Chapter 372 Sister is the Queen (22)

Ling Yue actually meant the same thing, first find out where those men live, and then find someone to kill them all!
It's just that he is not as straightforward as Nangongye.

Hearing Nangongye's words now, even he wanted to say Teammate Pig!

Why so direct?
Your Majesty is so smart, he will expose their purpose!
Sure enough, when Sang Jian heard this, a look of disappointment flashed across his face.

The emotion quickly disappeared from her face, and no one else probably noticed it.

But Nangongye could see clearly.

What is she disappointed about?
He took the initiative to ask, and she didn't like it anymore?
But just now when Ling Yue took the initiative to ask, she didn't respond like that!
Before he could come up with a reason, Sang Jian said: "It's rare for a wise gentleman to ask me, so I'll take you to have a look!"

"Ning Ning, lead the way!"

Sang Jian shouted towards the back of the tent.


Ning Ning held a big knife and immediately ran out from behind, leading everyone to the place where the man was being held.

Seeing this, Ling Yue and Pei Dongqing quietly crowded on the left and right sides of Sang Jian, occupying an excellent position close to Sang Jian.

Even Ling Yu could only follow behind Sang Jian.

No one cares about Nangongye.

Nangongye hesitated for a while, but still took steps to follow.

He went to have a look and talk about it, and ignored the rest.


3000 people say more or less, and say less or less.

The martial arts arena in the barracks was vacated, and a large cage was specially set up to detain the 3000 people.

Nan Gongye thought that Sang Jian was arresting soldiers from the Southern Kingdom, but he went over and found that the 3000 people were all skinny, and some of them were even lying on the ground unable to get up, as if they were seriously injured.

Except for their faces, they are completely inconsistent with the characteristics of soldiers from the southern country.

Nangongye frowned, his first reaction was that he abused them on the way back?
Sang Jian seemed to know what he was thinking, standing in the distance and looking at the 3000 people who were crowded together without even the strength to resist, and said.

"Do you think that on the way back, they suffered abuse and became like this?"

"My sister is not that kind of person!" Ling Yue immediately defended Ling Yu.

How could his sister, who was upright, do such a thing as abusing the captives?

Ning Ning, who personally selected the [-] beautiful men, also said: "There was no abuse. When the peace envoy in the southern country gave me away, they were even worse than they are now."

Speaking of this, Ning Ning said disdainfully: "In order to get enough people and not weaken the strength of the Southern Kingdom, the peace envoy even recruited people from the beggar's nest in the slums!"

"I thought His Majesty just wanted to be good-looking, and didn't ask for an identity, so I just looked at those with good facial features, so I took them all..."

After finishing speaking, she glanced at Sang Jian's face.

Don't worry, she picked the faces of these people one by one. The eyes are definitely the eyes, and the nose is the nose!
It's a pity that Sang Jian's gaze has been on Nangongye's face at this moment.

Nangongye looked at the group of people expressionlessly, feeling very uncomfortable.

How could this be?
Why did Nanguo send these people over?Why not send some young and strong?
After the young and strong come here, there is still room for resistance.

Now that these people have come to Mu country, they don't even have room to resist, they can only wait for death!
Or is it that the people in the southern country have never paid attention to the people at the bottom?
As if to confirm what Nangongye was thinking, Ling Yu, who had been silent all this time, said, "They never take people who are of no interest to them seriously."

(End of this chapter)

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