Chapter 1054 Gossip First Sister (41)

Tang Ge looked at his empty hand, and looked up at Sang Jian in disbelief.

Sang Jian held a rose in his hand, and knew it was his without thinking about it!
What about the flowers that Sang saw?Who is it for? !
Of course, He Qingfeng was the only one in the audience who got two roses.

Tang Ge felt suffocated for a while, didn't she gesture to herself?what happened!

Besides, doesn't she like Bu Nannan's type?Even if Bu Nannan rejected her just now, then her first choice should be him as an idol, right?
What happened if she gave the flowers to He Qingfeng? !
He Qingfeng is also confused now.

He clearly saw Sang Jian flirting with Tang Ge just now and reached a consensus, which meant that he planned to form a CP.

So when he voted the flowers to others, he also wanted to save face. He knew that she would form a cp with others, so it was impossible for him to give her the flowers with the face.

Men's damned egos.

As a result, now...he received her roses.

He Qingfeng looked up at Sang Jian in surprise.

Sang Jian shrugged helplessly at him, seeming a little disappointed.

He Qingfeng felt his heart stagnate for a moment.

What the hell is this woman thinking?He had never guessed her heart, nor had she let him guess.

And now he's showing disappointment again...

Suddenly I feel so sad, as if I have done something wrong and cannot be forgiven.

Why do you feel this way?Obviously... She has been playing tricks on herself.


"Then the team is naturally separated now, He Die and Bu Nannan, Qi Qi and Zhu Kuli, Ye Yuman and Li Jiang, Sun Piaopiao and He Qingfeng, Xu Sangjian and Tang Ge."

"Except for the last group, the rest are all chosen by you. Even if you have any objections, you have to wait for the second vote in seven days before you can change the cp!"

He Qingfeng voted for none other than Sun Piaopiao.

In the entire program group, except for Sang Jian, he knew Sun Piaopiao, so he had to vote for her.

The other rose in He Qingfeng's hand is from Sun Piaopiao. Since "going in both directions", it is a group.

And when Sang saw that the roses given to He Qingfeng were invalidated, the roses Tang Ge gave out were also considered invalid if they did not receive a response.

Two nobody wants, automatically form a team together.

"Then the team formation is complete, and our prologue is here. Next, everyone have a good rest, go back to tidy up the room, and familiarize yourself with the surrounding environment. Tomorrow we will officially record "Celebrity's Love Daily"!"

The director announced that today's serious shooting is over, but, "There are all-round cameras in the villa, and our cameras are also ambushing everywhere. You should pay attention, after all, the program team still needs to shoot some of your real daily life. It's up to you room, you are being watched 24 hours a day."

The director reminded them, don't try to make any small moves, just watch them.

In the first two seasons, there will be some ignorant people, because they are not satisfied with the chosen object, they will play pranks on others to relieve their anger, which has caused a lot of influence.

This practice is shameful!This season they have learned to be smart, and they must put an end to this situation!

The others went upstairs together to rest in their room, only Sang Jian, Tang Ge, He Qingfeng and Sun Piaopiao were left in the living room.

The four of them stared at each other, but no one spoke.

In the end, Tang Ge couldn't take it anymore, took a deep breath, and stood up helplessly, "Sister Sang, let's go, I'll take you back to your room."

"Little idol, are you starting now?" Sang Jian raised his eyebrows slightly, and while teasing Tang Ge, he stood up from his chair.

Are you starting to play now?The first phase of the couple has started, send her home.

(End of this chapter)

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