Chapter 189 The Regent is under him alone (27)

But it was somewhat difficult for Sang to see the maids in clothes.

Everyone looked at the two boxes of extremely tacky clothes and fell into deep thought.

"Princess, this."

Sang Jian was very calm, "Have you ever heard of a word?"

She pointed to the ugliest green dress and said, "Various is elegant! Just wear this."

Everyone: "."

Maybe this princess has aesthetic problems?

Everyone didn't dare to say more, so they had to pick it up and put it on for her.

After putting it on for Sang Jian, everyone realized what beauty saves everything.

The green long dress was not as ugly as they imagined. Sangjian was very white, and with three-dimensional features, it didn't make people feel vulgar, but looked fresh and bright.

Just as the saying goes, good-looking people look good even if they wear a sack.

"The princess is so beautiful!"

Ami couldn't help admiring.

Sang Jian slightly hooked her lips, and accepted her compliment.

She tugged at her clothes, raised her legs and walked out the door, "Go and see what the prince is looking for me, he seems to have been waiting for me for a long time."

The clothes given by Mumu are not impossible to wear, the main reason is to let Xiao Yin hang out.

It's enough to hang it for more than an hour now.

When Sang Jian opened the door to go out, Xiao Yin was still in the yard.

At the moment of opening the door, Xiao Yin turned around, and what caught his eyes was Sang Jian's body in green.

In this hot weather, the emerald green is like a new sprout that is not afraid of the scorching heat, and people can't help but look at it more.

She is indeed beautiful, and this kind of clothes can be controlled.

"Cough" Xiao Yin coughed lightly, avoided his eyes, stood with his hands behind his back, pretending to be deep and said: "Why did the princess take so long? Do you know how long this king has been waiting for you?"

Sang Jian slightly raised his eyebrows, "I can't blame you, my lord, knowing that you are married, but not preparing clothes for the bride, is that reasonable?"

Xiao Yin: "."

Well, it's true that he wasn't thoughtful enough.

He was silent for a few seconds, then forcibly changed the subject, "Now that it's done, let's go."

"Where is the lord taking the concubine?" Sang Jian stepped up and walked to him.

Xiao Yin took her hand naturally, as if thinking of what interesting things would happen next, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly.

"Go and start a game."

Sang Jian: "."

It seemed that this was the only thing that could make him happy.

Sang Jian didn't say anything, and let him lead her away.

The two of them hadn't walked a few steps, when they saw Mumu and two servant girls, carrying tea, Ying came towards him, as if she was going to see Sangjian.

Mumu is wearing a long plain dress, if you look carefully, you will find that it is the same as the dress she asked Ah Qing and the others to send to Sangjian this morning, except that the one on her is inlaid with gold thread.

Under the sun's rays, it sparkles.

Sang Jian couldn't help being happy.

If she wore the dress that Mu Mu sent over today, wouldn't she be crushed by her?

She is a real princess, and she is colliding with an unidentified woman, and she is dressed more plainly than her. It is a joke to say it.

Moreover, if she read correctly, Mumu is going to serve her tea?
Did something go wrong?
She is the new princess!
It was as if Mu Mu was the bride, and the next day she came to offer tea to her elder.


Sang Jian felt that this method was a little childish.

Mu Mu didn't expect to see Sang Jian and Xiao Yin on the road, usually Xiao Yin is not in the mansion at this point.

Why is he still there?And holding Sang Jian's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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