Chapter 1013 Sang and Quan (14)


Gu didn't know why Sang Jian asked himself such a question suddenly.

He has no memory at all, other than here, where is his home?

Where can he go if he leaves the Authority?

Knowing that the question he didn't want to answer was either silent or changing the subject, Sang Jian didn't insist on an answer from him.

Anyway, the answer in her heart is that sooner or later she will go to the Space-Time Administration to rob people, and then beat up all those people who plotted against her!
By the way, earn some more interest.

Thinking of this, Sang Jian coughed lightly, and took the initiative to change the subject, "Okay, I'm not joking with you anymore. I just said that it is for the benefit of me to become a regular time traveler, do you remember?"

"Well, I remember." But in fact, he felt that becoming a regular time traveler had enough benefits.

"Not greedy, three wishes." Sang Jian raised his hand and stretched out three fingers, "It's a good deal, right?"

Gu: "..." What could he say?
The hosts of other families have only one wish, either to go back alive to take revenge, or to be beautiful and rich.

Here are three...

"Okay." Anyway, he didn't help to complete it.

"Cheer up! Then let's not talk much, let's start the task!" Sang Jian licked the corner of his mouth, as if he couldn't wait.

Gu was stunned for a moment, "Speak out your wish first."

"I haven't thought about it yet." Sang Jian said with a smile.

In fact, I was already thinking about how to maximize the benefits of these three wishes.

I'm afraid that he won't be able to accept it for a while, so what should I do if I ask her to change it?
Do the task first, and then mention it after completing the task. Even if it is something they cannot accept, they have to honor it.

Gu: "..."

He probably knew what Sang Jian was thinking.

After hesitating for a moment, he agreed, "Okay, don't go too far."

Originally, the person above only asked her to make one request, but he secretly promised her three.

As long as she doesn't overdo it, it should be fine.

The people from the Administration Bureau gave Sang Jian a chance to make a request, probably thinking of Sang Jian's request and wanting to get back the data of this rebellion.

It's a pity that they don't know that this piece of rebellious data is already going to Sang Jian to help her benefit.

It is referred to as eating inside and outside.


When Sang Jian was conscious, someone poured a basin of cold water on his head, and felt a burst of coolness.

Water stains dripped down her cheeks, she raised her hand to wipe the water off her face, and opened her watery, aching eyes.

All I could see was a group of crazy people holding various things in their hands and trying to throw them at her.

Fortunately, a group of security guards rushed out and stopped the crowd.

"Damn! Xu Sang sees, what are you, you dare to seduce our brother!"

"Shameless vixen! Did you find someone to secretly take those photos on the Internet?"

"What's wrong with being young? Learning to go astray? Hurry up and delete everything on your Weibo!!"

"Xu Sangjian get out of the entertainment industry!"


Noisy insults continued to come from the crowd.

Sang Jian was still a little dizzy, and in the next second, someone grabbed her by the arm and dragged her into a car.

"What are you doing standing there stupidly? You've lost your face! Hurry up and leave!"

In the car, Sang Jian felt much quieter.

She took a deep breath, glanced at the woman next to her, then closed her eyes, and began to receive the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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