Chapter 316 I am a handsome guy in the last days (67)

The speaker clearly knew something inside.

He added: "I heard that in order to study this thing, they even specially built a radio station."

"This radio station is linked to the networks of several other cities. As long as people in other cities use the network to send messages, they can all receive them."

"So they used this method to contact the internal personnel of other bases to discuss how to do the medicine to eliminate the zombie virus."

Someone wondered: "But in this case, where is the Internet?"

"It really didn't exist at the beginning. Didn't this mean that bases in various cities were established later. In order to communicate with all parties, did you try your best to repair the network?"

"Hey, now that other places are getting better and better, City K has to start from scratch."

"..." Everyone was silent, and they couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Now the only way out, the bridge has been bombed, they can only come back and build the base from scratch.

Who doesn't want to go to another city to enjoy the ready-made?
This is not impossible!
I don't know what happened to the group of people who planned to cross the river by boat before, did they capsize?


Just as everyone was feeling emotional, a sound of electric current came from behind them.

Everyone looked towards the source of the sound——

Sangjian was holding two broken wires in his hand, trying to connect them.

At the moment of connection, there will be a sound of electric current, and you can know that there is electricity by listening to the sound.

Seeing this action, Sang made the others unable to help saying, "What kind of video games are children playing with? Hurry up and let go!"

Right now Sang Jian is alone, he looks young, everyone thinks he is a child.

She completely forgot that Sang Jian announced her coming out in front of them not long ago.

Sang Jian did not refuse their reminders.

She dropped the wire in her hand, stood up, and said to the person who yelled the loudest: "Then you come."

She stepped aside to make room for the man.

The man said with a dark face, "What are you doing?"

The boy who covered his nose and knew something inside said, "There is still electricity, which means that we should be able to repair this radio station, and maybe we can contact people in other regions!"

After finishing speaking, he walked to Sang Jian's position and squatted down, and picked up the two wires.

He pulled the wires, one of which was connected to the research institute, and the other was pulled halfway, and the other half was buried in the soil and could not be pulled out.

He imitated what Sang Jian had done before, gently touching the places where the two wires were broken.

The sound of electric current sizzles.

As long as there is a tool to connect the two wires, there is no problem.

After confirming that there is electricity available here, the boy intends to let go.

But at this moment, the broadcast speakers in the entire research institute rang.

"Zizi-hello-zi-Zi-Zi-rescue in City A?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this voice.

The boy who was holding the wire didn't dare to move any more, he kept his original state to ensure the circuit was flowing, and he could listen to the man's words completely.

The person on the other end of the broadcast seemed to be contacting the rescue team in City A.

"There are high-ranking-Zi-Zi-mingling among the crowd-Zi-Zi-all dead! Beep-Help! City K-Zi-ah!!!"

The sound came intermittently, until a scream broke out completely.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, no one spoke, and they didn't know what to say.

Sang Jian next to him put his hands in his pockets, his expression calm, "It's the group of people who escaped from K city by boat a few days ago."

From the very beginning, Zuo Yi told her that there were high-level zombies in the crowd.

Seeing Zuo Yi's presence, those high-level zombies would naturally not stay here to "share food" with Zuo Yi.

So they all went away with the group of people on the boat.

And the end of that group of people is just like what was broadcast on the radio just now.

  Brothers, don't think that if there are few updates at night, you won't vote!That's because there are a lot more in the early morning!
  There is one more thing that needs to be reminded everyone that this is fiction, not reality, not reality, not reality.

  So don't be serious, don't be serious, don't be serious!
  It’s like it’s normal for me to write that the heroine has three legs in the novel, but someone insists on telling me that this is not normal in reality.

  Can I not know that reality is not normal? ? ?
  I accept normal comments, and I don’t accept picky words. I can write many things like this in the novel, which shows that the world in the novel is allowed.

  Reading novels is just for fun, but if you want to be more serious, I recommend watching documentaries, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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