Chapter 238 The Regent is under him alone (76)

After an unknown amount of time, a soldier on horseback chased him up, and saw Xiao Yin's horse stop in front of him from a distance.

The soldier quickly shouted: "My lord, just now the uncle in the village in front said that you abducted a good woman from their village, so I said you are not that kind of person."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a girl jump off the horse in front of Xiao Yin.


Just now Xiao Yin covered Sang Jian so tightly that he couldn't see it from behind.

At this moment, Sang saw himself jumping down, the soldier opened his eyes wide, and felt his face was hot and painful.

Unexpectedly, their prince is really the kind of person who abducts women from good families!
The worst thing was that Xiao Yin in front suddenly turned his head and stared at him with gloomy eyes.

The soldier was taken aback for a moment, and immediately lowered his head, pretending that nothing happened.

Xiao Yin spoke again, "It's just right to come, get off the horse, and give the horse to the princess."

It is more convenient for Sang Jian to ride back than to walk.


princess?What princess?
He glanced blankly at Sang Jian, and thought he was pretty good-looking.

Realized that Xiao Yin fell in love with her at first sight, and then immediately promised to make her a concubine?
This is a scumbag!
Thinking so in his heart, the soldier obediently let the horse out.

He thought that the girls in the village would not know how to ride a horse, but he didn't want Sangjian to turn over and get on the horse quickly.

"Thank you!"

She said this to the soldiers, then looked up at Xiao Yin, turned the horse around, and went back to the village.


She is indeed the woman that the prince likes, how capable she is!

It's no wonder the soldiers think so, after all they spend their lives training in the barracks every day, and they don't even know about Xiao Yin's marriage.

Xiao Yin watched Sang Jian leave, and when her figure was gone, Xiao Yin also drove away.

The soldier was left standing alone, waiting for the soldiers behind to catch up.

When Sang Jian went back, he happened to meet other soldiers brought by Xiao Yin, who were chasing Xiao Yin non-stop.

That mighty group of people can't be seen at a glance, which is enough to see the huge number.

When the soldiers saw Sang Jian riding their horses, they gave her a few more glances.

They didn't dare to say anything, because all they could think of was that this woman must be a woman from a good family who was abducted by Xiao Yin, as the uncle in the village said.
They just feel embarrassed

An untimely voice sounded.

Yechen was lying in front of one of the soldiers' horses, vomiting profusely.

Naihe had nothing in her stomach and kept retching.

In order not to affect the progress, Xiao Yin did not prepare such a carriage for him, and his stomach felt uncomfortable from the bumps along the way.

Sang Jian finally understood what Xiao Yin meant when he said to her that Ye Chen couldn't take it anymore.

She couldn't help but rode up to Yechen's side, and said hello, "Oh cousin~ Are you suffering?"

Yechen: "?"

Hearing Sang Jian's voice suddenly, Ye Chen thought he heard it wrong.

Resisting the urge of nausea, he raised his head and took a look, and saw Sangjian's gloating face.

"You vomit."

He wanted to ask why she was here?

However, he was so sad that he couldn't speak.

The key is that Sang Jian was not in a hurry to go back, he drove the horse and followed Ye Chen, and said in a low tone: "Hiss~ I haven't seen you for a few days, how did you become so stretched? Isn't this a joke?"

Isn't it so cool to laugh at the protagonist in an open and honest manner?

Yechen: "."

(End of this chapter)

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