Chapter 221 The Regent is under him alone (59)

Xiao Yin never believed what Sang Jian said.

At the end of noon, when it was time to have lunch, Xiao Yin just got out of bed and was about to get dressed, when his calves were trembling, and finally he couldn't help but fell back on the bed.

My waist is so sore and my legs are so soft!
what happened!

Sang Jian next to him got out of bed while yawning, and got dressed quickly.

It doesn't seem to be affected.

She patted his head with a ruddy complexion, and couldn't help laughing, "My lord, rest well, my concubine will bring you lunch."

Xiao Yin said with a dark face: "Did you give me cartilage powder?"

He obviously didn't feel it just now, why did he become so soft when he got out of bed?
Sang Jian squinted at him rather disapprovingly, "Hey, what did the prince say? I didn't have any clothes on me just now, where did the loose cartilage come from?"

"The prince is weak and weak, why make excuses? It doesn't matter, as long as the concubine is strong!"

Sang Jian rubbed his head, gave him a look that you understand, then tidied up his clothes, turned and went out.

Xiao Yin: "..."

He pursed his lips, and stood up again in disbelief...


Sit back on the bed again.


Is he really that delicate?
When his muscles grow in vain?

But as it turned out, he just couldn't pull himself together.

Xiao Yin was silent for a long time, and finally got back into bed silently.

Forget it, let that woman serve you!

Sang Jian yawned and went out, ready to go to the kitchen to get something to eat.

As soon as he walked to the garden, he saw Yechen and Mumu playing chess in the gazebo.

The two were talking and laughing, and seemed very familiar.

Sang Jian blinked her eyes, she didn't expect this man to be so worried about her, and chased her to the mansion so soon.

This is also good, lest Mumu think she is lying to her.

So far, they seem to be getting along pretty well.

Sang Jian didn't intend to disturb the two of them, and was about to take a detour to the kitchen, but Ye Chen in the gazebo saw her sharply.

He immediately put down the chess pieces in his hand, stood up and greeted Sang Jian, "Cousin!"

This cousin shouted very naturally.

Sang Jian was stunned for a moment, then turned around and showed him a half-smile expression, "You guys are chatting, I have to leave first."

After speaking, he quickly left the scene.

Yechen: "..."

Mu Mu was very moved, thinking that Sang Jian was trying to create a two-person world for them.

Sang Jian is such a good person!


Sang Jian Wuxin got along too much with the protagonist, and knew that Ye Chen appeared in Qi Wang's mansion to monitor her and Xiao Yin.

Then you can't appear in front of him, just show up in front of him with Xiao Yin occasionally to show off your affection.

Now Xiao Yin can't get out of bed, and she doesn't have the heart to deal with Ye Chen.

Sang Jian went to the kitchen and asked the cook to cook two meals, then brought them back to the room by himself, intending to eat with Xiao Yin.

When he returned to the room, Xiao Yin was already lying flat, with no expression on his face.

It seemed that he had accepted the fact that he really couldn't get out of bed.

Sang Jian put the food on the table, and started to eat after sitting down, without any intention of caring about Xiao Yin.

Xiao Yin moved slightly and made a little noise, trying to attract Sang Jian's attention.

Naihe Sangjian was focused on cooking, and his back was turned to him, so he didn't notice him at all.

Xiao Yin frowned, coughed heavily, and reminded: "Cough! Come and feed me!"

Sang Jian said vaguely, "I'll feed you when it's cold."

If someone else heard this, they might be furious.

But Xiao Yin was stunned, he said strangely: "You...know that this king doesn't eat hot food?"

She actually noticed his little habit?
Have you researched it?

Cough... Really!

Xiao Yin blushed inexplicably.

(End of this chapter)

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