Chapter 1080 Gossip First Sister (67)

As long as it is about the space-time administration, he should report it.

Whether he voluntarily or not, this is a difficult problem.

Sang Jian closed her eyes, basking in the sun with her head up, without any expression on her face, and her heart was extraordinarily peaceful.

Most of the time in the past, Gu could hear her heart. At this moment, I don't know if she didn't think about anything, or... used some method to block him.

He couldn't feel her emotions at all.

Gu hesitated, wanting to say something, but when he opened his mouth, he didn't know what to say.

There was silence for a long time, but finally no words came out.

Maybe... She was also disappointed in herself.


I don't know how long it took before the boys team came back with food.

The other guests took a lot of food, and Tang Ge also took a lot, but He Qingfeng, who was empty-handed, didn't feel guilty about not getting the ingredients.

"Hey, I can't grab everyone, but luckily I got the last one!" Tang Ge proudly held up the ingredients he had snatched to Sangjian.

Sang Jian raised his hand and patted him, "Not bad, I will cook for you at noon today."

"Are you so kind?" Tang Ge was a little puzzled.

In the past few days, he was the one who was cooking. Even if he didn't know how, Sang Jian didn't intend to do it. Anyway, she would eat what she cooked while disgusting her.

Did you say you want to cook by yourself today?

"There are not many meals left, let's eat and cherish." Sang Jian took the things from Singer Tang and walked towards the pot beside their tent.

While a group outing, this aspect is separate.

Tang Ge followed Sang Jian, thinking about her words, and sighed.

It was indeed the case, after these two days passed, their seven-day couple had to be separated.

To be honest, I had to choose Sang Jian from the beginning, but now I am used to it, and I don't think there is anything wrong with her.

Unfortunately, she had to choose He Qingfeng in the second round.

Tang Ge glanced in He Qingfeng's direction.

This glance made him completely stunned.

The virtuous lady Sun Piaopiao who he always thought was very gentle was pointing at He Qingfeng's nose and cursing.

"What's the matter with you? It's okay to be sloppy and indifferent to me, but can you consider my feelings a little bit? You don't want to eat, I have to eat too! I didn't even get the root vegetables and leaves , are you trying to starve me to death?"

Sun Piaopiao was really angry in his heart, and it was all suffered by Sangjian.

She was thinking, if Sang Jian made her angry, she let Sang Jian get angry with the man!
This is a rare opportunity!
While cursing He Qingfeng, she glanced at Sang Jian who was cooking.

It's a pity that Sang Jian didn't pay attention to her at all.

I really get angrier the more I think about it!

"Forget it, you can go meet Xu Sang directly, she likes trash men!" Sun Piaopiao glared at He Qingfeng, found a place to sit down, and prayed that this unfortunate show would end quickly.

He Qingfeng: "..."

He hesitated for a moment, took out a piece of bread from his body, walked over and handed it to Sun Piaopiao.

He said solemnly: "It's not that I didn't grab anything."

"..." Is this even more annoying?
Sun Piaopiao looked up at He Qingfeng, she felt a little suffocated, took a deep breath, and asked impatiently, "What do you eat?"

"I'm going to eat Senior Sang's big meal." He Qingfeng was confident.

Sun Piaopiao: "..."

Let her eat bread, and he eats a big meal by himself?
Damn, these two people have the same virtue!
Tang Ge who has witnessed everything: "..."

He finally knew why Sang Jian was abnormally cooking today. Did she know that He Qingfeng was coming to eat, so she cooked it herself?

It must be so!

Whatever you eat and cherish, you obviously want to cook for your lover!

Sure enough, after dinner, Sang Jian asked Tang Ge to call He Qingfeng.

Surprisingly, she even asked Tang Ge to call Sun Piaopiao.

Sun Piaopiao was angry, but she didn't want to go hungry, so she came here with He Qingfeng.

For a meal, the four of them ate with big eyes and small eyes, and the atmosphere was very "harmonious".

"You can't please me like this." After eating, Sun Piaopiao left this sentence and left, looking a little rude.

Except for Sang Jian, the other two were at a loss.

"What's going on? Are you two having a conflict again?" Tang Ge asked bluntly.

"What's another?" Sang Jian raised his eyebrows.

"As long as you have nothing to do, you always like to find people. Many times, you can't tell when others are unhappy. Now she just puts her unhappiness on her face!" Tang Ge said.

