Chapter 1101 Man, You Are Playing With Fire (7)

"What capacity do you keep her in? They don't know you." Sang Jian looked very calm.

Taking advantage of Sang Jian's current attention on Da Tong, Su Kou sneaked a few glances at Sang Jian, feeling very complicated.

Da Tong said angrily: "I saved her! If it wasn't for me, she would have been eaten by wild beasts right now!"

The grace of saving one's life must be repaid, right?

"Then you are wrong. If you don't save her, she will be taken back to the Snake Tribe by Ona to reunite with her brother."

Since Jiang Qi said that he was Su Kou's elder brother, he had to pretend to be this identity.

"That's right, I came out with her, how could we separate? It turns out that you only saved her and left me in the woods. Fortunately, someone from Ah Sang rescued me. Your intention itself is not to save people Bar?"

Jiang Qi agrees with Sang Jian.

If he really had a conscience and wanted to save someone, why didn't he also be rescued at that time?Why did he only save a very precious female in this world?
Of course, he didn't mean to let Da Tong save him, on the contrary, he had to thank him for his kindness, otherwise where would he get a wife for nothing?

The point is that Da Tong's behavior is obviously malicious.

"Anyway, I picked her up, and I specially asked Axue to treat her. You just want to take her back, have you asked my opinion?" Da Tong pushed her away and kept supporting her. Own Ashe.

Sang Jian tilted his head, "Oh, so the fact that you told Axue that you want her to be your partner is actually a lie, just to trick her into saving others, right?"

Sang Jian's eyes flicked between A Xue and Da Tong, A Xue clenched her fists, her face was not good-looking.

Da Tong eagerly explained: "I didn't say I want her to be my partner!"

"That is to say, you have been lying from the beginning to the end?" Jiang Qi said.

"How can you be lying if you haven't said it? If you want to lie, it's Ah Xue who is lying!"

Just now A Xue said that she would help treat the little female if she didn't expose her, but now that the little female is going to run away with others when she wakes up, he doesn't care about other things!

"If you say that, this feud will be settled." Sang Jian put his hands on his hips, with a serious face, "You planned from the beginning to the end, to bring Axue here, beat our orcs, and rob things ..."

"The feud has long been forged. The people I saved, why should they say that they will go with you?"

With a gloomy face, Da Tong waved at the other orcs, "Catch me the little female!"

"Why don't you ask my client's opinion?" Su Kou couldn't help but said.

However, no one listened to her, and a group of orcs rushed towards her.

Jiang Qi grabbed Sang Jian's wrist, hid her behind him, raised the stick in his hand, and watched the orcs around vigilantly.

It was as if he would kill anyone who dared to come up.

"Can you play with a stick?" Sang Jian asked behind Jiang Qi.

"Ah?" The highly nervous Jiang Qi froze for a moment when he heard this.

In the next second, Sang Jian snatched the stick in his hand.

"I'm an orc, let me do it."

These two humans, don't be slapped to death by others.

"Do not……"

Just as Jiang Qi was about to refuse, Sang Jian's tail had already been thrown out, instantly sweeping away several orcs in front of him.

And the stick in her hand, as soon as she hit it, was broken by the powerful slap of the orc.

Jiang Qi: "..."

His stick is indeed a bit overreaching.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Su Kou grabbed Jiang Qi's clothes and prepared to hide.

Jiang Qi frowned and resisted: "She is my wife now, I can't leave her behind!"

"What does it mean to leave her behind? If you are slapped to death by these beasts, then she will be sad!" Su Kou said angrily.

At a time like this, if you don't have the strength, you should hide and don't cause trouble for others!
The corner of Jiang Qi's mouth twitched slightly, wanting to say something.

Sang Jian's voice also came over, "You take her back to the Snake Tribe first, and then ask Aona to bring someone over to get the spoils."

"I..." Jiang Qi wanted to say something else.

Su Kou almost tore his clothes, "Let's go!! Lovers!!"

Jiang Qi: "..."

As a last resort, Jiang Qi took Su Kou back to the snake tribe first after listening to Sang Jian's words.

"Don't want to go!"

Da Tong turned into a white-striped tiger and jumped up, blocking the way of Jiang Qi and Su Kou.

In the next second, a big black snake with the same body opened its bloody mouth and bit Da Tong's neck.

