Chapter 368 Sister is the Queen (18)

Nangongye is confused now.

He could only pretend silently that he knew everything.

He got up early today, even Wan Wu hadn't come to serve him yet.

Knowing that this happened earlier, he asked Wan Wu to inquire first.

Hearing this, Pei Dongqing smiled softly, and said in a calm manner: "Opportunities are all won by yourself, Mr. Yue Liang is in charge of the sky and the earth, and he can manage this palace to be the only one to be favored?"

"I knew you looked honest! You're sluggish behind your back! You're an insidious villain who does one thing in front of His Majesty and another behind the scenes!"

Ling Yue pointed at Pei Dongqing's nose and cursed.

Others did not dare to vent their anger.

Nan Gongye in the corner felt that Ling Yue was right in scolding.

Pei Dongqing seems to be neither fighting nor grabbing, gentle and virtuous, but in fact he is fighting for every step of the way.

Only Mu Sangjian can't tell the kind of woman who is fascinated by beauty!

Pei Dongqing smiled, and did not deny Ling Yue's words, "We are all His Majesty's servants. Isn't it what each of us thinks in our hearts if we want to be favored by His Majesty? Mr. Yueliang just said this about me, could it be because of jealousy?"

"I'm pissing you off! Who would be jealous of you? You didn't know where you were when I was getting along with His Majesty!" Ling Yue said angrily.

Little did he know that he was the youngest, so it was inappropriate for him to say such things.

But now is not the time to discuss this.

Ling Yue glared at Pei Dongqing fiercely, and then looked at the others, "In the next period of time, you will spare no effort to seduce Your Majesty with all your might! As long as you can make her forget about those dogs in the Southern Kingdom , I have a reward in my palace!"

In the past, when Sang saw these men in the harem, Ling Yue looked down on them.

It's not going to work now, I heard that the queen went out to fight a war and asked someone to bring back [-] beautiful men from the southern country.

All of them look so handsome.

Unlike their Mu country men, being soft and weak can arouse His Majesty's desire to protect.

The group of men were all very tough.

His Majesty must have found it fresh, so he brought back so many beautiful men in one go!

"Instead of letting those dogs and men from the Southern Kingdom occupy His Majesty, why not do it ourselves!"

This is the content of their harem meeting today.

There were already many people in the harem, but three thousand more appeared!
Of course they will be anxious.

Fertilizer does not flow into outsiders' fields.

Everyone who used to dislike each other is now standing on the united front.

You must not allow His Majesty to bring those three thousand beauties from the Southern Kingdom into the harem!
Everyone else has fighting spirit on their faces.

Only Nangongye was in a fog when he heard it.

"The dog man in the southern country?" He couldn't help asking.

Ling Yue glanced at him, "Don't pretend to be confused! Didn't you come out to deal with us when you heard that His Majesty asked someone to bring back three thousand beautiful men from the Southern Kingdom?"

Nangongye: "?"

She asked people to bring back so many men from the southern country, what is she going to do?
Why didn't anyone tell him?

Nanguo didn't send anyone to inform him about such a big event!

Looking at Nangongye's shocked eyes, Ling Yue frowned, "You really don't know about this?"

And no one answered him.

Nangongye stood up and ran to Sangjian's bedroom.

He knew that Mu Guo had won the battle.

But she wants so many men... It's not very understandable.

"What are you running for, you wild man? Do you want to go to His Majesty alone first? Don't think about it! Follow the order, today is my palace to seduce!" Ling Yue widened his eyes and hurriedly chased after him.

Ling Yue only knew that Nan Gongye was called Ye, although Sang Jian gave him a surname, but Ling Yue didn't want to call it Ye.

He likes to call people nicknames.

Pei Dongqing sat calmly on the seat, watching the two men running about indistinctly in order to compete for favor.

I thought they were idiots.

The harem is so big, how can so many people live there?

Those 3000 people must have other uses.

Only a fool would think that those 3000 people were here to compete for favor.

(End of this chapter)

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