Chapter 278 I am a handsome guy in the last days (29)

"What my sister said is true." Sang Jian had an incomprehensible smile on his face.

Su Ke didn't pay much attention to Sang Jian's expression, she took all the girls upstairs with Alai, and arranged for them to move in.

A few men were left alone in the lobby looking at each other.

Sang Jian proposed to take a bath, so she naturally had the right to go upstairs to take a bath first.

Sang Jian waited until all the girls were arranged in the room before slowly going upstairs.

As soon as she went upstairs, she saw a woman in white standing near the window at the end of the dark corridor.

He stared at Sang Jian expressionlessly.

No matter how courageous Sang Jian was, he was still taken aback when he suddenly saw this person.

This woman is exactly the cold-faced woman who asked them on the second floor.

She didn't seem to have moved her position, just leaning there, the only thing that changed was the direction she was facing, from facing the window to facing the corridor.

Sang Jian: "."

She came to a zombie world, not a ghost world, right?
But soon, a characteristic smile appeared on her face, "Is my sister still not sleeping? Our people are watching downstairs, so you can have a good rest."

The woman stared at Sang Jian and didn't reply.

That look seemed to say, get out of here after taking a shower!

She ignored herself, Sang Jian touched her nose, turned around and entered the room Alai had assigned to them.

"I believe I don't need to remind, my reliable brother Yiyuan has also started to investigate this group of people, right?"

In the bathroom, Sang Jian asked Yi Yuan in his mind.

These people are really weird.

There is a weirdness everywhere, but they also exude a human breath.

It's the strangest thing to say that it's strange but not strange!

Yiyuan was silent for a long time, and was indeed investigating the origin of this group of people.

After a while, when he was about to switch the scene back to Sang Jian, he stopped his hands when he thought that she was taking a bath.

He is a man of integrity!
Does she really think of herself as a man?

Ask him questions in the shower?
As if knowing what he was thinking, Sang Jian explained slowly: "I only have this time to communicate with you now."

Any later, no one knows what will happen.

From the moment Sang Jian entered the hotel, he felt that it would not be too peaceful tonight.

Yiyuan hesitated for a moment, and then said what he had just found out.

"This group of people are all living people, you can rest assured about that."

"As for their weird behavior"

"You can think that they are all supernatural beings, and they just look down on you trash!"

Sang Jian: "?"

"That's all?" Sang Jian was a little surprised: "All members with supernatural powers? Better than the team led by the protagonist? Isn't it a little too much?"

Why is she so kind to the protagonist in this world?Isn't it just because you want to rub the protagonist's luck?

Following Su Ke will definitely awaken the ability before following others.

Now there is a team with better luck than Su Ke, which is not in line with the common sense of Small World!

"You've got the point." Yiyuan said seriously, "That Alai is no ordinary person."

"She is a traverser who came to snatch the luck of the heroine."

Sang Jian paused for a moment, then laughed, "Bao, have you noticed that you are an afterthought?"

Tell her now that there is still a traverser in this world who robs the heroine of her luck?Why did you go early?
Yiyuan is also very depressed, "There are two versions of the story in this world, one is the one I gave you before, and the other is the current one."

"Obviously, we have traveled into the second version." But the plot he showed Sang was from the first version.

So it led to the current result.

(End of this chapter)

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