Chapter 260 I am a handsome guy in the last days (11)

Zuo Yi bit the bread in his mouth, sat down next to Sang Jian with normal expression.

Sang Jian wanted to hide subconsciously, Zuo Yi pressed her shoulders, making her unable to move.


He was eating the bread, looking at Su Ke who was not far away, and asked casually, "Do you think the bread is delicious?"

Sang Jian: "..."

Without waiting for her to speak, Zuo Yi replied on his own, "I think it tastes like wax."

He shifted his gaze from Su Ke to Sang Jian's face, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and said in a low voice: "The most delicious food should be the heart of a living person."

"Especially with a beating heart after strenuous exercise. It's so fresh and delicious."

He stared at Sang Jian's fair little face, trying to see a little bit of fear on his face.

It's a pity that some let him down.

Sang Jian's face was pale, but there was no trace of fear in her eyes.

Zuo Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, which was completely different from what Sang Jian showed in front of Su Ke just now.

What he didn't know was that Sang Jian's pale face was due to a stomachache.

No matter how strong she is, she will still feel uncomfortable during her menstrual period.

Hearing Zuo Yi's words that seemed to threaten him, Sang Jian couldn't hold back and said, "Is this called fresh? I usually go to the hospital to chase after newborn babies to eat. It's fresh, juicy, and crunchy."

Zuo Yi: "?"

What is he saying?
Isn't he human!How can there be such a hobby?

Sang Jian glanced at his astonished expression, knowingly asked: "The one you ate just now is Xiao Lin?"

"I saw that when you took out his heart, the color of the heart was not quite right. There may be some disease. Brother Yi, be careful of contagion... Oh... Anyway, you are not human, so you can't catch the disease."

Zuo Yi: "?"

"You're not afraid of me now?" Zuo Yi put a little force on Sang Jian's shoulder, as if reminding him of something.

This kid really knows how to pretend!

Before running away, I was terrified, even when I met Su Ke, as if he was some kind of bad guy, I avoided him.

Although he is indeed a big bad guy.

But... In private, has this younger brother forgotten his identity?
Sang Jian patted the hand on his shoulder, and whispered: "It's fine to pretend in front of beautiful women, what should I pretend to be like a big man like you?"

Zuo Yi: "?"

He narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Sang Jian glanced at Su Ke, took a bite of the bread in his hand, and started a serious discussion with Zuo Yi.

"Do you know the secrets of picking up girls?"

"Facing a strong woman with leadership ability like my sister, pretend to be weak, arouse her inner desire to protect, and then give the necessary care on some special occasions. Then she will not be far away from falling in love with me."

After all, this is how this man behaved in front of her in the previous few worlds.

She took the mentality in her heart that the strong need to protect the weak, and controlled it to death.

Zuo Yi glanced at Su Ke, and said in an unclear tone, "You want to date her?"

He looked Sang Jian up and down again, and there was a breath of a young boy all over his body!
Want to find a woman at such a young age?
Speaking of breath...

Zuo Yi smelled a faint smell of blood from his body, seeing that he was dressed cleanly, where did he get hurt?

But that's not what he should worry about.

Should he be angry that this kid has been acting since before?

I'm afraid he has been eyeing Su Ke very early, right?
So when he was chasing him, the kid ran to the supermarket without even thinking about it.

Because there is Suke in the supermarket!
(End of this chapter)

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