Chapter 353 Sister is the Queen (3)

Ye Xianjun?
This name sounds very small... Japanese style.

Is the original owner so picky?
As soon as this idea popped into my mind, I heard Yiyuan explain: "Ye is his name! Xianjun is the title you bestow on him!"

Sang Jian: "Oh."

I'm sorry, it's my first time being a queen, so I don't know much about it.

She thought it would be called a male concubine.

After Yiyuan explained to Sang Jian, the mechanical voice became a bit dignified.

"Hiss, but why is he in Mu Country? He even got into the position of Xianjun, it's not normal!"

The status in the female world is no different from that of the male world, only the names are different.

Except for some servants who have no name and no distinction, there are four virtuous and virtuous monarchs, then the emperor, and finally Fengjun.

He has already climbed to the position of Xianjun, isn't it strange?

"Huh?" Sang Jian narrowed her eyes slightly, thinking what does it have to do with her whether this Ye Xianjun is dead or alive?
Hearing Yiyuan's words, she was stunned and silent for two seconds, "Is Ye Xianjun the right one?"

"Yes. But he was supposed to be the Seventh Prince of the Southern Kingdom. Why did he go to Mu Kingdom? And he became your harem?"

"Ning Ning!"

While Yiyuan was still talking, Sang Jian was already looking for Ning Ning.

That is, the female soldier who was going to run away with her before, she has met Ning Ning during this period of time, and she thinks that Ning Ning is quite reliable.

Now there is an important matter that must be handed over to her!

Ning Ning rode a horse from behind to Sang Jian's side.

Before she could ask Sang Jian what was the matter, Sang Jian stared at the peace envoy not far away, and said loudly, "Go and tell them, the real money is tens of millions of taels, 50 tons of grain and fodder, and three thousand beautiful men will be offered as gifts." , that’s all.”

Without saying a word, Ning Ning jumped off the horse to communicate with the peace envoy.

Peace Ambassador: "."

He heard it all!
"Muhuang, we can satisfy the first two requirements, but the last one, isn't it a bit too much?" The peace envoy bypassed Ning Ning and directly talked to Sang Jian who was on the horse.

"Three thousand beautiful men? In our southern country, the status of men is not so low!" They will all serve the country in the future, how could they be given to them like this?

And there are still three thousand!
Sang Jian looked indifferent, "Then do you know how many talents our country has lost in your southern country's surprise attack on Mu country? Roughly speaking, it is far more than [-]!"

"Do you want to hand over [-] men, or do you want us to kill each other? It depends on your choice."

Peace Ambassador: "."

So very strange!

Why can't they beat them like this?
He glanced at Sang Jian's face, that rosy look, it didn't look like he was exhausted after fighting for more than a month.

He had no doubt that if they didn't agree to this request, she would really go to war again.

After all, she looked too good in spirits.

The peace envoy took a deep breath and was still struggling, "But in our country, men are all strong men, and no one is willing to go to the country of women's respect. How about we hand over women?"

"Hey." Sang Jian couldn't hold back a sneer, "If you don't want to come to our country, why do women from our country want to come to you?"

"If you Nanguo won today, we women from Muguo will be humiliated by you!"

"After all, when you came, you said that you would take all the women from Mu country back to be concubines! Right?"

Peace Ambassador: "."

Sang Jian looked at him and snorted coldly, with a bit of domineering tone in his tone.

"Three thousand beautiful men, not one less! Remember to be beautiful! Ning Ning, go and check them one by one when the time comes, and if there is a crooked melon, let them pay ten!"

(End of this chapter)

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