"Hey, you really care about sister Sun's condition, you can tell she's not happy at ordinary times." Sang Jian teased.

Tang Ge: "...what are you talking about!"

"Speaking of which, since I came back just now, the state of the others is also not quite right. Are you really in conflict?" He Qingfeng also asked beside him.

Not only Sun Piaopiao was wrong, but other guests used to talk and laugh. When he came back just now, he found that the atmosphere there was more serious than theirs, and there was one less person.

"It's nothing, it's just a few quarrels. Sister Sun fights against two of them, leaving them speechless. It's extremely majestic." Sang Jian thought of what happened just now, and still wanted to laugh.

Although I didn't play a role, I also watched a lively scene.

"Then why is she angry with you again?" Tang Ge asked.

"Little idol, you really care about Sister Sun." Sang Jian sat at the simple dining table with one hand resting on his chin, "Maybe it's because I didn't help her fight, I was scared just now, I was scared Sister Sun thinks she is helping me, but I don't turn to her, so she is angry."

Tang Ge: "..." I always feel something weird.

"Hmph, when did you ever counsel?" It was He Qingfeng who was next to him, who said it right.

No one is more courageous than her.

"What are you talking about, He Xiaoyou? Have you eaten eggs today?" Sang Jian blinked at him.

At the same time, throw an egg at him from his hand.

He Qingfeng quickly reached out to catch it, and put the egg into his pocket without changing his expression, then picked up the chopsticks and continued to eat.

He was the only one who ate the meal the slowest, blowing every mouthful, looking extremely hypocritical.

Everyone else put their chopsticks, but he was still eating.

"You really don't have people behind your back anymore!" Tang Ge snorted coldly.

In the beginning, this guy secretly boiled eggs for He Qingfeng, but later he became more and more aboveboard, and now he directly cooks eggs for He Qingfeng in front of him!

No more, no less, prepare one for him every day.

Haven't killed He Qingfeng yet!

"Isn't the little idol able to cook by himself? You can do it yourself too." Sang Jian said.

"I'm not weak!" Tang Ge left this sentence, stood up and left.

He couldn't stay in this place for a second!
I always feel that he is the light bulb!
For a while, only Sang Jian and He Qingfeng were left. He Qingfeng was still eating with his head down, taking small bites, which made people anxious.

"Why didn't He Xiaoyou grab anything today? Is your body really so weak?" Sang Jian asked He Qingfeng casually following the topic Tang Ge left just now.

"Cough..." He Qingfeng almost choked on the rice.

It's not that he's physically weak, he just watched the group of people grabbing food for victory, it's not elegant.

Disdain to be with them...

Well, actually knowing that even if he doesn't do anything, he will have something to eat when he comes back.

And that group of people robbed the best ingredients but couldn't make the most delicious food, it's useless, isn't it?

"There is still a period of time to come, can you persist until the program group finishes recording?" Sang Jian asked again.

"It's not to such an extent." He Qingfeng lowered his head, neither wanting to admit nor refute this topic.

I don't want to refute because I'm afraid that once I refute, what should I do if she doesn't care about me in the future?
It's really confusing.

Sang Jian smiled, "Then I really look forward to recording with you to the end."

He Qingfeng: "..." This is not a difficult task.


This two-day outing ended in a weird atmosphere.

After returning to the villa, the second round of selection was immediately carried out.

This time, all kinds of cps were completely disrupted.

Another group opted out of the show directly.

The group of He Die and Bu Nannan declared BE.

After Bu Nannan fell into the ditch last time, he was sent to the hospital. He stayed in the hospital for two days during the outing, and came back on the day of regrouping.

He Die has long wanted to come back for a re-election, but unfortunately the male guest she chose this time did not choose her, but succeeded in mutual election with others.

But Bu Nannan unexpectedly chose Sang Jian.

It's a pity that Sang Jian chose He Qingfeng and formed a pair with He Qingfeng.

Bu Nannan had thought of this result, and he was not surprised that it actually happened.

The most embarrassing thing is that if he and He Die didn't make up a pair, according to the rules of the program group, they would automatically form a group, just like Sang Jian and Tang Ge in the first round.

He Die had disliked Bu Nannan so much before, and now he was joining a group with him again, so he was naturally unhappy and asked the program group to vote again.

Bu Nannan directly chose to quit the program group.

He is also a little fresh meat loved by fans outside, why is he so disgusted in the program group?

Since it was still He Die, he chose to declare failure and quit.

