Chapter 1094 Gossip First Sister (End)
"I know that everyone's favorite is the kind of emotion in the movie, and Xiaoyou He and I get along like this in real life, so, let's drink real people, you can drink to death."

Everyone: "..."

It really is the way she speaks!Nothing has changed in all these years.

"You just said that after a few more movies, you won't make any more, right?" The host asked the main point of Sang Jian's words just now.

"That's right." Sang Jian nodded, "But our team is very good, and everyone is welcome to support our team's other works."

She finally said something serious.

"So, does Mr. He have anything to say?"

The host tilted his head to ask He Qingfeng.

He Qingfeng, who had always been like a foil, was called by name, so he had no choice but to go to Sang Jian's microphone and said softly:
"I remember when my wife and I first announced our relationship, many people were not optimistic about us. I sent a post in Chaohua and asked everyone to give her some time. She has already done it."

Therefore, he has not lost sight all this time.

Give your lover a certain amount of trust, and she won't let herself down.

At least she never let herself down.

He is now proud and happy.

After He Qingfeng finished speaking, the audience applauded.

It was Tang Ge who took the first shot.

As he clapped, the others followed suit.

Thinking of the bad-mouthing relationship between the two of them at that time, and the love that everyone envies now, everyone is a little bit emotional.

Time can really change a person.


Sang Jian and He Qingfeng just got off the stage, and before they had time to sit back in their seats, the host on the stage called He Qingfeng to go to the stage to receive the award.

He Qingfeng: "..."

Did the host do it on purpose?

Originally, he also wanted to pull Sang Jian up with him, but considering that she was wearing high heels, it was better not to let her walk.

He went on stage to accept the award himself, and he didn't say much this time. What he wanted to say was already said in the last round.

After the award ceremony, many of today's speeches were rushed to the top of the list.

Today is different from the past. At times like this in the past, most of them took pleasure in spraying mulberry.

Now Sang Jian's comment area is harmonious, let her continue to work hard and wish her happiness, many comments are completely opposite to before.

She finally has her own true fan.


However, several parties on Hot Search were sitting in a private room of a restaurant at this time.

He Qingfeng and Sang Jian were sitting next to each other, and opposite was a meticulously dressed Tang Ge.

"It's been a long time since we sat down and had a meal together." Tang Ge said first.

"The little idol is getting more and more famous now! Is it appropriate for such a big celebrity to invite us to dinner?" Sang Jian teased.

Tang Ge sighed, "You really haven't changed at all."

As soon as she opened her mouth, she couldn't help but want someone to beat her up.

"You don't care?" Tang Ge glanced at He Qingfeng.

He Qingfeng rested one hand on the back of Sang Jian's chair, and looked a little lazy, "Why should I care? It's not your wife, she has nothing to do with you."

Tang Ge: "..."

"Honey~ You're so kind!" Sang Jian threw herself into He Qingfeng's arms with a contrived expression on her face, her voice made goosebumps all over her body.

Including He Qingfeng!
Although her appearance has nothing to do with other people, but her appearance is indeed a bit unbearable.

Just as he was about to say something, Sang Jian got up from his arms, his attitude changed 180 degrees, and he said seriously: "If you have anything to do with the little idol, you might as well just tell me."

Tang Ge and He Qingfeng: "..."

"I'm fine. We're all friends. Isn't it normal to have a meal together?" Tang Ge coughed lightly, as if trying to hide something.

"Oh~" Sang Jian raised his eyebrows, leaned back on the chair, and said mercilessly, "I can't get in touch with Sister Sun either."

Tang Ge: "... who... who asked this?"

He looked a little unnatural.

Also a little disappointed.

Are they not in touch?
Before she announced her withdrawal from the circle, she had said so many good things for Sang Jian, and he thought that their relationship must be very good.

So he was thinking too much?
"What? Do you like Sun Piaopiao?" He Qingfeng asked bluntly as if he just knew something.

A long time ago, Sangsang seemed to have asked him if he thought Tang Ge and Sun Piaopiao were possible.

His answer was no way.

After Sun Piaopiao left, he forgot about it. Now that he brought it up, it seems that Tang Ge never forgets Sun Piaopiao?
"Don't talk nonsense!" Tang Ge immediately denied.

After denying it, the entire private room fell silent.

Tang Ge was a little guilty because the surroundings were too quiet.

