Chapter 1088 Gossip First Sister (75)

"He Xiaoyou, it's very dangerous for a senior to shout too much, especially a senior who has been plotting against you."

Sang Jian covered his eyes with one hand, knelt down on him with one leg, and squeezed his chin with the other hand, "Now I'll give you a chance to push me away."

Now he can move his hands completely, if he doesn't want to, at worst he will be pushed to the ground by him.

He Qingfeng's hands were tightly clutching the sofa cushions. Hearing her words, his fingers tightened a little, his knuckles turned white, as if he was holding back something.

He Qingfeng was silent, neither spoke nor moved.

Sang Jian was not in a hurry, as if he had to hear an answer from him.

"He Xiaoyou, Senior Sang, you have to wait patiently for other things. But for things like this, what you pay attention to is an atmosphere and feeling. If the atmosphere and feeling are gone after a while, then I won't be able to cheer up... "

As soon as the words fell, He Qingfeng's hands were like pincers, pinching her waist, causing her to fall down.

"I didn't say I didn't want to." He Qingfeng pressed close to her ear, his voice was low and shy.

Sometimes no response is the default!By default!
How embarrassing to have to be so straightforward.

"That is to say, you are already mentally prepared for what I want to do to you next?" Sang Jian asked in a low voice.

He Qingfeng's eyes were still covered by Sang Jian, and he nodded slightly.

There was darkness in front of her eyes, but hearing her tone, He Qingfeng could imagine her sly appearance.

"Then... I'm starting."

Sang Jian slightly hooked his lips.

He Qingfeng held his breath.

In the next second, the hand that had been covering his eyes was removed, and the weight on his body disappeared.

Sang Jian broke free from his hand, sat on the sofa next to him, took He Qingfeng's cell phone, and started looking through it.

"Wow, He Xiaoyou's private messages have been maxed out."

He Qingfeng: "?"



He sat up abruptly, glared at Sang Jian, and said angrily, "What are you doing!"

Sang Jian sat in the corner of the sofa, blinked at him innocently, "In this atmosphere, of course I must find a way to help you restore your image!"

"Otherwise, I will feel bad when I keep seeing others scolding you." Continue to blink.

"It doesn't matter what happens! I mean just now... just now you were like that... I... you..."

He Qingfeng stood up directly from the sofa, incoherent with anger.

There's a "pants off you tell me this" feeling.

It's obviously already brewing, and we can get in touch soon.

"What happened just now?" Sang Jian continued to play dumb.

He Qingfeng stood in front of her with his hands on his hips, staring at Sang Jian with expressionless eyes.

The two looked at each other, He Qingfeng took a deep breath helplessly, reached out and snatched the phone from Sang Jian's hand, and threw it on the sofa.

The other hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her upstairs.

"Isn't it appropriate?" Sang Jian followed He Qingfeng without any resistance.

The mouth is still pretending to be hypocritical.

Just as He Qingfeng was about to speak, the cell phone on the sofa rang suddenly.

The two looked at the mobile phone on the sofa at the same time.

Both of their phones are ringing.

It is estimated that after the relationship was announced, the agents of both parties called.

He Qingfeng frowned, a little upset, and was hesitating whether to pick it up.

His hand was held backwards.

A pulling force dragged him to continue upstairs.

"Let's go! What are you waiting for?"

He Qingfeng: "..."

Yeah, what are you waiting for?

Wait for the agent to teach them a lesson?
Forget it!

That night, both Sang Jian and He Qingfeng were sprayed mad.

Sang Jian and He Qingfeng's managers were going crazy.

Sister Liu never expected that Sang Jian just finished talking to herself and needed some time to explain it clearly to He Qingfeng, and it turned out to be an official announcement!

He Qingfeng's manager never expected that He Qingfeng, who usually keeps silent and acts silently, would suddenly release such a big bombshell!

It's normal for artists to announce their relationship officially, after all, they are following the line of strength.

But he was meeting the official announcement with Xu Sang!
Okay, let's take a ten thousand step back, if you really love each other, it's fine if you can't be persuaded, Xu Sang will see you when you see Xu Sang.

Then they answer the phone!It's good to think about the next countermeasures!

What does it mean that the phone has not been turned off and has not answered the phone?


At noon the next day, when Sang Jian got the phone, he was not surprised to see more than [-] calls on the phone.

She glanced sideways at He Qingfeng's cell phone, and there were more than 200 missed calls.

"Hey, little friend He is more popular than me."

