Chapter 1046 Gossip First Sister (33)

"Hmm... well..." Sang Jian thought seriously.

The other party did not urge.

After about ten seconds, she slowly opened her mouth: "My request for the other half is probably Jiao Didi? Will you be coquettish and cute? More dependent on me? Occasionally become the kind of little waste of green tea?"

Program group: "..."

Dead silence.

What are these requirements?
"Are... are you sure you're talking about boys?" Why do they sound like things girls would do?
For the female guests in the first two seasons, almost all the requirements for their partners are 1.8 meters, have abdominal muscles, and have a good personality.

Most of the answers are similar, and they have long been tired of hearing them.

But I still have to ask a routine question. This is a must-ask in the prologue of the program group. It will be edited at that time. Compared with the last episode, whether the other half they chose is the same as their ideal other half at the beginning.

Although in the last issue, everyone will say in a more artificial way, that it is just like their ideals.

But after the show ended, there was basically no contact.

The program group has always wanted to break this tradition, but those guests are all veterans of variety shows, and there is never anything new about being well-behaved.

Now a female artist who took an unusual path came, and they were a little at a loss for a while.

"Ah? You can still choose girls for this show?" Sang Jian was surprised.

Program group: "...Because the requirements you mentioned are really not something a boy can do."

Sang Jian touched his chin and said seriously: "It's not impossible for a girl to meet my requirements..."

"It's fine, it's fine, if you say anything else, you'll be banned." The program crew hurriedly stopped her.

The staff member wiped the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and began to ask the next question, "So among the five male guests, do you have a favorite candidate?"

"You have to get along with this kind of thing to know. You heard it too. My request is a bit strange." Sang Jian didn't give a definite answer.

But in the next second, she smiled again, "But out of the five male guests, four are my rumored boyfriends and one is my idol. It doesn't seem to be a bad choice. They are all old acquaintances. They also have good looks. It is very in line with my aesthetics, otherwise I would not have hyped with them back then."

Program group: "..." You are not pretending at all.

That's fine, they found this kind of lineup, didn't they just want Sang Jian to bring up the topic?
She was so upbeat and directly raised such a thing that she saved time for the show to air. Some fans said that their program group was picky.

But having said that, Xu Sangjian doesn't seem to have any fans.

Doesn't she indirectly admit that those scandals were spread on her own initiative?When the show airs, it will be another big hit.

Being scolded is definitely indispensable.

The program team is not going to be the bad guy anymore. I wanted to ask a few more questions, but after thinking about it, let her go. She will be recording a program next, and it would be bad if she lost her popularity.

"Then that's the end of the interview. We're going to go to the shooting location. Ms. Xu, let's get ready."

"Well, good." Sang Jian nodded slightly, got up from the sofa, and entered his bedroom.

When deciding to take over this variety show, Sang Jian deliberately watched the first two seasons of the show.

Knowing the routine of this show, it is probably a group of people living together for a period of time, choosing each other to date, and various game activities held by the show group to increase their relationship.

It will take about a month to record.

(End of this chapter)

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