Chapter 164 The Regent is under him alone (2)

Sang Jian raised his head, and his gaze was fixed on Xiao Yin who was sitting on the top outside the Colosseum.

It was an extremely handsome man, but his face was not very good-looking at this time.

He combed a high ponytail, wore a jade crown, and was dressed in white...

Sang Jian frowned, his face became a little strange.

If she read correctly, Xiao Yin was not wearing ordinary white clothes, but...

mourning clothes.


Compared with her bright red wedding dress, his mourning dress is somewhat ironic.

Did he make sure that she would die here today, so he worshiped her in advance?

Xiao Yin is also looking at Sang Jian.

The two looked at each other across the air, with different thoughts.


Before Sang Jian could think too much, the black wolf kicked away by her in the Colosseum slowly came to his senses.

Sang Jian's mental strength just now felt very strong at first, but after all, it was not her real body, and her strength was greatly reduced, which could not make Hei Lang completely faint.

In just a moment, Hei Lang got up from the ground.

Those wolf eyes stared at Sang Jian firmly, feeling a little afraid of her.


"Tanlang woke up again..."

"It's over, she completely angered Tanlang just now, she will definitely die this time..."

"But Tanlang seems to be a little afraid of her now..."

"What are you afraid of? It just hasn't figured out what method she used to knock it out just now. When it comes to its senses, it can still tear her to pieces!"

The spectators outside the Colosseum started discussing again.

And it became more and more intense, and some people even shouted on the spot, telling the greedy wolf to eat her quickly.

Sang Jian withdrew his gaze from Xiao Yin, and glanced at the black wolf who was staring at her.

This wolf is very thin, and it has been starved for an unknown number of days, and its eyes are green.

At this moment, Xiao Yin, who was outside the court, suddenly became interested in something else.

He leaned back on the chair, propped his head on one hand, and said playfully, "Since everyone is so interested, let me sit on the bank and place bets."

"Just bet on her life or death."

Sang Jian: "..." Tsk, this kid is very good at playing!

As soon as he said this, someone around immediately shouted: "I crushed her to death!"

There was a cool smile on the corner of Xiao Yin's mouth, "Then Master Li, what is your bet?"

Master Li, who was called, waved his hand and said boldly: "500 taels of silver!"

As soon as the words came out, someone nearby followed suit: "I also bet 500 taels of silver on her death!"

No one in Tianqi Kingdom knows that their regent Xiao Yin usually likes to play games the most.

When he is in a good mood, he bets a little money. When he is in a bad mood, he usually bets on his life.

Now that he dares to sit in a dead situation like this, why wouldn't others dare to suppress it?
The little princess of the Northern Kingdom will surely die!
This time, Xiao Yin can earn a lot of money!

More and more people joined the gamble, all of them to see death.

Xiao Yin asked the subordinates next to him to write down all those who made bets.

He propped his head up, looking at Sang Jian in the Colosseum in his spare time.

Unexpectedly, she was terrifyingly calm.

Generally, when girls encounter this situation, they will cry and beg for mercy.

Or when feeling overwhelmed by despair, curse him with all kinds of vicious words.

But this woman stood there quietly, neither crying nor shouting nor afraid.

The greedy wolf next to him also remained silent.

Xiao Yin intends to blow a whistle to stimulate Tanlang.

Before he had time to act, Sang Jian in the Colosseum suddenly moved.

She took off a gold bracelet from her wrist and threw it towards Xiao Yin who was outside the court.

"Let me also make a bet, I bet I will live."

(End of this chapter)

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