Sang Jian was wearing He Qingfeng's clothes and pants at this time, and sat down on the sofa, looking a little lazy.

He Qingfeng's clothes and trousers were loose and big, which made her look a bit unruly and unrestrained.

There are several sets of clothes in Sang Jian's suitcase, but they have been recording programs before, and they haven't washed them seriously.

Right now, everything is being rewashed in the washing machine at He Qingfeng's house.

He Qingfeng sat down next to Sangjian. The loose T-shirt on her body couldn't hide some traces of madness at the neckline.

Of course, he himself was not much better.

Before this, he always thought that girls were passive, and he had never seen one as fierce as her.


Recalling some pleasant things, He Qingfeng averted his eyes a little embarrassedly.

He looked at his phone lost in thought.

In addition to his agent, there was also a phone call from his parents.

It seems that what happened this time did have a big impact on him.

But he doesn't regret it.

Regarding the matter between the two of them, the program team of "Star Love Daily" is probably the most calm.

They had recorded a video of He Qingfeng sneaking into Sangjian's room at night!
It's a pity that they were warned by He Qingfeng, they didn't dare to say it.

"It will definitely affect your work in the future, will you care?" Sang Jian suddenly became serious.

He Qingfeng also came back to his senses, shook his head, and said seriously: "I think with my acting skills and strength, it's not difficult to earn a living."

If he was boycotted just for announcing his love affair, then the entertainment industry would be a little different from what he imagined.

After all, he always thought that as long as he had the strength, he could walk sideways in the circle no matter what.

"Heh." Sang Jian smiled inexplicably, "Then I have some expectations that He Xiaoyou will use his strength to conquer everyone!"

"..." For some reason, He Qingfeng didn't feel like she really wanted to praise herself.

Soon, He Qingfeng understood the meaning of Sang Jian's words.


In the afternoon of that day, He Qingfeng returned to his brokerage company, and when he returned, he was bombarded with abuse, and what awaited him was a contract termination letter.

What was written in the contract termination letter was that he did not abide by the contract first and made his relationship public, so he had to lose money!

He Qingfeng: "..."

He didn't understand, so he just announced his love affair. Is Senior Sang some heinous villain?It was targeted like this.

She just had a lot of gossip before.

She didn't break the law, why did everyone react so strongly?

"I've already told you that it's not a good thing to get involved with that woman, so why don't you believe it?" He Qingfeng's little assistant helped He Qingfeng carry his things and sent him to the car.

He Qingfeng had no objection to the termination of the contract, and signed it on the spot.

The termination of the contract was surprisingly smooth, so now he is packing his things and preparing to leave.

"Aside from her fondness for gossip, does she have any other dark places?" He Qingfeng asked in the car.

The little assistant was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Yes, after all, she has debuted for so many years, and she has done nothing but gossip, and she just played a role with you recently and participated in a variety show."

"Didn't kill or set fire?" He Qingfeng asked again.

The little assistant was a little confused, "Of course, if she did this, she would have already gone in!"

"Yeah." He Qingfeng looked out of the window, and said in a low voice, "I thought she murdered and set fire to cause so many people's disgust."

The little assistant somewhat disagreed with his statement, "You're wrong, the rumors are big or small, have you forgotten that when you first became famous, because of the scandals between her and you, your popularity Is it something that went downhill?"

"She wants to be popular, but others don't? You have worked hard for so long, and she wants to get out of the circle in an abnormal way, so you deserve to be dragged into the water by her?"

He Qingfeng frowned, "I don't deny that it's bad behavior for her to do this, but it's only limited to me and the few male artists after me. Since the sentence: To test whether a male artist is really popular, you have to Let's see if Xu Sangjian will keep an eye on him. After this word is spread, you and I know what kind of motives those male artists who are rumored to have sex with her have."

"Knowing that she is someone who likes to stir up gossip, if you see her and dare to go up to her, and don't hide away, isn't that just trying to take advantage of her popularity?"

Little assistant: "...You are right, but you can figure out the truth yourself! Why are you still pushing forward!"

"Because I don't want to have an affair with her, we are going to get married." He Qingfeng looked very serious.

Assistant: "..."

He wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth halfway, he suddenly saw the marks on his neck with sharp eyes, and he couldn't say anything for a while.

Well, it turns out they mean business.

"In this case, you have to accept the current result."

"I accept." If he didn't accept it, he wouldn't be so quick to sign the contract termination.

Fortunately, the brokerage company may see that he has no background, and the money he asks for is not much, and it probably just takes all the money he has earned since his debut.

