Chapter 124 The Champion and You Are Mine (52)

"It was a good game."

Just when the atmosphere was a little delicate, Zhang Yang said in a timely manner: "Who will come next."

"I me me!"

Some activists in the youth training team raised their hands, "I want to find Brother Xian!"

The fan of Shen Xian yesterday really got the top ten ranking, and he is ready to challenge Shen Xian one-on-one.

Shen Xian sat in his seat without any reaction, he was still immersed in the nervousness of accidentally meeting Sang Jian's eyes.

Until Zhang Yang shouted, "Shen Xian, what do you think?"

This kind of competition is used to motivate the youth trainees.

So basically the youth trainees will be satisfied with whomever they want to compare with.

But Shen Xian is always an exception.

Even Zhang Yang had to ask his opinion in advance.

If he doesn't want to play, he can only substitute.

This time he has appeared here, he should be able to fight, right?
Sang Jian touched Shen Xian with his elbow, and then Shen Xian raised his head, stood up silently, and walked towards the computer.

This means consent.

There was a trace of surprise on Zhang Yang's Chinese character face, these two days, Shen Xian was not ordinary strange.


Shen Xian actually didn't want to fight, but thinking that Sang Jian noticed him because of his good skills, isn't this the best opportunity to perform?
So he agreed.

Opposite is Shen Xian's fans, and he must be excited to face Shen Xian.

Shen Xian didn't react at all. After logging into his account and opening the friend arena, his state instantly changed into a different person, and he entered the serious mode.

As long as it is a competition, Shen Xian will be very serious.

Sang Jian watched him silently.

Although Shen Xian would always be serious in the competition, but this time, it seemed that he was too serious.

Because after entering the arena, within a minute, he hammered the little fan on the ground.

This time, there was no doubt that Shen Xian won.

The little fan looked confused, "It's... started?"

Shen Xian stood up from his seat, "It''s over."

After finishing speaking, go back to Sang Jian and sit down.

He stared at her with bright eyes, as if he was waiting for her praise or admiration.

Sang Jian laughed a little and said: "He is your fan, and he will lose his fan if you are like this."

As soon as Sang Jian finished saying that sentence, he heard that bewildered fan suddenly shouted: "Brother Xian is forever a god!"

so amazing!

He finally knew the gap between himself and Shen Xian!

Sang Jian: "..." The slap in the face came really fast.

Shen Xian's eyes became brighter.

As if to say, others are praising him, so she should praise him quickly!
"Amazing." Sang Jian gave him a thumbs up.

Shen Xian grabbed her thumb in his hand and squeezed it tightly.

This thumb was given to him, so he accepted it bluntly.

Sang Jian: "?"

People around: "?"

Seemingly noticing the gazes of the people around, Shen Xian directly grabbed Sang Jian's hand and stuffed it into his pocket together.

Then he lowered his head, ignored everyone, and fell into his own little world.

Only Sang Jian knew that in Shen Xian's clothes pocket, he was gently stroking her hand with his fingers.


This kid is aboveboard, and secretly taking advantage of her!

Jiang Nan on the side finally couldn't stand it anymore, stood up and said, "You two are dating? Let me go! Let me go!"

He walked up to the two of them, pointed at Sang Jian and said.

It seems that Sang Jian took the initiative.

Sang Jian twitched her hand in front of him, but couldn't pull it out at all.

Shen Xian suddenly raised his head and said in an unfriendly way: "Stop...don't mind...nosy!"

Jiangnan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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