Chapter 376 Sister is the Queen (26)

Nan Gongye didn't reply to Sang Jian's words, he covered his head with his hands, curled up on the bed, and was in so much pain.

Sang Jian frowned.

It is impossible for him, a "big man" in the southern country, to pretend to be so vulnerable and embarrassed in front of her, it seems that it is really painful.

Sang Jian suddenly reached out and grabbed the wrist of one of his hands, forcing him down on the bed, and pressed the other hand on his celestial cap.

Yiyuan, who came out to take a look when he heard the movement, saw this scene and shouted: "Fuck! Be gentle! Be gentle!"

He can't forget the last world, when Sang Jian pressed Alai's head like this in the end, smashing his head to pieces with one palm!
This is how big he is!Take it easy! ! ! !
Sang Jian didn't care about Yiyuan, an invisible force in his palm slowly penetrated from his Tianling Cap.

Nangongye, who was still in great pain just now, gradually calmed down.

He was lying on the bed panting heavily, dense cold sweat was already breaking out on his forehead, and his face was as pale as paper.

Nangongye half-opened his eyes weakly, staring at Sangjian who relieved his pain.

Sang Jian stood on the ground with one leg and kneeled on the edge of the bed with the other, leaning halfway.

His eyes unconsciously fell on her waist which was very close to him.

After staring at it for a while, without knowing what to think, Nangongye broke away from Sang Jian's hands uncontrollably, and then stretched out to hug Sang Jian's waist.


The two words in a weak, coquettish tone came out of his mouth.

Sang Jian: "."

Nangongye who realized what he did and said: "."

Sang Jian was supporting the weight of his body with one leg, and being hugged by Nangongye, he couldn't stand still and fell directly on top of him.

She blinked her eyes in a little bewilderment, is this kid enlightened?

Nangongye came back to his senses, and wanted to push her away, but the slender waist was imprisoned in his arms. It seems that the head doesn't hurt anymore?

Anyway, it's already embarrassing, so it's better to throw it to the end!
In the end, Nangongye not only didn't let go, but hugged him tighter and tighter, even turned over and buried his head in Sang Jian's chest.

Hold her like a child.

He feels better.

Sang Jian: "."

With her hand still on his head, she couldn't help touching his head.

"Although it's a bit out of date, I still want to tell you about this matter."

Sang looked at Nangongye in his arms expressionlessly.

"." Nangongye groaned, motioning for her to continue.

Sang Jian said seriously: "There is something in your head."

Nangongye couldn't help but say, "Well, it's all you."

After a while, he realized what he said, he immediately pushed Sang Jian away, and said angrily, "You only have something in your head!"

It was rare for him to show weakness, but she actually scolded him?
This moment of tenderness is completely over because of the conversation between the two of them.

Nangongye was sitting cross-legged on the bed at the moment, his pale face just now was flushed with anger.

Sang Jian still maintained the posture lying on the bed, and said expressionlessly: "I'm telling the truth."

Just now her power entered his brain, and he felt that there was some kind of life in his brain.

Most likely it was the cause of his headache.

"Before this, have you ever had a headache like today?" Sang Jian asked.


Seeing Sang Jian with a serious face, Nan Gongye was speechless for a moment.

It took a long time to hold back a sentence, "Don't worry about it."

Sang Jian: "."

She raised her eyebrows, turned over and got up from the bed, turned around and left,

"Yes, how could the Seventh Prince of the Southern Kingdom trust the Queen of the enemy country?"

(End of this chapter)

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