Chapter 1029 Gossip First Sister (16)

"You are the beautiful owner of this inn. He has lost his lover and has no interest in life. He lives with you temporarily. You really can't stand it anymore, so you want to comfort him and find something for him to cheer him up. .”

"He also listens to you, and he is what you say. During this process, you slowly fell in love with him. You knew that there was no possibility for the two of you, so you kept this feeling silently in your heart until the protagonist There is something on the side, call him away again, you have shown your heart to him."

"But you're gesturing in sign language, and he can't understand it. Well...that's about it."

Sang Jian: "...What is the meaning of this role?"

She couldn't help asking.

The director glanced at her, "In order to show his deep affection for the second female, the beauty is by my side, so I don't even look at her!"

"..." There is no need for that.

Thinking this way in his heart, Sang Jian showed a smile on the surface, "That's great!"

For the audience, this kind of role is basically regarded as the existence of dragging the plot.

It's easy to be scolded if you don't act well.

However, since it was a rivalry with He Qingfeng, it was really great.

He Qingfeng was sitting at the side reading the script, looking at the director from time to time.

He heard all the plays the director said, as well as Sang Jian's answer.

I couldn't help but think, what does she mean?
Think her character doesn't need to exist?
Then she ran to save the scene?

It's obvious that he can't come. If she doesn't come, other actors will take over. When she comes, he will be embarrassed.

If something terrible comes out at that time, it will be too suffocating.

He Qingfeng pursed his lips expressionlessly.

Now I can only pray. Netizens have forgotten what happened three years ago.


After the director finished speaking, the filming officially started.

The protagonist played by Yang Ran still has things to do, it is impossible to guard him here all the time, so he can only ask the boss, the dumb girl, to take care of him.

The mute girl played by Sang Jian agreed, and then the male second took good care of three meals a day and daily life.

During this period, it is inevitable that there will be some ambiguous contact scenes.

For example, during this period of time, He Qingfeng's character was drunk and dreamy all day, and he was in a daze. He thought that no one cared about him.

As a result, it seemed that someone was taking care of him every night, wiping his face and covering him with the quilt.

This night, he was a little awake. When the mute woman was helping him wipe his face, he suddenly opened his eyes and raised his hand to grab the mute woman's wrist.

Want to see who it is, if it is the person in his dream.

When he opened his eyes, it was a strange woman.

He will look disappointed.


He Qingfeng was acting according to the script, opened his eyes, and grabbed Sang Jian's wrist.

When she opened her eyes, Sang saw the frightened face of the little deer, flustered and innocent, and a little bit at a loss.

He Qingfeng was taken aback for a moment.

Surprisingly, she is good at acting.

As soon as this idea came up, Sang saw the look in his eyes that was too flustered to look at him, and suddenly looked at him.

Looking at each other, he clearly saw the flashing smile in Sang Jian's eyes.

As if... teasing him?


Why did he come up with such an idea?

He Qingfeng glanced at Sang Jian's eyes again, and suddenly felt a little hot on his cheeks.

This doesn't seem to be the case here!What has she been staring at herself for?
However, the truth hit him hard in the face.

"Ka——Qingfeng, what are you doing? You should look at each other here, and don't avoid your eyes! You are not in the right state, and you feel uncomfortable after drinking too much water?"

In the TV series, drinking is used to drown one's worries, and all you drink is water.

(End of this chapter)

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