Chapter 347 I am a handsome guy in the last days (98)

Came here with a group of people, only to run away when they saw their abilities?
Sang Jian looked puzzled, "What is she doing? It's been a year since she's been dragged like this? She ran away without hitting her?"

This is not normal!
What about her dream of being the queen of the last days?
That's it?
"Maybe it's because they think they can't beat them." Zuo Yi told the truth in one word.

Sang Jian frowned tightly, and his tone was a bit disgusted, "I can't afford to come here to pretend to be aggressive? Are you looking for death?"

She didn't understand Alai's confusing behavior at all.

Fortunately, Yi Yuan appeared in time and explained to her: "Her ability is of wood type, specially chosen to restrain Su Ke."

Alai himself has a spiritual spring for awakening abilities, and it is also possible to awaken the abilities he needs.

When Sang Jian heard this, she still felt a little outrageous, "However, Su Ke restrained her, right?"

After saying this, Sang Jian suddenly realized something.

"In Su Keyuan's world, is there a water ability?"

Yuan: "Yeah."

That being said, it all makes sense.

As we all know, aquatic wood.

If Su Ke's ability is water, Alai's wood-type ability will only get stronger and stronger under the water-type ability.

Even Su Ke's water will become Alaimu's water and nutrition, and Su Ke will be crushed to death by her.

In Alai's novel, this restraint relationship is very obvious and domineering. After entering the novel world, she also thought of the restraint relationship, so she chose the wood-type ability and prepared to kill Kesuke.

But unexpectedly, in this world, Su Ke didn't rely on her own natural awakening ability, but met Sang Jian halfway, and Sang Jian gave her a fire crystal nucleus by mistake.

From here on, all the restraint that Alai thought of was in vain.

Most importantly, in the novel, fire belongs to Kemu.

Now being restrained to death, he became Alai.

So the moment Alai saw Su Ke's ability, he already had the idea of ​​running away.

How strong the restraint relationship is, she wrote it herself, of course she understands.

In this case, you can't fight at all, why don't you run?

And she hates the fire element the most!

The easiest ability to disfigure people!
Alai was very puzzled, why did Su Ke wake up to this?

Halfway through the car, she suddenly remembered that Su Ke has become like this. Maybe this is not her novel, and there is no restraint relationship at all?
She couldn't help but look back at Su Ke who was still fighting with the driver.

The flames on Su Ke's body have turned the surrounding area into a field of fire, and the driver is almost a fire man even if he is not a fire department.

Alai's scalp tingled.

I still don't go back, lest I be burned to ashes.

She stepped up the accelerator and fled here faster.

"Sister Sang is unhappy?" Zuo Yi looked at Sang Jian's lips pursed and said softly, "I didn't see the good show I wanted to see."

Sang Jian let out a foul breath, "Yeah, there are still some... look down upon."

She raised her legs expressionlessly and chased after Alai in the direction where Alai left.

"I'll give her a ride. Good brother, let's clean up these puppets here."


Zuo Yi hesitated for a moment, but still answered, "Okay."

Let her alone to calm down.

Sang Jian really looks down on Alai now.

Since knowing that these two are the protagonists, they have played such a big game of chess, wanting to see which of them is qualified to be the protagonist.

She thought that Su Ke would lose, and she also thought that Su Ke would win.

But I didn't expect Su Ke to win without a fight.

Helping Su Ke along the way is also because he knew that Alai would grab Su Ke's opportunity.

If Su Ke didn't have a chance, the strength of the two would not be equal, so she would help Su Ke grow intentionally or unintentionally.

I just wish the main character's fight was fairer.

With this result, Sang Jian will definitely feel disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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