Chapter 154 The Champion and You Are Mine (82)

Some people just can't help boasting.

After saying a few words, it immediately returned to its original state.

"Ah... Hugging me in front of so many people, I don't look nervous, but I stutter nervously when I talk to me, little stammer, do you have any opinion on me?" Sang Jian raised his eyebrows at him.

" that I don't...that's not what I mean..." Shen Xian was a little anxious.

He has never had a problem with her, but she always makes him shy and nervous.

Neither can he.

Sang Jian looked at him with a smile, but didn't speak.

Shen Xian pursed her lips, not daring to look at her smiling face.

After hesitating for a while, I realized that I was still holding the microphone in my hand.

His hands were still shaking, and he raised them up, ready to say a few more words.

Sang Jian suddenly reached out and held his hand, giving him a bit of strength, so that his hand didn't tremble so much.

Shen Xian's heart trembled slightly.

that's what it feels like...

From the first time he saw Sangjian, he felt in his heart that no matter what kind of girl he was, whether she was high in the clouds or low in the dust, she would definitely become his strong backing.

He didn't know where his sense of self-confidence came from, but it turned out that he was right.

Under Sang Jian's control, Shen Xian's hands stabilized a lot.

He took a deep breath and faced the audience, "In short, she is my girlfriend now, and she will be my wife in the future."

He said word by word: "Please, you, you, yourself, respect!"

Don't bark!

After saying this, he directly passed the microphone in his hand to the next person.

On the other side of him is Yingbao.

When Ying Bao took the microphone, he was still in a daze.

At this time, does he dare to speak?
The audience in the audience was as quiet as a chicken, not knowing what to say for a moment.

I don't know how long it took, a male fan of Sang Jian suddenly shouted: "Shen Xian, the hatred of taking your wife is unshakable!"

With this shout, the quiet scene became alive again.

Shen Xian was sullen, ready to step down, "Do you want to fight?"

He's mad at him!This fan who doesn't understand his words!
Sang Jian quickly reached out to stop him, "Brother Xian, forget it...just kidding..."

Shen Xian was furious, "I don't like this joke!"

"Yeah... He's just talking, no matter how much he says, I'm yours alone." Sang Jian pulled him back, pressed his head on his shoulder forcibly, and comforted him.

Shen Xian, about 1.8 meters tall, was leaning on Sang Jian's shoulder, and that posture was not to mention uncomfortable.

But Shen Xian didn't feel anything, instead he stretched out his hand and hugged her tightly, with a slightly coquettish tone, "Then...that...then you won' can't answer their words in the future, even if you are a fan!"

Once she agrees, she is considered to be the wife of those fans!
He disagrees!

Sang Jian patted his head, "Okay, okay, no more, I just pretend I can't see them, okay?"

Shen Xian rubbed against her neck, "Yes."

His anger subsided a little.

She was right, no matter what others said, she belonged to him alone.

Everyone: "..."



what is this!
Is there something wrong?
At the scene, not only the fans of Sang Jian were puzzled, but the fans of Shen Xian were even more puzzled.

No matter how you look at it, Shen Xian is the strong one, right?

But now he is leaning on Sang Jian's shoulder and acting like a spoiled child?
Sang Jian coaxed him so naturally, as if they usually get along like this in private.

Is this style of painting going astray?

(End of this chapter)

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