Chapter 151 The Champion and You Are Mine (79)

Four hits five, there is also a daddy here at Lixiao.

The teammate lost a little blood, and he recovered a little blood. After fighting for a long time, the people in Nanshan couldn't move Sang to see them at all.

And they didn't have support, and after the blood bar dropped, they couldn't get back up again.

At this time, it was too late to cut Atu.

In this kind of game, protecting the support is the kingly way.

Without support, he could only watch his health bar disappear bit by bit until he was killed.

【Dawn, Miyogi】Defeat 【Nanshan, Dama Monkey】!
[Breaking Dawn, Jiangnan] Defeated [Nanshan, Dog Lord]!
[Breaking Dawn, Yingbao] Defeat [Nanshan, Ah Fei]!
【Dawn, Immortal】Defeat 【Nanshan, Gun God】!

With Shen Xian taking the two heads on the opposite side, a match was completely over.

At dawn, Nanshan was sealed!

"Ahhhhh! Daybreak is amazing!!! You are always the best!!!"

The cheers of the dawn fans in the audience were about to break through the scene of the competition.

"It's fucking cool!" Jiang Nan couldn't help but swear when he saw the word "Victory" on the screen.

The anger I received last year has been held back for almost a year, and it is all released today.

And it's still such a delightful battle situation!

From today, they break the dawn, and they can go out and brag everywhere in the future!

Sang Jian is also in a good mood.

She had already exceeded the original owner's wish.

Not only did he play in the professional arena, but he also won the championship.

Sang Jian suddenly turned his head to look at Shen Xian beside him.

During the game just now, he did not stutter.

I just don't know what will happen when I confess my love for a while.

Sang Jian took off the headset from his head, and instantly heard the cheers from the fans in the audience.

Presumably, this group of fans should have accepted her, after all, she had several conferred god scenes today.

She is so strong, if they don't accept it, then they may not be normal e-sports fans.

After all, in e-sports, food is the original sin, and strength is king.

Gender has never been a hindrance to anything.


Shen Xian who was next to him also took off the headset, and Sang Jian suddenly leaned over and whispered into his ear knowingly, "Brother Xian, have you thought about your acceptance speech yet?"

Shen Xian froze.

He was in a good mood at first, but when he thought about what was going to happen in a while, he immediately became nervous again.

He glanced at Sangjian, and said in a low voice, "I...I didn't... I didn't... Acceptance speech..."

This kind of thing is usually said by the captain Jiangnan.

Sang Jian seemed a little disappointed, "Ah, what a pity... Can I only listen to the captain for a while?"

Jiang Nan yelled from the side: "What's the matter listening to me alone? Don't worry, I will give each of you a chance to give an acceptance speech later!"

Jiang Nan is in a good mood now, and he doesn't care what Sang Jian's words mean!
The host in front is telling all the contestants to leave.

Headed by Jiangnan, he led the other four people to the center of the stage.

The members of Nanshan on the opposite side also came out, staring at them with livid faces.

In order to express the principle of friendship first and competition second, there will be a handshake at the end of the game to show friendship.

But the people in Nanshan were so angry today that they didn't intend to shake hands at all.

After glaring at the members of Team Daybreak, they stepped off the stage.

"Haha, it seems that the people in Nanshan seem to be a little unhappy..." The host looked at Nanshan's attitude and said haha ​​in embarrassment.

Jiang Nan leaned over to the host's microphone and said with a smile, "It's okay, it's okay, they just lost the game and their character. It's not a big deal."

Everyone: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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