He took a deep breath, and said impatiently: "Okay, okay, I don't know if I like it, it's just an indescribable feeling,"

"However, since you are no longer in touch, it's time for me to let go."

In the end, he stared at Sang Jian unwillingly and asked, "Is it true that there is no contact?"

Sang Jian nodded, "Yeah."

She really didn't expect that Tang Ge would remember it until now.

"Phew~ This woman is so ruthless, she disappeared without a trace when she said she quit the circle." Tang Ge raised his hand and pinched the center of his brow.

"I'm full. I'll treat you to this meal. I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

Tang Ge seemed to be unable to stay any longer.

He said he was full, but in fact he didn't even move his chopsticks.

Leave this sentence behind, get up and leave.

Sang Jian and He Qingfeng watched his leaving back, neither of them said much.

As soon as he left, Sang Jian picked up the chopsticks and ate the dishes on the table.

"Emotions are such a wonderful thing."

"Will Sangsang suddenly disappear without a trace?" He Qingfeng asked seriously.

Sang Jian glanced back at him, "Why? I will send you away with my own hands. If I disappear, no one will send you away."

He Qingfeng: "..." It sounds weird.

After a moment of silence, he nodded and said: "Okay, then I will go first, go to Huangquan to find the way for you, and then wait for you on the Naihe Bridge."

"Will Sangsang come?"

"Of course!" Sang Jian raised his eyebrows, "I'll be right where you are."

This sentence was somewhat familiar, and He Qingfeng felt that she had said it to him in a certain scene, but he couldn't remember where.

However, no matter whether she said it before or not, she said it now, and he took it seriously.

Then in the next life, they will still be together.

He Qingfeng grabbed Sang Jian's hand and kissed the back of her hand.

"It's a word."

Sang Jian was serious: "In terms of feelings, I never lie to you."

He Qingfeng: "?"

In other respects, I have lied to him a lot, is that what you mean?

He Qingfeng stared at Sang Jian with wide eyes.

Sang Jian felt his gaze and glanced back at him...

Another glance at him.

She put down her chopsticks, held He Qingfeng's face with both hands, and kissed him lightly on the corner of his mouth.



Ten years later, Sang Jian finally wrote all the stories they experienced into scripts and made them into movies.

Even the stories of the current world were recorded by her.

All are collected in memoirs.

Someone asked her, why did she collect them in her memoirs, didn't they all have been filmed for a short time?
She said: "Because I won't take pictures in the future, these are just memories."

That's perfectly fine.

But only He Qingfeng knew that this memory was not that memory.

That is the story of their "once".

After filming the last movie, all post-production and other things were handed over to the people of He's Entertainment.

It doesn't matter what the box office is.
Sang Jian and He Qingfeng became shopkeepers and went on a trip.

He's Entertainment did not inherit the promised succession!

Tang Ge has also become one of the top figures in the circle in the past ten years. He has left He's Entertainment and established his own company.

He has the halo of the protagonist, and for so many years, countless beauties have followed suit, but no one can catch his eyes.

He is recognized in the circle as the fifth king of diamonds.

I don't know what kind of person can stand by his side in the end.

【No. 13 Worlds Complete】


"Your mission this time has been a little... um..."

When Sang Jian returned to her body, she opened her eyes and saw the familiar ward.

Gu's voice sounded in his mind, it seemed a little hard to say.

"Huh?" Sang Jian blinked, "Isn't it perfect? ​​The male protagonist has grown up! The protagonist's halo has not been taken away, is there any dissatisfaction?"

Gu: "..." Although the halo of Tang Ge's protagonist is still there, she didn't take it seriously at all when she was asked to eliminate the tasker.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng was about to tell her about the tasker who claimed to be Bai Que.

Sang Jian seemed to know what he was going to say, and reminded first: "Little brother Gu Gu, you were watching me let her go."

And she didn't move her hands the whole time, and he didn't say anything, did he?

It's too late now.

Gu: "..." That's right...

"Next time you are dissatisfied with what I do, you should tell me sooner." It depends on her mood whether to change it or not.

"No dissatisfaction." Gu defended himself.

If he hadn't seen Bai Que's sense of humor and left by himself, he wouldn't have just watched Sang Jian and let her go.

He was silent for a while, then changed the subject, "Are you ready to go to the next world?"

