Chapter 285 I am a handsome guy in the last days (36)

"Can't just say that because I have some conflicts with him?"

Zuo Yi lowered his eyes, "It's true that I was behind him just now, but there are still a few people in front of me. I am the farthest away from him, how can I push?"

Everyone: "."

That's right, Ah Fei was the first one to run over to watch the fun, he stood at the front, and those who passed behind were all behind him.

If it's A Fei's turn, it's not Zuo Yi's turn.

Everyone looked at the blood-stained man who was still collapsing.

This person was the closest to Ah Fei at the time!
But at this moment, the man collapsed to the point of madness. He couldn't hear other people's conversations at all, and was immersed in his own world.

Everyone didn't know what to say, and the lobby fell silent.

The sound of fighting outside the door and the roar of zombies continued to be heard.

Everyone's hearts were pulled up, praying that the group of girls could drive the zombies away.

No one spoke anymore, Zuo Yi turned to look at Sang Jian behind him.

Sang Jian stared at him with a half-smile.

Others didn't pay attention, but she saw it just now.

Ah Fei was pushed out by Zuo Yi!
At that time, everyone's attention was on the battle outside the door, and Ah Fei wanted to say something nasty, but Zuo Yi probably didn't want to hear it, so he did it.

However, before Sang Jian hinted him something, Zuo Yi suddenly bent down and leaned closer to his ear, and asked in a voice that the two of them could only hear, "Do you still want to find Ah Fei now?"

Sang Jian: "???"

You pushed Ah Fei out because of this?
She doesn't believe it!
This murderer, don't even think about dragging her into the water!
Zuo Yi tilted his head, "Huh?"

Sang Jian: "."

She suddenly reached out and hugged Zuo Yi's arm, and said coquettishly: "Good brother, don't scare me~ I'm too scared."

Although there was no fear in Sang Jian's eyes, Zuo Yi was still pleased by Sang Jian's actions.

He raised his hand and rubbed Sang Jian's hair, "Good boy."

Sang Jian: "." This zombie is really satisfied.

After an unknown amount of time, the sound outside the door stopped.

Alai knocked on the rolling gate at the door, "Friends, please open the door."

The person closest to the door hurried over and opened it.

All the girls brought by Alai are back.

Including the group of people who jumped from the second floor to outflank the group of zombies also came back safely.

They looked a bit distressed, but no one was injured.

While everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they also admired them more and more.

The first thing Alai asked when he came back was, "How are you doing? What happened to the guy who just fell out?"

One of the boys said weakly: "Maybe he didn't stand firmly."

Alai frowned, "Why did you suddenly lose your footing?"

Don't look at her sweet appearance, when she is serious, she still has a leadership posture.

Her eyes swept over everyone's faces, "I heard him call a name before his accident, so what's going on?"

After asking this question, Alai's gaze directly landed on Zuo Yi.

Alai naturally knew what Zuo Yi wanted to do with this group of people, but she remembered that when she wrote that he was hiding in this group of people, she was afraid that she would be exposed, so she established a good relationship with this group of people.

They should have a good relationship, why did Ah Fei suspect that Zuo Yi did it the first time the accident happened?

There seems to be some discrepancy between Zuo Yi and the character described in her pen?
Zuo Yi didn't speak, the boy who replied to her just now said again, "They had some conflicts before."

"But before Ah Fei's accident, Zuo Yi was the furthest away from him. If we do something, we will find out."

Alai: "."

You idiot, if you find out what he did, what's the deal?
(End of this chapter)

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