Chapter 215 The Regent is under him alone (53)

As a last resort, Sang Jian still doesn't want to fight the protagonist.

After all, behind the protagonist is the administrator of the small world.

Seeing an outsider like her, the administrator will use the protagonist's aura to remind her, that is the protagonist, be careful!
If she moved the protagonist, something strange might happen.

I was obsessed with studying the system of deceitful information, and knowing her thoughts, I couldn't help but said, "You don't have to worry so much. I was a little afraid that you would be afraid because of the protagonist's identity, but now it seems that it is true."

"You can do it boldly, even killing him is fine!"

"Because, you can always trust your system!"

"Bao, forget about the brainwashing package?" Sang Jian replied indifferently: "Don't you know that the protagonist has the law of immortality? Xiao Yin and I don't."

How could it be possible to kill him?
If the protagonist doesn't die, he will always come to take revenge. She and Xiao Yin only have one life, and they might overturn one day.

So you should stay away from it.

Otherwise, according to the system, after every time she crosses, she directly kills the protagonist who has not yet grown up, so how good is it to never suffer from future troubles?Don't worry so much.

The point is the law of the protagonist's immortality, which makes her unable to avoid it.


It seems that this is the reason?

"Okay, I didn't think carefully." The system left this sentence and slipped away again.

Continue to indulge in research.

Suddenly, as if remembering something, he said again: "But you don't have to take him too seriously."

Sang Jian said: "You don't need to remind me, except for the protagonist's halo and the law of immortality, I didn't pay attention to him at all."

The system is very satisfied, "Well, you have to remember that in your world, you are the protagonist! There is no need to be afraid of anyone."

Sang Jian was a little surprised, "Are you teaching me to be confident?"


As soon as Sang Jian said this, the system froze.

She still needs others to teach her self-confidence that I am the best in the world?
It is superfluous, its comforting words are superfluous!

"Sorry to bother you." The system really shut up this time.

Sang Jian snorted lightly, and his thoughts returned to reality.

Yechen and Zhao Zike were looking at each other at this moment, as if wondering if they should agree to Sang Jian's words.

Her meaning is obvious, that is to let Xiao Yin go after they succeed.

Ye Chen didn't care, the focus was on Zhao Zike.

Zhao Zike was silent for a long time, struggling in his heart.

Sang Jian took advantage of the situation to add fuel to the fire, "If you think it's okay, I will find a way to take him out of Tianqi Kingdom in the future."

Zhao Zike clenched her fists tightly, and then let go after a long time, as if she had made a huge decision.

He took a deep breath, and said somewhat exhausted: "I don't want to see him again in Tianqi Kingdom after a month."

He only gave Sang a month to see her and asked her to take Xiao Yin away, otherwise
After he took over the power, he didn't know what he would do to Xiao Yin!
Sang Jian smiled, "Don't worry, it won't take a month. Then... the cooperation is reached, and I will leave first."

Now that the agreement has been made, there is no need for Sang Jian to stay any longer.

Although it was a verbal agreement, Sang Jian was not afraid that they would go back on their word.

The character of the protagonist can still be trusted.

Even if they couldn't believe it, it would not be easy for them to kill Xiao Yin.

After all, Xiao Yin is not as weak as they imagined.

Do you think that if you have real power in your hands, you can kill him easily?

Then the old emperor will not die.

Sang Jian turned around and was about to leave, suddenly seemed to remember something, turned to Ye Chen and said, "By the way, if Mr. Ye wants to find me, you can go directly to the palace and just say it's my distant cousin."

(End of this chapter)

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