"Yeah." Sang Jian closed his eyes.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Gu looked at her appearance, sighed softly in his heart, and sent her to the next world.


Sang Jian was awakened by a strange feeling, his body was hot and dry, and he felt bad when he first became conscious.

To make matters worse, when she opened her eyes, what she saw was a giant shiny black snake tail.

This tail is not someone else's, but her own!
Her upper body was only wrapped in a piece of animal skin, and it was a little loose at this time.

A few snake girls around her flicked their tails and stood by her side.

Before realizing what was going on, a woman with a burly upper body and a snake tail on the lower body, with her tail wrapped around a boy in modern clothes, "swimmed" in from the outside.

"Empress, this male beast came from somewhere. It appeared in our tribe. It just so happens that you are an adult today. I lack a male beast. I captured him."

The rough voice of the Hua Snake Man sounds a little uncomfortable.

With a bang, she threw the boy on the tail beside Sang Jian's snake tail.

Sang Jian's tail wrapped around the boy's waist uncontrollably, with an urge to tear him apart.

"I don't know what kind of beast it is, it looks quite weak, just let it go, wait for the empress to recede, lead us to attack other orc tribes, and grab some strong orcs back!" The flower snake is still there Chattering about something.


Seeing that the boy on the tail was wrapped around his waist, Sang groaned in discomfort.

Hua Snake seemed to think of something, and said: "This male beast ate a few love flowers in the forest, and now is the time to feel uncomfortable. Even if it looks weak, eating love flowers can also show its strength ! Empress, don't worry!"

Sang Jian: "..."

Things are really bad.

"Well, you've done a good job, I'm going to go back and enjoy it first."

Sang Jian imitated the original owner's usual tone, left this sentence, tail curled up with the boy, and walked towards the room in his memory.

The other snake girls didn't dare to say anything, they gave way to her one after another, for fear of delaying her affairs.


"I have medicine here, which can suppress your current situation..."

Gu reminded Sang Jian at this time, when he was about to give her the medicine.

Sang Jian said slowly, "What are you giving me medicine for? Isn't this the way every female emperor of the Snake Tribe must go through when she becomes an adult?"

Snakes are inherently obscene, and they can be restrained before they reach adulthood. Once they become adults, they must eat meat, otherwise they will suffer and die.

That's why Hua She went out to find a man for her.

These are all she learned from the memory of the original owner.

"But you and a strange man..." Gu's tone was tinged with impatience.

He has a way to restrain himself, why should he...

Before she had time to think about it, Sangjian's tail rolled the boy in front of her.

"What strange man? Isn't this my cutie?"

She raised one hand, pinched the boy's chin, and looked at his face carefully.

She looks so good-looking again, tsk tsk.

This white and tender one looks like a young master who has never suffered.


As early as when he was caught by Sang Jian's tail, the boy seemed to grab something that could cool him down, and hugged Sang Jian's big tail.

When she was pinching her chin, he let go of her tail and grabbed Sang Jian's wrist instead.

so cool...

He lowered his head slightly, freed his chin from her hand, put his face on her palm, and rubbed it lightly.

Sang Jian: "..."

"Brother Cuckoo, the next thing, the system is not suitable for minors to watch."

Sang Jian's voice was a little hoarse, reminding Gu.

There is no difference between her situation and the boy in front of her, except that she has just crossed over and restrained her desire.

Now the person on the tail is so cute, it's no wonder he can restrain himself!
Gu: "..." Although he is not an underage system, are you really sure it is him!
He really wanted to ask a question, but then he thought about it, if she was not sure, no one else in the world could be sure.

"..." It was like this again, he could only watch helplessly...

No, he is not qualified to read it!
Hmm...why would he want to see such a thing?Spicy eyes!

Gu Zhizhi was so angry that he dived. From now on, he decided not to come out except to take her across time!


Sang Jian grabbed the boy's clothes with the other hand, and the snake tail let go of his waist, instantly turning into two straight long white legs.

Sang Jian picked him up and threw him on the bed.



Xiao Shisan's ending was more than two hours late, but it's over!
In fact, this world is so painful to write, everyone will just read it, because I feel that there are only a few stalks in the entertainment industry, and the writing is not very interesting. I don’t know if you read it with interest.

So Xiaosi, I decided to have some excitement!
Well, see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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