Chapter 325 I am a handsome guy in the last days (76)


Sang Jian vaguely felt that Zuo Yi knew something.

Until he went upstairs and found that the door of his room was open, Sang Jian became more certain of this idea.

Could it be that she discovered her gender?
Her room is very simple, and since the original owner knew that there would be such a day in K City, she had already begun to abandon some habits that girls should have.

So her rooms are relatively neutral, and it is a bit difficult to find out her gender.

But other than this, Sang Jian couldn't think of anything that could make Zuo Yi so excited.

That's right, in Sang Jian's eyes, all the strange behaviors of Zuo Yi are excited.

After getting along for so long, he never asked her to take a bath.

Not only did he take the initiative to propose it now, but he was also a little impatient, as if he was eager to determine something.

Sang Jian was pulled into the bathroom of his room by Zuo Yi.

Sang Jian stood obediently under the shower, with his head down, motionless.

Without further ado, Zuo Yi reached out to lift her clothes.

Sang Jian still didn't respond, as if he was at the mercy of his good brother.

This made Zuo Yi somewhat puzzled.

He pulled Sang Jian's hand at the corner of his clothes and moved it up, and Sang Jian's fat-free belly was exposed, covered with some dirt, as if it had rolled on the ground.

Zuo Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling more and more that Sang Jian did something bad when he went out this time.

But what was even more strange to him was, why didn't she refuse?

He pressed Sang Jian against the bathroom wall, and lifted the clothes up again, it was about to go over his chest, but Sang Jian still didn't respond.

Zuo Yi's hands trembled, but he still didn't continue to lift it.

He imprisoned Sang Jian in a small space like this, looked at Sang Jian's low-browed look, and asked in a cold voice: "Aren't you going to explain something?"

Started to pretend to be cute and pitiful again, didn't it come out?

He obviously didn't do anything!

Don't do this with him!

Sang Jian sniffed the water and said in a low voice: "Good brother, I'm so wet, I'm going to catch a cold if I don't take a hot bath! Will you help me wash it?"

Zuo Yi: "."

To wash or not to wash?
Why is she acting so nonchalant?

Zuo Yi stared at Sang Jian, and finally turned into a stare.

And Sang Jian always had an expression of being at the mercy of others and extremely innocent.

After an unknown amount of time, Zuo Yi suddenly took out a certificate from his pocket and held it in front of Sangjian.

"The No.1 Women's Taekwondo Competition in K City, Qin Sang meets her classmates."

"Good brother, explain, explain, why did you go to participate in the women's competition? Huh?"

During Zuo Yi's stay at home, he didn't really want to go back to the next door, so he went into Sang Jian's room.

He wanted to know what she was like before, why she said she had never seen her even though she was a neighbor?

Turns out these amazing things were found!
A good brother has become a good sister. Is there anything more exciting than this?

Sang Jian: "."

She thought that Zuo Yi might have found her little hood in her room, but she didn't expect that what he found was this!
Suddenly, I wanted to slap my former self.

She remembered that she said before that she had learned taekwondo, and her record could be checked.

Now Zuo Yi has indeed found out.

But fortunately, because of this incident, Zuo Yi didn't pay much attention to her clothes.

"There's nothing to explain, it's just to protect myself." Sang Jian lowered his head, looking a little aggrieved.

Zuo Yi: "."

She didn't refute.

In other words, she is really a girl.

(End of this chapter)

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