Chapter 1098 Man, You Are Playing With Fire (4)

Although the animal skins are used, but their tribe is all female, it is very troublesome to go hunting once!

"By the way, do you still have this kind of hay?" Helping Sangjian to make a long skirt, he asked Ona who hadn't left yet.

From under the bed made of animal hides, some hay was pulled out.

"What do you want to do with this?" Ona's tone was not very good.

If it wasn't for the Empress saying that the male identity is not easy, she should get used to him, she really doesn't want to listen to him!

"Weave straw sandals so that you don't have to go barefoot when you go out in the future." Jiang Qi said truthfully.

"You can find some more and ask other orcs to come and learn from me, and wear shoes in the future so that your feet won't get hurt. Well... don't be stingy with the animal skins on your body, wear more, girls... females are outside , protect yourself."

Ona: "..."

What inexplicable words is he talking about?
"We use our tails when we go out." Ona sneered, and a snake tail flicked out.

She snorted at Jiang Qi, turned her head and went out to fetch hay for him.

"What is she angry about?" Jiang Qi looked at Sang Jian beside him with a puzzled expression.

Sang Jian was sitting on the animal skin, holding her knees with both hands, and when he heard his question, she suppressed the smile on her lips, and said innocently: "I don't know, maybe I didn't understand what you were talking about?"

"...Is that so?" Jiang Qi lowered his eyes and sighed with some melancholy.

I originally wanted to help her manage the tribe, but if the other orcs don't appreciate it, it will be very difficult.

"Forget it, just ignore them if you don't understand." Jiang Qi raised his head again, moved to sit next to Sang Jian, stretched out his hand and pulled her ankle-length animal skin skirt, "Is it okay to wear?"

Sang Jian shook his head, "It feels a bit difficult to walk."

Jiang Qi nodded, "Indeed."

And they didn't have long legs.

"Using animal skins is not a long-term solution after all." We have to find a way to make cloth by ourselves.

Kind of tricky.

But it is not completely impossible.

"Ah Sang... um..." Jiang Qi subconsciously called out these two words, only to realize that they were too ambiguous.

So he asked, "Can I call you Ah Sang? Or should I call you empress like them?"

"You can call me Ah Sang." Sang Jian propped his chin with one hand, staring at Jiang Qi in front of him with a smile.

Her appearance made Jiang Qi blush inexplicably, and he whispered: "You are quite nice."

"But having said that, there is no distinction between men and women here, only male and female, why do you call you empress?"

This is kind of weird.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Sang Jian didn't seem to understand the meaning of his words.

In fact, this title is passed down from the ancestors. If you want to ask which generation, you may have to start from the beginning of this world.

"Nothing." Jiang Qi just asked casually, not necessarily knowing the answer.

This world itself is very strange, and there is nothing wrong with calling it strange.

"I want to go shopping nearby later, is that okay?" Jiang Qi changed the subject.

He had to go out and see his surroundings.

"Then can I go with you?" Sang Jian tilted his head and asked back.

"Of course! I just want you to take me there..." Jiang Qi was a little embarrassed.

But this feeling is surprisingly good.

She seems to listen to her own words and respect his ideas, so she is a very qualified partner.

Speaking of which, she is an empress, and I thought she would be very domineering, but she is actually just a simple little girl.

Thinking about it this way, I suddenly felt like a beast!
Thinking of this, Jiang Qi asked a little flusteredly: "Are you an adult?"

"I just came of age yesterday." Sang saw the hand supporting his chin, and his fingers tapped his cheek once and for all.

It hints at her current mood, which is a little happy.

The lad is really happy to be funny.

Had he forgotten how she had talked to him when he first woke up?
Now that he has come to his senses, he completely regards her as a little girl who has never seen the world!

Sure enough, as soon as he heard her say that he had just grown up, Jiang Qi remembered what happened last night, and his expression immediately became serious.

I really became a beast!

"Cough... that... I... will be responsible." He lowered his head in embarrassment and sincerity.

"You are already my partner." Sang Jian said with a half-smile.

"..." That's right, he is already her partner.

He accepted this identity at the beginning, but he didn't fully accept it in his heart.

