Chapter 340 I am a handsome guy in the last days (91)

The terrifying expression of the deceased and the five finger prints on her neck that almost crushed her neck made everyone swallow.

Sang Jian slowly took out a piece of paper and wiped his hands, "We chose to leave the base by ourselves, it's to give you face. Taking a step back doesn't mean you can make progress."

She threw away the tissue in her hand and licked her lips, full of evil spirits, "After all, we are zombies and can eat people."


After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards Zuo Yi.

In the middle of the walk, as if remembering something, he turned slightly and came in front of Su Ke.

She took out a piece of letter paper from her body and handed it to Su Ke, "This half of the letter is for you. It was left by the left director of the research institute before his death. It can cure the newly infected zombie virus, and it should be useful to you."

Zuo Yi gave her the letter yesterday, asking her to find a chance to hand it over to Su Ke.

She feels that this opportunity is good now.

She pronounced the words Director Zuo very emphatically to let everyone know that this recipe was written by Zuo Yi's father!

Su Ke reached out to take it expressionlessly.

Seeing her take it, Sang Jian withdrew his hand and prepared to leave.

But Su Ke quickly grabbed his wrist, and the next second, Su Ke was stunned.

She felt a distinct heartbeat on the pulse of Sang Jian's wrist.

He is not a zombie!
Pretend to be a zombie for Zuo Yi, leave here?

As for?
Sang Jian glanced at her hand and suddenly smiled.

She leaned close to Su Ke's ear, using only a voice that the two of them could hear, "But sister, you should pay more attention to the newcomers to the base in the future. K City is so big, halfway through before the bridge is broken, and half dead , how can there be so many newcomers coming to the base to report every day?"

Su Ke's eyes widened, "You mean..."


Sang Jian raised his hand in a silent gesture.

She looked at Su Ke with a smile, then turned around and left, "See you again when we have a chance."

Su Ke: "..."

Sang Jian's words reminded Su Ke, making her realize that there seemed to be some conspiracy approaching her.

So Sang Jian and Zuo Yi chose to leave at this time, which was absolutely the right choice.

Thinking of this, Su Ke felt relieved a lot.

If something big is going to happen, it's fine for them to leave.

This time, no one dared to stop Zuo Yi and Sang Jian.

When the two left the base, the gatekeeper at the gate of the base didn't know what happened. They only thought that they were going out to find materials, and greeted them friendly and told them to come back early.

As everyone knows, they left and never came back.


With Zuo Yi by his side, wherever he goes is safe.

The two wandered around other places in K City hand in hand, preparing to find a new address.

Sang Jian asked in a good mood: "My good brother originally wanted to return to his roots, but now he can't even go home. You don't blame me, do you?"

"..." started again.

"How could I blame Sangmei? Where is Sangmei? That's my root." Zuo Yi said seriously.

Sang Jian let go of Zuo Yi's hand, walked in front of him, and walked backwards facing him.

She pointed to her face, "You look at me, can you call me Sister Sang?"

Zuo Yi didn't look at her face, but instead set his sights on her flat face.

He coughed a little uncomfortably, and answered irrelevantly, "You don't have to pretend in the future."

Why do you look at her who can still be called Sangmei when she is dressed up as a boy?
Because he knew that under her corset was the peak of her career!
Seeing his unscrupulous appearance, Sang knew that he was thinking about something he didn't see.

She said solemnly: "No, I still want to be a handsome guy, and I want you to be scolded to death as a gay for the rest of your life!"

Zuo Yi: "...Sister Sang has such a vicious heart."

  I'm sleepy, everyone, go to bed early, I won't write today, I will write more tomorrow, and end this world by the way!
  Good night, okay~

  What do you want to see in the next world? (not necessarily able to write/dog head)

(End of this chapter)

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