Chapter 258 I am a handsome guy in the last days (9)

Sang Jian: "..."

Who is the speaker, if not Zuo Yi?

This guy is really chasing after him so fast.

Sang Jian complained in his heart, and looked very scared on the surface. Hearing his voice, his body trembled subconsciously.

Immediately afterwards, her legs gave way, and she fell to the ground uncontrollably.

It seemed that Zuo Yi was quite frightened.

Sang Jian felt that his acting skills had reached its peak.

However, in the next second, her waist was suddenly supported by a strong arm.

Successfully prevented her from falling to the ground.

"Little brother, what are you afraid of? It's already very safe."

Zuo Yi's smiling voice sounded above Sang Jian's head.

Sang Jian: "..."

She reacted greatly and wanted to break free from Zuo Yi's embrace.

Originally thought that Zuo Yi would not give her a chance, but she didn't want to break free easily.

Sang Jian was stunned for a moment, then ran directly to Su Ke in the next second, hiding behind her.

Staring at Zuo Yi with some fear.

Su Ke was a little surprised by Sang Jian's reaction, and finally said, "What happened?"

In her eyes, Zuo Yi is a normal person.

So seeing Sang Jian so afraid of Zuo Yi, he still felt a little strange.

Sang Jian opened his mouth and was about to say something. Zuo Yi opened his mouth first with a smile, "I went to make convenience just now. I saw this little brother was being chased by zombies, so I helped him deal with it. Maybe the method was a bit... bloody." , Little brother is scared."

His face was so deceptive that it didn't look like he was lying.

Su Ke nodded and believed his words.

Sang Jian: "..."

This guy can act better than her!

Su Ke turned to Sang and said, "Then you don't have to be afraid. Zuo Yi is the most powerful person in our team. It might be unsightly to kill zombies, but if the zombies don't die, we will be the ones who die."

She reached out and patted Sang Jian's shoulder as a sign of comfort.

Su Ke only thinks of Sang Jian as a young boy who has not experienced life and death, so she understands Sang Jian's reaction a little bit.

Sang Jian shook his head and panicked, "That's not the case..."

Seeing that he was about to say something, Zuo Yi narrowed his eyes and smiled, and asked softly, "What was that like? Did you see anything more terrifying?"

In the eyes of others, Zuo Yi seems to be worried about Sang Jian.

But for Sang Jian, he was asking the truth knowingly, threatening him overtly and secretly.

If she dared to tell what she saw just now, Zuo Yi would dare to kill all the people in this group.

This is how Zuo Yi felt to her.

"No... I didn't see anything..." Sang Jian shook her body, lowered her head, bit her lower lip, and dared not say anything more, in order to pretend to be more plausible.

Su Ke felt a little strange.

She looked at Sang Jian, a young boy who was white and clean, quite cute.

Just ...

In this situation, isn't what he is wearing too clean?
Also, he hesitated to speak, what was he afraid of?
Su Ke looked up at Zuo Yi again, raised an eyebrow at him, as if asking what's going on?

Zuo Yi shrugged, expressing his innocence.

Su Ke sighed, and said to Sang Jian again: "For safety's sake, little brother, do you want to follow us?"

Sang Jian glanced at Zuo Yi secretly, and said weakly, "But... can I?"

"Of course you can if you want." Su Ke said, "But you have to declare your family name."

"See you, Qin Sang." When Sang Jian said her name, she glanced at Zuo Yi again.

Want to see how he reacts.

(End of this chapter)

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