After He Qingfeng returned home, Sang Jian was not there, she seemed to have left.

But the clothes she washed were still hanging on his balcony.

This made He Qingfeng breathe a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that she would run away after sleeping.

After He Qingfeng packed his things, he took out his mobile phone and sent Sang Jian a message.

【When are you coming back? 】

It took a while for the other party to reply him, [I'm meeting a friend, I'll be back later. 】

Seeing the word "friend", He Qingfeng frowned, 【Which little brother are you inviting to dinner again?Do you still love me when you come back? 】

[It's really a friend. /picture】

Sang Jian reluctantly took a photo of He Qingfeng and went over.

The photo is in a coffee shop, and Sang Jian took the picture of the person sitting opposite her.

It was Sun Piaopiao who hadn't seen him for a while.

He Qingfeng: [...Give me an address! 】

This woman is more dangerous than a man!

Sang Jian sighed, and sent He Qingfeng an address.

After sending, he put down the phone, looked up at Sun Piaopiao opposite, and said in a tone of beating: "Hey, my boyfriend is worried about me, and he insists on picking me up. There is no way. So we have to hurry up, time Not much more."

Sun Piaopiao: " really haven't changed at all. There is no camera here, so there is no need to show off."

"Huh? Do you think I showed off to you on the show because I have a camera? No, I'm serious. After all, my boyfriend is very good. Now give me a loudspeaker, and I can go up to the stage and shout Voice."

Sun Piaopiao: "..." That's enough.

"What on earth are you looking for? Sister Liu is going crazy. You don't want to go back to the company and ask me out alone. Do you want me to speak nicely for you?" Sun Piaopiao asked impatiently.

"I used to gossip every day that the company didn't give up on me. This time the public relationship has become so big. My family He Xiaoyou has suffered a lot, but I have made money! Sister Liu is anxious, saying that she can't bear He Xiaoyou to fall into the pit, out of good intentions Ah. But in fact, what can she do with me? This wave of enthusiasm is higher than ever before, and she should be happy. "

Sang Jian picked up the coffee on the table, took a sip, put down the cup, and said softly, "Are you planning to leave?"

"With you here, the mission can't go on, what else can we do if we don't leave?" Sun Piaopiao was not stupid enough to confront the official.

"Why don't you try being a heroine?" Sang Jian said what he had thought before.

Sun Piaopiao was stunned for a moment, Tang Ge's figure flashed in his mind.

During the few days when they were assigned to a group, they got along quite happily.

Moreover, he still seemed to choose himself in the third round, but unfortunately she abstained.

"My heart is not as big as yours. I can date anyone I want in this small world." Speaking of this, Sun Piaopiao suddenly asked: "Have you ever thought that if you leave in the future, it will bring He Qingfeng a lot of money?" How much damage?"

Sang Jian shrugged, "Why should I leave? I'm going to send him away with my own hands."

Sun Piaopiao: "..."

As a tasker, Sun Piaopiao immediately understood what she meant.

She sneered a little unbalanced in her heart, "Sure enough, the official taskers have great rights, and they can stay in the small world as long as they want."

Having said that, she clenched her fists, lowered her eyes and said in a low voice: "If we stay for a few more days, it will have an impact on the soul."

So when she decided to give up this world, she was already preparing to leave.

Otherwise, one day the soul will fly away and the loss will not be worth the loss.

Sang Jian raised his eyebrows slightly, and understood their rules.

No wonder she is unwilling to take the win-win route and become the heroine of this world.

Because if she can't complete the task within a certain period of time, her soul will be affected.

As for the heroine, she must always be with the hero.

"That..." Sang Jian smiled suddenly, and lowered his voice: "I have a friend who has a lot of experience in time travel and can provide you with unaffected time travel services, but I am a little out of touch now. Fuck him, maybe after you leave..."

"Just tell me if you want me to find someone for you, but I'm sorry, I refuse!" Sun Piaopiao stood up and was about to leave.

"I don't have anything else to do, so I'll leave first."

"Hey, don't go, let's discuss it again! My friend is very reliable!" Sang Jian hurriedly chased after him.

Unfortunately, she was stopped by the waiter and asked her to pay the bill.

Sang Jian: "..."

Sun Piaopiao felt very disdainful at this time.

If her friend is really reliable, how can she be reduced to the point where she can't be contacted?
Oh, what a ghost!fraud!
A "reliable" friend: "..." Why was he shot while lying down?
(End of this chapter)

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