Chapter 365 Sister is the Queen (15)

Sang Jian took a group of people to Pei Dongqing's yard for an afternoon.

It can be regarded as a clear understanding of Ling Yue's temperament. As for Pei Dongqing, after these two months of getting along, she has already understood it pretty much.

She is really caring, has the attributes of a good wife and mother, and is suitable for managing the harem.

So there is no problem in making him a nobleman.

In the past two months, she deliberately neglected Nangongye, not because she didn't want to do the task well, on the contrary, she was doing the task well.

A man who had accepted the idea of ​​machismo since he was a child suddenly became the harem of the Queen of the Nvzun Kingdom, and he definitely couldn't accept it in his heart.

Coupled with the fact that he is the Seventh Prince of the Southern Kingdom, this status makes him somewhat arrogant.

After all, she wanted to give him some time to adapt.

When it's almost done, wear off the arrogance on him little by little.

About when.
It depends on when Nangongye loses his composure and comes to her on his own initiative.

I'm sure she won't have to wait long.


"I thought you would give up your status as a queen for him." Yi Yuan said.

After all, when she spoiled him, there was no bottom line.

If Nangongye can't accept the rules here, it is not impossible for her to return to the Southland with Nangongye if she leaves Mu country one day.

Sang Jian was on his way back to his dormitory at this time, and this time he went back alone.

She was a little surprised when she heard Yiyuan's words, "What are you kidding?"

"The most taboo thing for women is to lose themselves in the relationship!"

"What's more, in the position of the seventh imperial concubine, where can there be empress fragrance?"

"So you let him lose himself?" Yiyuan said he had learned.

Sang Jian chuckled, "That's not what I mean, if he keeps his heart, I will respect him too!"

"At most, the three views of the world don't agree, so you don't fall in love anymore."

"You didn't say that you must be with him to capture him, right?"

"I'm following the route of the queen, and I can never bow my head, because the crown will fall."

One yuan:"……"

This woman is really cruel!
Sang Jian said again: "However, you may have underestimated the bond between me and him."

His original heart and his three views have always been vulnerable in front of her.

Yiyuan was stunned for a moment, before he understood the meaning of Sangjian's words, he saw Nangongye standing at the door of Sangjian's bedroom, as if he was specially waiting for her.

He stood with his hands behind his back, standing upright, his thin lips were tightly pressed, and his face was expressionless.

Looks like he's in a bad mood.

Wan Wu stood behind him, holding a food box in his hand, guarding him respectfully.

One yuan:"?"

Seeing this scene, Sang Jian was not surprised.

She knew such a day would come, but she didn't expect it to be so soon.

"Xianjun is waiting for me on purpose?"

Nangongye: "..."

With his hands behind his back, he unconsciously picked his fingers.

Wan Wu behind him approached Nan Gongye, and said in a low voice: "Speak! Master, speak quickly! Follow what I taught you before, speak out bravely!"

Nangongye frowned, opened his mouth, and finally hummed a word from his nasal cavity, "En."

Wan Wu: "..."

Dead wood cannot be carved!

Nangongye felt that this was already his limit.

Wan Wu's idea was even more extreme. He asked him to invite Sang Jian to have dinner with her after he came back.

How could he do such a thing?

He raised his eyes to glance at Sang Jian, and saw that there were no messy men following her.

I felt a little relieved.

I'm really afraid that she brought Pei Dongqing or Ling Yue back, that would be really embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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