Only at this moment is he fully accepted, he can't be irresponsible, he doesn't want to be a scumbag!
Jiang Qi wanted to say something, but Aona suddenly walked in from the outside with a bundle of hay wrapped around her tail.

"Here, is this enough? You asked me to call other orcs over, but they didn't want to come." A strange male, who knows what he wants to do?
Jiang Qi was not surprised by this result, "Then do you want to learn?"

He asked Ona politely.

Ona snorted lightly, "I don't want to learn."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, not giving Jiang Qi a chance to say anything else at all.

"Can I learn?" Sang Jian silently leaned towards him.

It seemed that he was afraid that no one would listen to him and he would be sad.

A very comforting gesture.

Sang Jian felt that she was very caring.

However, Jiang Qi glanced at her, stretched out his hand and dragged the bale of hay to him, "What is there to learn from this?"

Sang Jian: "?"

The next moment, I heard him seriously: "I will help you with yours, and you don't need to do it yourself."

After speaking, he reached out and grabbed Sang Jian's ankle, took off the shoes on her feet, pulled out two sticks of hay, and measured the size of her feet.

"This is not difficult, but it will take some time to become firm, just wait for me."

After speaking, I started to weave the straw sandals seriously.

He looks like a young master who has never done any work, but he can even weave straw sandals.

This was somewhat beyond Sang Jian's expectations.

And her dress.

There is no needle here, it is a method of tearing the animal skin into strips, then buckle a hole in the large piece of animal skin, and then use the torn animal skin to go through it and tie it up.

He just glanced at her previous little animal skin skirt and knew how to do it. Although he knew it at a glance, he also looked good with his hands, which was really unexpected.

This time, he seemed to be good at everything except cooking.

He is no longer a little trash, Ye Qingjie.

Sang Jian stared at the serious Jiang Qi with a smile on his face, it seemed not bad?

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Qi finally made a pair of straw sandals according to the size of Sang Jian's feet.

He put it on Sang Jian's feet with his own hands, and helped her stand up, "Try walking?"

Seeing that the obedient man took a few steps, and jumped a few times in front of him, Sang said happily, "It's much lighter! It's very good!"

His shoes are sneakers, and they are very big. They look very bulky on the feet of Sangmi, who has never worn shoes before. Now the straw sandals are much lighter.

"That's good." Seeing that she liked it, Jiang Qi felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"You wait for me to make a pair for myself, and then you take me out for a stroll." Jiang Qi sat down again and got busy.

Do as the Romans do, he has to change with Sang Jian.


By the time Sang Jian and Jiang Qi went out together, it was already evening, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the two of them.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, Jiang Qi squinted his eyes slightly looking at the sunset, "Is it a bit late? Would it be dangerous to go out now?"

As soon as the words fell, several orcs stumbled and ran out from the direction of the forest.

"The empress is bad! Axue was captured by the tiger beast from the tribe next door!"

"what happened?"

Before Sang Jian could speak, Ona, who was waiting for the orcs returning from hunting, asked first.

This group of flustered orcs was the team that went out to hunt today, but they were all injured, their prey was not seen, and Axue was missing.

Ashe is the witch doctor of their tribe.

Females are very precious to other tribes in this world.

The snake tribe only has females, so they also have to carry the banner of supporting the tribe, so every time they go hunting, Axue will follow the team, so that any females injured during the hunting can be treated at any time.

But today in the process of hunting, I met the orcs of the Tiger Beast Tribe, not only robbed them of food, but also robbed Axue!
One of the snake beasts quickly recounted what happened in the woods today.

"The beasts in the vicinity were almost finished by us. We finally saw a beast today. We were so happy. We all went after it and left Axue behind. Axue was caught by them alone, and finally the beast was also caught." They snatched it away. What now?"

All the orcs turned their attention to Sang Jian at this moment.

Sang Jian remembered this episode.

In this episode, the Tiger Beast Tribe arrested Axue because they wanted Axue to save the heroine.

In the original world, the heroine Su Kou and Jiang Qi traveled to the same place, but only Su Kou was saved by the members of the Tiger Beast Tribe.

Because they need females, and Jiang Qi, a male, looks like a waste in their eyes. They don't need a waste male, so they let him fend for himself in the forest.

