Chapter 142 The Champion and You Are Mine (70)

Shen Xian nodded quickly, expressing his willingness.

Then I felt that his nodding motion seemed to be answering Sang Jian's question of "do you not want to."

Doesn't nodding mean that you really don't want to?

Thinking of this, he shook his head again.

This shaking of the head is more like unwillingness.

Shen Xian endured it, and said, "Yes!"

Sang Jian pursed her lips and smiled, stretched out her hand and pinched his face, "Then let's go, go to the competition."

She stood up from the sofa, and pulled Shen Xian up from the sofa by the way.


Although Zhang Yang and the others thought it was outrageous, they thought it was normal when they thought it was Sang Jian's operation.

Zhang Yang immediately began to organize the players to play.

Shen Xian walked up to Jiangnan and asked for a mask.

No one saw it, and in a place where no one was paying attention, Sang Jian held a note in his hand, which was densely written with confession words.

She really didn't expect that it would be this that would affect Shen Xian's state today.

That's why she suddenly mentioned that she was going to marry him just now. After all, he had worked so hard to prepare for so long, so he always had to give some response in advance.

In case he is nervous and afraid that she won't want to, he will suffer if he can't speak out.

She had to give him a sense of security and let him know that she would promise him.

Shen Xian was wearing a mask, and Sang Jian walked up to him, and put the note back into his trouser pocket unobtrusively.

Zhang Yang was still talking about precautions beside him, "When we go out later, those fans will definitely say some nasty things, mainly aimed at Sang Jian. Sang Jian, you should prepare yourself mentally and don't pay too much attention. Only when you play well will you let them Shut up."

"Also..." He looked at Jiangnan again, "When you go on stage and speak harshly to the people in Nanshan, don't pay too much attention to them, just pass them off as a fart. I don't hope that the lessons of last year will be repeated this year. "

"Understood." Jiang Nan responded.

He doesn't know how much better his mentality is now, after all, he has been trained by Sang Jian and Shen Xian every day!
Zhang Yang glanced at everyone again, sighed and said, "Let's go."

He is more nervous than them.

They were too embarrassed to show off last year's championship, but this year they hope to let him go out and walk sideways, and he can blow it anywhere!


Zhang Yang took the lead, and Jiang Nan walked in the second.

Followed by Sang Jian, Shen Xian, A Tu, and Ying Bao.

The five players in the competition wore the team uniforms of the Daybreak team, and they looked very neat.

Before they got on the stage, everyone heard countless people calling for Lin Sangjian to step down from the Lixiao auditorium. They even pulled up banners to boycott Lin Sangjian.

Sang Jian raised his eyebrows slightly, this group of fans were quite prepared.

The faces of the others are not very good-looking, and they can only hope that the ending will make this group of people shut up.

When Shen Xian heard these words, although he couldn't see his face clearly with the mask on, his eyes had already turned cold.

In the next second, someone in the fan seats of Team Lixiao yelled through a loudspeaker:
"Lin Sang sees yyds! We will always support you! Come on! Get a championship and swell the faces of this group of people! Love you oh oh oh~!!!!"

The last three words have already been shouted a little broken.

Everyone was attracted by the sound.

Including Sang Jian and his party.

Sang Jian was stunned for a moment when he saw a young boy who was shouting.

Afterwards, she saw a few boys around his age standing up next to the boy shouting with a loudspeaker.

They held a banner in their hands, and on the banner was written a line of words,

"Love Lin Sangjian forever!"

There is also a zoomed-in screenshot at the back.

Astonishingly, a few months ago, Sang Jian formed a field team and took a screenshot of the hall of fame for the first pass of the Nether Tower.

(End of this chapter)

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