Chapter 358 Sister is the Queen (8)

This idea also seems to make sense.

Sang Jian even felt that this might be the case.

Otherwise, half a year ago, why did he, the Seventh Prince of the Southern Kingdom, suddenly appear in Mu Kingdom?
And just fell in front of her from the restaurant, allowing her to see his handsome appearance?
Now Nanguo doesn't say a word to the Seventh Prince, Nan Gongye is in Muguo, but his heart is in Nanguo.

This happened to prove that everything was arranged by someone.

Poor Mu Sangjian, who didn't know anything, thought that he had picked up a beauty to be complacent.

Little did he know that he had already fallen into someone else's trap.

The only thing to be thankful for is that Nangongye got better afterward, and Mu Sangjian was not interested in strong men.

Coupled with anger, he has been kept in the cold palace and sent so many people to guard him, so that he has no chance to make trouble.

Otherwise, with Mu Sangjian's IQ, the consequences would be disastrous!


Sang Jian thought a lot at the gate of the yard.

After a while, she let out a low laugh, raised her legs and walked inside, "If you are uneasy, I won't be able to come back."

"As soon as I go out, those children in the southern country can only run away with their tails between their legs."

Nangongye: "..."

After all, it was his country. Hearing Sangjian say that, he felt somewhat uncomfortable.

It's just very strange, why didn't Nanguo beat Muguo?
Although the Southern Kingdom attacked the Mu Kingdom this time, it had nothing to do with him.

But if he didn't fight, it still made him feel that the southern country raised a bunch of waste.

Especially when the queen of Mu Kingdom is still an idiot!
With a creak, the door of the room was pushed open.

Nangongye came back to his senses, and immediately acted as if his breath was weak and he was about to die at any moment.

He was lying on the bed, his face was as pale as paper, his lips were chapped, and his eyes were dull.

Seeing that it was Sang Jian who came in through the door, he lifted the quilt with difficulty, trying to get out of bed and salute Sang Jian.

In the past, Nangongye would never do this kind of thing to Mu Sangjian.

He was disdainful then.

Now in order to inquire about the situation, I have to put on a show.

Based on what he knew about Mu Sangjian, she would feel distressed if she looked like she was going to die, and she would not be willing to let him kneel down and salute.

After Nangongye lifted the quilt, he pretended to prop himself up.

He thought that Sang Jian would run over to help him right away, but in the end, Sang Jian stood at the door the whole time, looking at him motionless, showing no sign of coming over to feel sorry for him.


It seems to have miscalculated.

Nangongye hesitated for a while, the hand supporting the bed suddenly slipped, and "weakly" fell back on the bed.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, I may not be able to salute."

What he didn't see was that the corner of Sang Jian's mouth at the door had a slight smile that was not a smile.

She could see it.

This man can't change his essence of drama no matter where he goes.

This world stands out!

Sang Jian entered the room and waved, and the guard behind him closed the door thoughtfully.

The so-called cold palace is a place where Nangongye is left to fend for himself.

In addition to bringing him meals, no one else in the cold palace will serve him.

As soon as the door was closed, only Sang Jian and Nan Gongye on the bed were left in the room.

Sang Jian sat down on the stool next to him, stared at Nan Gongye on the bed, and said very generously: "Whether you do it or not is secondary."

"I heard that the time of Xianjun is short, but what kind of illness has he got?"

Nangongye: "..."

He seems to be lying on the bed without love, but in fact he is secretly looking at Sang Jian from the corner of his eye.

For some reason, he felt that the empress had changed after going out for a trip.

Or, because he has been in the cold palace for too long, she has changed a long time ago, but he didn't realize it?
  This chapter is a monthly pass of 200.

(End of this chapter)

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