Chapter 107 The Champion and You Are Mine (35)

After Sang Jian went in, he found that there were four people inside.

One of them is the coach of the youth training team, the other is the coach of the official team, and the other two are senior members of the Daybreak Club.

They were not surprised when they saw Sang Jian.

Obviously it was about Sang Jian's registration, and the reviewer had already told them about it.

The coach of the regular team is called Zhang Yang. He wears a pair of glasses and has a Chinese character face. He looks very unfriendly.

He held Sang Jian's registration form in his hand, pushed his glasses, and said directly without too many greetings, "You know we don't recommend girls to play professionally."

There is a small chair in the middle of the room, which should be for people to sit on.

Sang Jian walked to the chair, sat down, and then replied Zhang Yang's words.

"You don't suggest that girls play professionally, but I don't have to accept your suggestion."

Zhang Yang: "..."

"Your character is a bit inconsistent with your appearance." Zhang Yang said expressionlessly.

He looks so gentle and pleasant, but his personality is very choking.

Sang smiled at the meeting: "Sorry, I'm here to be a professional player, not to listen to you discuss my appearance and personality."

This is to remind him to talk about business and stop gossip!
Zhang Yang: "..."

"Then do you think your technology can win over the group of people outside today?"

There are more than 70 people, the club will only select the ten strongest to enter the youth training team, and the rest will be eliminated directly.

As a girl, does she have the confidence to be stronger than those people?
Sang Jian showed a standard smile, "It seems that you haven't been online recently, and you haven't paid attention to me. But it doesn't matter..."

Speaking of this, Sang Jian suddenly stood up, and at some point there was an extra USB flash drive in his hand.

She walked towards Zhang Yang and the others, and put the USB flash drive in front of them.

"The screen recording of the whole process of my [-]-game winning streak that I broadcast live recently."

She pushed the USB flash drive in front of Zhang Yang, and casually pulled over the advertisement poster of the Daybreak Club recruiting young trainees that was placed next to the table.

She pointed to one of the requirements and read out, "Those who have the title of General Yusheng can directly enter the youth training team for a month's trial training."

"I think, I don't need to compare with the group of people outside, it seems that I am a bit of a bully, what do you think?"

Sang Jian was standing in front of Zhang Yang, and she looked down at him, which made Zhang Yang feel a sense of oppression.

Zhang Yang squinted his eyes and stared at her for a long time.

The three people around did not dare to vent their anger.

It was the first time they had seen such an arrogant newcomer.

With a flamboyant temper, would you scold others?
Don't look at the two high-level club executives next to them, they don't dare to provoke Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang has a bad temper, but he is very responsible to the team members.

It was also because of him that Team Lixiao was able to stabilize its strength and win the first championship.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhang Yang leaned back, leaned on the chair, reached for the USB flash drive on the table, and held it between his fingertips to look at it.

Suddenly he laughed, "Come prepared, all these things are prepared, if we don't let you enter the youth training team directly, it will appear that we are not trustworthy."

"You can make an exception to enter, but you have to know that professional players are not at the same level as those you match in the arena. After a month, if you can't meet our requirements, you will still be asked to leave. "

"First of all, this is not an exception. There is no article that says girls are not allowed to be professional players. Secondly, the people who are randomly matched may not be as strong as professional players, but professional players may not have won the title of General Yum. I just rely on Strength, don’t belittle my hard work in the past few days. If you don’t engage in gender discrimination, I will have a place in the first team in a month.”

(End of this chapter)

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