Chapter 121 The Champion and You Are Mine (49)

Shen Xian stared at the back of Jiang Nan's head sadly.

I'm so annoying, I don't need to help him like this at this time!
Zhang Yang glanced at Jiangnan and snorted coldly, "You should keep a low profile for me recently!"

Jiangnan: "..."

What Zhang Yang said was to warn him about the matter between him and Tang Wanwan.

Jiang Nan heard it.

But now is not the time to talk about it.

He said sternly: "Coach, during the game, don't discuss personal matters!"

Zhang Yang: "..."

This kid definitely deserves a beating.

Before he could say anything, Sang Jian had already walked towards the formal contestants.

She glanced at the other people, as if she was carefully selecting the goods.

One of the fair-looking boys raised his hand and greeted her, "Hi!"

Sang Jian stopped in front of him, blinked, "Baby?"

This voice is the voice of the baby when I downloaded the dungeon for the first time.

Yingbao was a little surprised, "You actually remember me, what an honor!"

"Your game character and your voice are hard to remember." Sang saw everything and told the truth.

The character of Yingbao's game is a cute girl, and when she turns on the mic, she speaks a male voice, which is naturally impressive.

Ying Bao smiled, "Everyone is mutual."

It's as if her game character is not a rough uncle, but behind her is a girl.

Sang Jian stopped talking and turned to look at the other two unfamiliar people.

One is Ah Tu and the other is Qin An.

I just don't know who these two are.

It stands to reason that the original owner likes to watch the game very much, so these people should be able to tell the difference.

But she doesn't have their appearance in her memory, she only remembers their game id.

This is what a game maniac is like. During a game, he only pays attention to the game, and the person who controls the game doesn't care at all.

Just when Sang Jian was about to speak, one of the boys who looked a little dark and thin teased aloud: "I heard that your goal is to enter the first team?"

Sang Jian turned his head to look at him, making no secret of his ambition, "Yes!"

The man smiled, "Then I'm in danger, it's the first time I meet someone who wants to take my place."

As soon as the words came out, Sang Jian immediately confirmed that he was Qin An.

Sang Jian stepped up to him and smiled at him, "I'm not here to replace you. Daybreak will always be your home game. I just want to go to the professional arena and prove myself."

If you have something to say, explain it to him in advance, otherwise you may be afraid that he will feel bad for her.

Qin An was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect her to say such a thing to himself.

He hesitated and said, "Then... let's fight?"

After speaking, he glanced at Jiangnan.

Their captain seemed to really want to fight her, wouldn't it be bad for him to cut off his beard halfway?

Sang Jian said, "That's exactly what I mean."

She didn't have any intention of challenging Shen Xian or Jiang Nan, she came here for Qin An today.

Only by letting him know his own strength can he give up his position with confidence.

Qin An seemed to see what she was thinking, and couldn't help laughing: "Well, if you beat me today, one month later, if you enter the official team, I will let you play this year's game."

In a team, if someone bumps into a position, there must always be someone who gives up his position.

If she beats him today and passes the youth training test later, then he will ask her to prove herself on the field in this year's competition!
Sang Jian blinked, not expecting him to be so eloquent.

Suddenly, I felt that it was not unreasonable for the Poxiao team to be so popular.

(End of this chapter)

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