He Die didn't save face for him, how could he save face for He Die?
I would rather quit than join her group!
The program group has already recorded here. As soon as Bu Nannan quit, He Die was short of a cp. It was not easy to find newcomers during this time period, so He Die was also forced to quit.

He Die gritted his teeth with hatred, but there was nothing he could do.

As soon as the two of them withdrew, the current situation became that the two groups exchanged cps.

The previous five CP teams were divided into two groups.

One group is composed of Sang Jian and Sun Piaopiao.

The other group is made up of the other three pairs.

Usually, the two sides don't seem very friendly.

The operation of exchanging cp now seems to be quite complicated.

The program team is almost dying of worry.

After switching back and forth, the two groups of them are still not separated, so will there be any novelty?

This time, Sang Jian got his wish and sat beside He Qingfeng.

Sun Piaopiao sat beside Tang Ge with a sullen face.

Ever since she knew that Sang Jian was here to sanction herself, Sun Piaopiao has never been happy.

Originally, she wanted to give up training He Qingfeng, but she took the initiative to attack Tang Ge herself, so it would be faster.

Now it's really close, and I'm not as happy as I imagined.

Maybe because you know you won't succeed?Don't want to make useless efforts?

Tang Ge felt a little embarrassed.

Because he knew clearly that Sang Jian would choose He Qingfeng in the second round, he did not continue to choose Sang Jian, but chose Sun Piaopiao.

Save some face for yourself.

In order not to be thought that he continued to choose Sang Jian, but Sang Jian didn't choose him twice, as if he was bad.

Surprisingly, Sun Piaopiao also chose himself.

When he and Sang Jian disliked each other, he always compared Sun Piaopiao with Sang Jian, so he paid more attention to Sun Piaopiao.

But in fact, Sun Piaopiao didn't have much contact with him, and she didn't even say a word. Isn't it surprising that she suddenly chose herself?

"Hey, little idol, you got your wish and got the gentle and virtuous CP you have always liked!"

Sang Jian leaned on the sofa, staring at the two opposite with a smile.

The corners of Tang Ge's mouth twitched slightly, not to be outdone, and said, "Didn't you also get your initial choice?"

"Don't say that, Xiaoyou He will be shy, right, Xiaoyou He?" Sang Jian tilted his head and leaned on He Qingfeng's shoulder.

He Qingfeng: "..."

He froze all over.

In the previous seven days, the other guests had almost done everything a couple should do, while the "timid" didn't even hold hands.

The four of them are like this, now that Sang Jian makes physical contact as soon as he arrives, He Qingfeng is still not used to it!
Tang Ge: "..."

This time it's completely irreverent!

"You guys are really boring." Sun Piaopiao rolled his eyes, left this sentence, got up and left, not wanting to stay and watch them bicker.

Looking at Sun Piaopiao's back, Tang Ge blinked and asked Sang Jian, "What did you do to her? This is completely different from before! She has changed since the day of the outing! "

"I saw her pointing at He Qingfeng's nose and scolding last time!"

He Qingfeng: "..." Why didn't he know when it happened?
"So why don't you ask what He Xiaoyou did to her? Ask me why? She gave all her tenderness to He Xiaoyou!" Sang Jian raised his head from He Qingfeng's shoulder and looked at He Qingfeng with a blank expression.

He just didn't grab the food last time, what else could he do?
"Don't do this! She is obviously angry with you!" Tang Ge didn't believe Sang Jian's nonsense at all.

"It's really sad for a little idol to talk." Sang Jian spread her hands and looked helpless, "I just chose a new CP, and I'm already helping her out. When I was with you, I didn't see you helping me." .”

" are really boring." Tang Ge couldn't help repeating Sun Piaopiao's words, snorted softly, stood up and left.

Said to leave, it would be better to run away.

The ghost knows why when he heard what Sang saw, he felt a little guilty for no reason.

Looking at Tang Ge's leaving back, Sang Jian suddenly thought of a good way to get the best of both worlds.

Why do you have to win the hero's luck?

Let Sun Piaopiao be the heroine, she will also be lucky!

Why do you have to make trouble to the point of life and death?

Now she is very interested in the scattered organizations behind Sun Piaopiao.

"How long will senior Sang have to look at it? Why didn't you take a few more glances when you were with him before? Now that you are with me, you can't take your eyes off him?"

He Qingfeng's voice came from next to his ear, pulling back Sang Jian's thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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