Chapter 210 The Regent is under him alone (48)

Originally, it was good to come back and have lunch together, but Xiao Yin went out for a day when he went out.

Completely forget about it.

He returned home early the next morning.

When he came back, his anger had almost dissipated, after all he had neglected Sang Jian for one afternoon and one night.

Xiao Yin didn't go to Sang Jian immediately, but went to sit in the lobby.

Sitting for a while and found that no one came out for breakfast?

He frowned, and went to sit in the gazebo in the garden and drank two cups of tea.

During this period, the servants who came and went asked him countless times what he needed, and Xiao Yin was almost annoyed by the questions.

Do you even think there are too many people in the house?

After sitting in the gazebo for half a stick of incense, Xiao Yin couldn't help taking a walk in the garden again.

He walked back and forth beside the other courtyard where Xiang Sangjian lived, and glanced into the courtyard from time to time.

He even saw a few maids cleaning in the yard, but the door of the room was still closed.

That woman is still sleeping?

What a big heart!He didn't sleep all night last night, and she actually slept until the sun was high and didn't wake up?

Xiao Yin couldn't bear it anymore, stopped a servant casually, and said angrily: "Go and inform the princess, and tell her that the king is back."

He didn't return last night, and as a princess, she was not in a hurry!
Simply disrespectful of women's morals!
The servant was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "My lord, the concubine entered the palace early this morning, and she hasn't come back yet."

Xiao Yin: "???"

He immediately thought of the words she told him yesterday that she wanted to enter the palace and have a good relationship with the little emperor.

The anger that had finally been suppressed resurfaced again.

How dare she?

Actually went!

Did you not take yourself seriously?
If the little emperor doesn't kill her then, can she guarantee that he won't kill her?

Isn't pleasing him more effective than pleasing the little emperor?

Is his status inferior to that of the little emperor? !
Fortunately, he came back early in the morning and waited for her everywhere in the mansion. It was lonely waiting for her!

This woman has been married for only a few days, and he is already mad at him to death!

Xiao Yin understood that he might not die in the hands of the little emperor in the future, but be pissed to death by Sang Jian!


Sang Jian is indeed in the palace right now, but he didn't come to please the little emperor, but was called by the little emperor.

She didn't quite understand, why did the little emperor call him here alone?

In the imperial study room, Zhao Zike sat on a chair with a stern face, looking seriously at Sang Jian who was standing at the door.

The two looked at each other for a long time, Zhao Zike was sure that Sang Jian didn't intend to salute her, and her face turned red.

This woman was spoiled by Xiao Yin!Also don't pay attention to him as the emperor!


After being sullen for a while, Zhao Zike said, "..."

He opened his mouth, and suddenly realized that he didn't know what to ask Sang to see.

He has no blood relationship with Xiao Yin, so he has to be called Uncle Xiao Yinyin.

Is it possible to call her aunt?

Zhao Zike looked Sang Jian up and down, she looked very young, and couldn't say the word aunt.

called sister?
Even more inappropriate!
After hesitating for a while, he simply said nothing.

He asked cautiously: "How do do you feel about my Uncle Yin?"

Through yesterday's brief observation, Zhao Zike felt that although Sang Jian was deeply in Xiao Yin's heart.

But he didn't mean to flatter Xiao Yin too much, and even dared to resist him, making Xiao Yin leave all of them behind and leave with her in his arms!

You know, Xiao Yin wants to do one thing, and few people can break his plan.

But yesterday he was just for her, and he didn't see the bloody scene of five horses dismembering his body!
So Zhao Zike felt that if Sang Jian was won over, would Tianqi Kingdom have a turning point?
(End of this chapter)

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