Chapter 186 The Regent is under him alone (24)

From what she said, the others seemed to realize that their reaction had gone a little too far.

One of the older maids said: "The princess doesn't know something. If it really counts, it's the first time we've seen the prince. We've heard a lot of rumors about him on weekdays, so it's inevitable that we'll be a little scared."

"Oh?" Sang Jian turned over, lying on the bathtub, and asked curiously: "Then who asked you to come and serve me?"

Since they have never met Xiao Yin, who are they usually listening to?

The eldest servant girl said: "The lord doesn't need maidservants, so all the maidservants and women in the palace are under Miss Mu's care."

"Miss Mu said that you were tired all day yesterday, let us serve you earlier."

Sang Jian: "."

It's that wooden girl again.

"Knowing that I was tired all day yesterday, you didn't let me rest for a while, but asked you to come and serve me earlier? What? I'm afraid I'll have a rest, right?" Sang Jian asked bluntly.

Fortunately, she always got up early, otherwise she would be pissed off.

"Princess forgive me!"

The eldest maid realized that she had said something wrong, and immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

Seeing this, the other maids also knelt down, fearing that Chi Yu would be hurt.

"I don't mean to blame you." Sang Jian glanced at them, "Get up."

At the end, he asked again: "Before I came, were you always serving that wooden girl?"

The eldest servant girl led the crowd to stand up, and replied respectfully: "Return to the princess, yes."

The concubine has only been here for a day, so she might not like Miss Mu.

Although they have been serving Mumu all the time, they also understand that from now on, Sang Jian will be the mistress of the palace.

Be sure to listen to what Sang sees first.

The big maid was silent for a few seconds, and afraid that Sang Jian would think that they would put their loyalty on Mumu's side, she explained: "But we are not Miss Mu's personal maids, we just do odd jobs in Miss Mu's yard on weekdays. Don't worry, princess, since we are here, we are naturally loyal to you!"

Sang Jian: "."

Should I say it or not, this big maid is thinking a little too much.

It's no wonder that she got into the position of the big maid.

Sang Jian glanced at her, "What's your name?"

"The servant's name is Ah Qing."

Sang Jian nodded, "Ah Qing, it's time to show your loyalty."

She asked, "How much do you know about that wooden girl? What's the relationship with your prince?"

Xiao Yin doesn't say it herself, she can always ask others, right?


Ah Qing exchanged glances with the other maids, she hesitated for a moment, and then said, "We don't know much about the specific situation."

"I just heard that she is the savior of the prince."

Sang Jian: "."

Damn, it's just as the system said, it's a bloody plot!
The savior and Bai Yueguang, this is incredible!

But if this is the case, Xiao Yin accepted her teasing last night, and came to peek at her taking a bath this morning, isn't that a little sorry for that wooden girl?

As soon as Ah Qing finished speaking, a little maid beside him answered, "That's not the case! The savior is giving her face!"

Her tone was somewhat disdainful, and if others listened to it, she might be expelled from the palace.

Ah Qing immediately tugged the little girl's sleeve, signaling her to be careful.

The little maid's face changed, and finally she hung her head in a fit of anger and stopped talking.

Sang Jian could clearly see the small movements between them, and she found it interesting.

"What's the matter? How much hatred do you have? I'm happy to say it."

(End of this chapter)

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