Zero: "That's right."

001 continued to ask: "Before you told me to leave her affairs alone and say that everything has its own destiny, is it because you already knew that she would get to where she is today?"


001 took a light breath, and suddenly hit his shoulder with a fist, without holding back his strength:

"Okay, even I hide it from you, you really know how to hide it, aren't you brother?"

Master Zero is good-tempered and doesn't get angry or fight back:
"You and her are destined to meet each other. If I had told you in advance, the current development would be different."

001 knows such things as fate, it's really evil, don't believe it.

"Then tell me, how did you meet the little girl?"

This matter has to start with Master Zero saving the elves, and the two met in the elves.

"I went to the elves to look for a fairy grass, but I didn't catch up with the season of the fairy grass. She happened to have a fairy grass in her hand. I made a deal with her, a fairy grass, in exchange for me to promise her a condition. "

"Three years later, she suddenly asked me if there is a way to protect the soul, which can make a person keep three souls and seven souls normally after the soul is broken. her."

When the life and soul are scattered, the soul will fly away and the soul will be scattered. This is common sense that all cultivators of immortals know.

001 vaguely guessed the next plot:

"So she expected that something would happen to her at the beginning? Feng Zui's ability to collect her power to form a new life soul was a move she had planned long ago?"

Master Zero looked at the stunned and thoughtful young man, his eyes tolerant and appreciative:

"... She trusts Feng Zui so much."

001 is scary just thinking about it.

Normal people have been sealed for more than 3000 years, and it is hard to find the life soul of the creditor. It is good not to try to torture the life soul, but there is only a pervert like Feng Zui, who not only ignores the past, but also gives up half of her soul to nourish her life soul.

Master Zero walked beside him:

"It turns out that she made the right bet on this move."


Quan Jiu opened his eyes after merging his soul, and the first time he saw Feng Zui, he knew that she had won the bet.

It's just that it took longer than she expected, it took 500 years.

"You know him."

Feng Zui stood in front of her, with deep eyes and a firm tone.

The corner of Quan Jiu's mouth curled slightly: "A former friend."

In fact, at that time, the two were not even friends.

Mr. Zero wanted to find Bailingcao to detoxify his old friend, but Bailingcao was only available in the Elf Continent. He came by accident and missed the growing season of Bailingcao. The attacking elves.

It's a pity that Bailing grass is everywhere in the elves, and it's not rare. No one would pick it and keep it, so Master Zero didn't find Quanjiu.

After 3000 years, Quan Jiu still remembers the scene at that time. A man in a white robe stood beside the field that used to be full of larkspurs. The sun was shining on him, and the scene that should have been full of vitality, but she could see a bit of silence for no reason.

It was this scene that made her feel compassionate, and gave him the Bailing grass in the space.

It was just a random gift of grass, she didn't expect anything in return, but the other party offered to make a deal, promising her a condition, Quan Jiu just laughed at that time, didn't take it seriously, but never thought that there would be a day when someone would really ask for help...

"Except for the Elf Queen, I have never heard Master say that you have other friends."

Feng Zui stares at her closely.

After that day of indulgence, she resumed her previous way of getting along with him, not being too affectionate with him, but not too unfamiliar either.

Feng Zui wanted to ask her what she meant, but every time he saw her open eyes, he couldn't ask.

Maybe she just entered his spiritual mansion to save him just because she saw him as a ghost, just like 3000 years ago, because he was pitiful, because she was a master and he was a disciple, so she saved him.

When Quan Jiu heard what he said, he suddenly laughed: "Since my teacher didn't tie you to the waistband of my trousers, how many friends can I have behind your back?"

She could guess what Feng Zui was thinking, but she didn't intend to explain, he was always like this, he could give her his life, he could break the bottom line again and again for her, but he didn't dare to go any further selfishly and greedily, as if having her was a kind of objection. Her blasphemy.

Quan Jiu could understand the reason for his mentality. After all, she and his identities were not equal in the beginning. She was the supreme being of the six realms, but he was a demon that everyone could get and punish.

She adopted him, gave him a decent identity, taught him to read and write, and taught him to practice exercises, so that he could behave in a dignified manner without being hunted down. In Feng Zui's eyes, the relationship between her and him was one of charity and being punished from the beginning. alms.

(End of this chapter)

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