Jiang Qi: "..."

It was the big snake that I saw when I opened my eyes. If this bite had bitten his neck at that time, he might have died.

But watching Sangjian fight other beasts in this form, his heart is extremely complicated.

I really want to go up and help...

Also just think about it.

Because he was dragged away by Su Kou.


Da Tong was bitten and let out a howl, and other orcs also turned into beasts one after another, and rushed towards the big black snake.

With so many beasts bitten off, the big black snake must have been dismembered.

However, the moment they rushed over, the black snake, which was huge just now, shrank in a second.

It slipped away nimbly, leaving other beasts in the air.

Da Tong's eyes were red from being bitten, and blood flowed from his neck.

"Kill her for me!!" He roared to the sky.

Seeing that Jiang Qi and Su Kou had disappeared, Sang in the form of a snake quickly rolled up the clothes that fell to the ground after her incarnation with her tail, put them on her body, and regained her human form.

"Bah! This blood tastes really bad." She wiped her mouth and said with some disgust.

Datong was so angry that he groaned again immediately, and rushed towards Sangjian extremely fast, intending to eat her directly.

Unexpectedly, the moment he rushed over, Sang Jian had a long stick in his hand, giving him a blow to the head!
"The stick my partner found wasn't good, but my own wasn't too bad."

For the thick-skinned orc, this stick will only make him feel dizzy.

Sang Jian didn't expect to beat him to death with a stick, let alone kill him.

He is still one of the main characters.

Although this world is mainly from the perspective of the heroine.

"I don't know if any orcs have told you that I am the most powerful now, not my body."

The Sly Breathing Stick twirled around in her hand, not taking the tiger beasts that flew up at all seriously.

Fighting on the body is just for fun, and fighting really depends on tricks.

Thinking about it carefully, Sang Jian hasn't exercised his muscles for a while.

She didn't pay much attention to these orcs in front of her.


After about 5 minutes, even the orcs with rough skin and thick flesh had to lie on the ground and hold their hands where they were hurt and wailed.

When hunting, tearing with wild animals has never been so painful!
How could it hurt so much to hit them with the stick in her hand?

Sang Jian turned over Da Tong, stepped on Da Tong with one foot, stuck the stick on the ground, supported the stick with both hands, and looked down at Da Tong condescendingly.

"Our Snake Tribe has kept a low profile for so long. We just want to live our lives well. Why do we want to be cheap?"

"I just saved a female..." Da Tong had a bit of humiliation in his eyes.

In the end who is guilty?Can't he save people?

"That female is my partner's younger sister. Now that we have found her, we are very grateful to you and can give you a gift. Why don't you let her go?" Sang Jian asked.

"Because you want to lock her up and force her to be your female." Sang Jian said to himself, "Not only that, but you also want to deceive Axue's feelings..."

"The Empress..."

Sang Jian wanted to say something, but the Axue she mentioned just now rushed out and knelt down in front of Sang Jian.

"Let him go." Axue lowered her head and begged.

Sang Jian: "?"

She was stunned for a second, then said softly, "I didn't want to do anything to him, I just settled some grudges."

"Then you've beaten it, and you can take whatever you said I would give you. Let's forget about it? Anyway, you took that female away too." Axue's voice was tinged with tears. .

Sang Jian suddenly felt a little suffocated.

She still stepped on Da Tong's body, and glanced down at Da Tong's unconvinced expression.

She couldn't help but patted his face with a stick, warning: "Be careful from now on!"

"Hmph, that female will be mine sooner or later!" Da Tong spat.

"If she wants to be your female, forget it. If she doesn't want you to mess around, be careful I will make you a female!"

Sang Jian kicked him out with a disgusted kick.

"Axue, do you want to stay here?" After kicking Datong out, Sang Jian asked Axue who was still kneeling on the ground.

Axue hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "I want... to stay here."

The female was taken away, and she couldn't believe that Da Tong still couldn't see her!

Sang Jian snorted coldly, put away his stick, turned around and left without saying anything.

She sat down on a rock where the group of orcs put down their food, and waited for Ona to bring people to carry everything back.

She can also understand Ah Xue's situation.

After all, many supporting actresses are reckless when they see the male lead, just like Da Tong is also reckless towards the female lead.

