Chapter 1022 Gossip First Sister (9)

Your first rumored girlfriend...

He Qingfeng didn't remember who it was for a long time, but he was very familiar with this person's profile picture.

Sang Jian's profile picture was a selfie of herself, and He Qingfeng recognized it at a glance.

Three years ago, this senior had indeed had an affair with him.

But after that, she kept silent and wanted to continue the operation of this scandal, which made him feel that the purpose of this senior approaching him was not that simple, so he unilaterally deleted the friend.

In the next two years, her life was very exciting, and she could do it twice in three days without actively paying attention to her.

What happened three years ago, at first he thought he was the one who got this senior involved, after all, he was just getting popular then, and there were many people staring at him.

She may have been dragged into the water by herself.

But then her series of operations made him realize that he was overthinking.

He felt a little sorry for dragging her into the water, but he didn't expect someone to enjoy it and enjoy the heat brought by the rumored news.

Perhaps among the paparazzi photographed secretly at that time, there was someone she found herself.

But then they never contacted again, and I don't know what they want to add him as a friend suddenly now?
"Qingfeng, the next match is about to start, get ready."

The director's voice came from the side.

"Here we come." He Qingfeng stood up, put away his phone, and did not pass Sang Jian's friend request.

When He Qingfeng first became popular, he was exposed to scandals, which led to a hiatus for a long time. Even if everyone later realized that it was not his fault, the disappearing popularity would not come back for a while.

In this era where traffic is king, his popularity has long been inferior to before.

In this play, he played the second male role.

It was still hard for him to win.

Even so, he takes it seriously!

Sang Jian waited for a long time, but did not wait for the other party to pass the friend verification.

But I waited for another person's news.

Tang Ge: [Sister Sang, what exactly do you want to do? 】

It was Tang Ge who sent her a WeChat message.

Her remarks on Weibo caused a lot of uproar. Tang Ge didn't want to care about this matter at first, but the trending searches couldn't go down, so he could only come and ask her.

Sang Jian: 【Chasing stars, haven’t you seen it? 】

【…】It's not that I haven't seen it before, it's just that she didn't say that when she asked her out for dinner.

[So how are you going to clarify this matter?Little idol? ] Sang Jian inquired about the situation.

There was no news for a long time, but the chat box showed that the other party was typing...

It took about 2 minutes before Tang Ge sent a few words.

【Are you serious? 】

Like the netizens on the Internet, he felt that she was trying to use this excuse to whitewash the matter.

But she was talking to herself, saying this kind of thing... It made him unsure again.

Just like she teased netizens in the comment area, she used to gossip rumors quietly, but this time she posted a group photo so boldly, it might really be just a simple photo with her "idol".

Sang Jian replied without the slightest guilty conscience: [Of course I am very serious! 】

Tang Ge didn't believe it, [Then tell me a few of my works now, no Baidu is allowed! 】

Sang Jian: "..."

Isn't this pure and difficult?
The main reason is not to see him angry, who would go to him?
And he has just passed it, it is even more impossible to understand, how can he know his works.

Just when she was about to secretly Baidu, a few masterpieces of Tang Ge suddenly appeared in her mind.

She typed out the titles of these songs without hesitation and sent them over.

(End of this chapter)

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