Chapter 131 The Champion and You Are Mine (59)

In the next second, Jiangnan shouted: "Brother Xian, take care of her!"

Jiang Nan was so angry that he could only complain to Shen Xian.

It turned out that he happened to be sending money to Sangjian.

Jiang Nan's face froze.

When Sang Jian's cell phone sounded a text message, she picked up the cell phone and glanced at it, and saw that an unfamiliar number called her a sum of money.

When she looked up, she found that Shen Xian was looking at her.

Sang Jian looked at the phone screen in his hand again, and instantly understood that the money was given to her by Shen Xian.

Sang Jian blinked at him, "Why don't you just tie Ka to me and forget it."

You don't have to worry about making money.

"!" Jiang Nan gasped, unbelievable that she would say such a thing to Shen Xian.

Are they familiar?How shameless to ask Brother Xian to tie the bank card to her phone?
What surprised him the most was that Shen Xian nodded, "Okay."

He reached out for Sang Jian's mobile phone, and indeed bound his bank card on her major software.

By the way...

Added all her friends from major software.

Zhengchou didn't have her contact information, so that's it, he added them all.

"No, Brother Xian...No need, we don't need it, okay?" Jiang Nan wanted to stop Shen Xian.

He and Sang Jian haven't confirmed their relationship yet, have they?Just hand in the bank card, it's really unnecessary!
However, Shen Xian ignored him at all.

Sang Jian did not stop Shen Xian's actions.

Leaning against the wall, she looked at Jiangnan leisurely, "Have you considered it?"


Jiang Nan gritted his teeth, "I've never seen such a brazen person!"

After cheating Shen Xian, she still wants to cheat him!
Sang Jian smiled, "Now you see it."

She didn't care at all about what Jiangnan said about herself, but she admitted it generously.

Jiang Nan was so angry that he almost vomited blood!

He took a deep breath, and finally compromised, "Okay, I'll go back and transfer the money to you later, I only have one request..."

Sang Jian said: "Don't worry, I won't let you continue to be hacked."

"It's not this!" Jiang Nan said with a serious face: "Be nicer to my brother Xian in the future, and stop cheating him!"

She was so fascinated by Shen Xian, he really had no choice but to ask Sangjian that it was not just for fun.

After all, with her personality, she looks like a scumbag at first glance, so he is really worried!

Sang Jian was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Jiang Nan to make such a request.

Even Shen Xian couldn't help but look up at him.

Feeling the eyes of the two, Jiang Nan sighed melancholy, "Hey, brother Xian, you don't have to be too moved, after all, we have been together for more than a year, and you are my brother!"

He doesn't care if Tang Wanwan can delete all the chat records.

He only cares about whether Shen Xian will be happy after seeing Sang.

Shen Xian withdrew his gaze and said in a low voice, "Don't mind your own business."

He has said this sentence so many times that he didn't stutter this time.

Shen Xian really thinks that Jiangnan cares too much!
There is no need for him to intervene in the matter between him and Sang Jian.

No matter how much Sang Jian tricked him, he did so voluntarily.

Moreover, he didn't think she was cheating him.

On the contrary, with Jiang Nan's intervention, he couldn't get along with Sang Jian many times!
I told him many times to stop meddling in my own business, why didn't he listen!

"The brotherhood between you is really moving..." Sang Jian said with a light smile, "But Shen Xian is right, you don't care about the things between us!"

She changed the subject, "After tonight, Tang Wanwan won't have a chance to continue pestering you online, remember to pay."

(End of this chapter)

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