Later, because of the mutual attraction between the protagonist, the official and the supporting staff, they met again.

Unfortunately, at that time, Su Kou's first man was already Chief Tiger.

However, the two of them did not escape the law of more than one woman in this world in the end.

Sang Jian glanced at Jiang Qi.

It's really embarrassing for her to start this world first.

"I'm going to the Tiger Beast Tribe to ask for someone, don't worry."

Sang Jian stepped forward, ready to take this opportunity to meet the heroine.

"I will go with you!"

This voice sounded beside him.

Not from Jiang Qi, but from Ona.

She hadn't let the empress lead them to attack the tiger beast tribe, but the tiger beast tribe ran into it by itself!

"No! Ona, you have to stay and appease the other orcs." Sang Jian grabbed the silent Jiang Qi with his backhand, "I have a partner to accompany me."

Ona: "..." Having a partner is great.

But in the eyes of these females, having a male partner is indeed a backer.

But this male can't tell what kind of beast it is. Can he really beat a tiger beast?

And he didn't make a sound, he looked very cowardly at first sight!
"Well, I'll go with you." Jiang Qi returned to hold Sang Jian's hand.

The matter was settled just like that, Ona still wanted to say something, but finally gave up.


After leaving the Snake Tribe, Jiang Qi asked, "I've been thinking about a question just now, Ah Sang, are you often bullied by these orcs?"

"Aren't females precious? Why would they target you?"

Even if snake beasts have a bad reputation, they are still female!

Sang Jian: "..."

She was silent for a moment, then hesitated and said, "Do you really want to know? I told you you wouldn't want me, right?"

Jiang Qi froze for a moment, "Why?"

Could it be that there is something hidden?
Seeing that the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, Sang quickly suppressed the arc, and explained with a embarrassed look: "Because of all orc females, only our snake-beast clan can be half-animal and half-human."

"Other females are born just like you."

Jiang Qi: "...I am male...I am male!"

"I'm not talking about your gender." Sang Jian turned to look at him, "They will be like you. They will have no orc characteristics at all, and they will not be able to turn into beasts. They have no fighting power and low vitality. The biggest use is to give birth to cubs. There are many females who die because of giving birth, so they are precious. We snake beasts are different."

"Our genes are very strong, and our vitality is also tenacious. Almost all cubs are snake beasts, and they can change shape at any time like male beasts. In their eyes, our situation is abnormal."

"In addition, my grandmother's generation offended many tribes in order to regain the territory, and now they have fallen to this point."

Jiang Qi: "..."

This explanation is really unexpected.

He thought that all orcs could change their form at any time, but he didn't expect them to be an exception in this world.

Jiang Qi subconsciously looked down at Sang Jian's legs wrapped in animal skin skirts.

Suddenly, I feel that her tail is also pretty, although I can't see it now.

At least when he sees it later, he won't be afraid anymore.

Jiang Qi held her hand tightly, "I think you are fine."

It's the other orcs who don't see it.

"Wait a minute, let me prepare first."

After comforting Sangjian, his eyes sharpened, and he saw a nice stick not far away.

Let go of Sang Jian, trot over and pick up the stick.

No matter what kind of orc he is, if he doesn't hand over the people today, he will kill them all!
"Let's go!"

Holding his "weapon", Jiang Qi went back and took her hand again.

Sang Jian could not hold back her lips and smiled, "Do you want to hit them with this?"

Jiang Qi nodded seriously, "Don't underestimate this stick, it's very powerful!"

"Well, friend, you are the best!" Sang Jian didn't dampen his interest, but praised him instead.

On the contrary, Jiang Qi felt that he was a little naive.

In this way, she won her admiration, what if she can't beat her at that time...

impossible!He must be able to beat it!

Although it has been said that the Tiger Beast Tribe is next door, in fact the next door is still a little far away.

Jiang Qi didn't know how long Sang Jian led him through the forest, and finally saw a tribe built of stones.

It seems that they are not so backward, they will be built with stones.

Probably only his little friend's tribe is left behind?

  I haven't even responded to the rewards recently, now I will reply in a unified way, okay!
  Thank you for your rewards, tomorrow, tomorrow will definitely add more!
(End of this chapter)

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