She obviously has no emotional basis at all, so she is the only one.

This is the inherent attraction of the protagonist, which is unsolvable.

What Bai Que wants to destroy is probably the influence the protagonist has on other people.

It's just that she didn't expect that she herself became the protagonist this time.

That's right, from the first time she saw Su Kou, Sang Jian recognized it as Sun Piaopiao from the previous world.

That is white magpie.

If it was a normal heroine, she would not have the strength to kick Da Tong out of the room at that time.

The breath on her body is also extremely familiar.

It has been said that the two of them will meet again, but I didn't expect it to be so soon.

Should it be said that she was lucky?

But... Bai Que probably hasn't recognized her yet, right?

Just as Sang Jian was thinking about it, Jiang Qi came with Aona and a group of snake beasts.

"Ah Sang!"

Jiang Qi was really worried, so he followed him. When he saw Sang Jian sitting on the rock, he thought she was also injured, and ran towards her.

"Are you okay?" He held Sang Jian's shoulder and looked her up and down.

"I'm fine, don't worry."


As soon as Sang Jian spoke, Ona and her party of orcs also came over.

"What's going on? Are these tiger beasts getting impatient?" Ona had long wanted to find a chance to fight a dozen tiger beast tribes, and now she had the chance.

But she looked at the current situation... It seems that the Tiger and Beast tribe was beaten unilaterally?

"Don't say that." Sang Jian stood up from the stone, and glanced in the direction of A Xue, "This will be the home of A Xue's partner from now on."

"What?" Ona was shocked, "Axue, you..."

She looked at A Xue who was not far away.

Sang Jian tugged at her, "Okay, move the things back quickly, these are the things that Chief Da Tong gave for A Xue to be his partner."

After all, Jiang Qi wanted to come here in the form of bride price.

Ona: "..."

Axue lowered her head and said nothing.

Looking at these former clansmen, she didn't know what to say.

Instead of staying in the snake beast tribe all the time, she really wanted to come out and see the world.

So even if Datong doesn't like her, she doesn't want to go back.

At least you can stay here, you don't have to go back to the snake beast tribe to live in hiding, afraid of being attacked by other orcs.

Her appearance is the default.

Since it was her own choice, Ona couldn't say anything. She greeted other snake beasts, rolled up the beasts and animal skins on the ground with her tail, and was about to go back.

This trip has gained a lot.

Except for the fact that Jiang Qi was a little worried about Sang Jian at first, he didn't speak a word at other times.

Before leaving with Sang Jian, he glanced back at Da Tong, wondering what he was thinking.

Da Tong watched them leave.

So many people can't beat a Sang Jian, I feel that the majesty of my leader is gone!

As soon as they left, Da Tong glared at A Xue, "Why is your empress suddenly so powerful?"

Didn't I hear that she is underage?Snake beasts will become stronger when they become adults!

"You grew up yesterday, you must have awakened your animal nature." Axue replied lightly.

Datong: "..."

He forgot about it.

She clearly knew that the male who didn't know what kind of beast was already her partner.

Those who are underage are not allowed to do that kind of thing.

Da Tong clenched his fists, still feeling weird.

Probably because she didn't hit people in beast form just now?

It should be said that she awakened the animal nature, and it should be that the animal form is more powerful...

Da Tong was silent, unable to think of a reason.


On the way back, Sang Jian couldn't help asking, "So Ashue stayed here voluntarily? Then our previous clansmen were beaten for nothing?"

"Didn't I beat them all up and take so many things?" Sang Jian replied.

Ona: "...But I didn't beat them up personally, it's kind of a pity."

Sang Jian pretended not to hear this sentence, and changed the subject, "As for the food and animal skins this time, you should thank my partner! His name is Jiang Qi, and he asked Datong to hand over these things. .”

Naturally, Sang Jian would not rob him of this credit, and he had to show his presence in front of his clansmen.

Ona: "..." The empress said this kind of thing alone, didn't she just want them to thank him?

"Okay, we just agree that their brothers and sisters will live here." Ona pouted.

It is not enough to have one ancestor, and another younger sister is really convinced.

They had already seen Su Kou, but Su Kou didn't come with her, and now she was waiting for good news in the snake tribe.

These two don't look like capable people, do you really want to serve them like your ancestors in the future?
(End of this chapter)

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