Chapter 391 Sister is the Queen (41)

"Quick! Kill this thing quickly!" Yiyuan had to find a way to keep Nangongye's feelings for Sang Jian.

Only when the Gu worm is killed, the hatred and good feelings eaten by him will come back.

Otherwise, when he wakes up in a while, he will feel ashamed to be Sang Jian's harem again!
"How can you kill such a good thing?" Sang Jian rejected Yiyuan's proposal.

Wan Wu handed the installed Gu worms to Sangjian.

Sang Jian stretched out his hand to take it, and slightly hooked his lips, "If you don't take revenge and go back, wouldn't it be a waste?"

One yuan:"……"

"Don't forget the efficacy of this thing! What if he wakes up later and makes you unhappy?" Yi Yuan was still a little worried.

Sang Jian slightly raised his eyebrows, "If you make me unhappy, you can do whatever you want. What are you in a hurry for him?"

Sang Jian put the Gu worm away, pulled Nan Gongye's big sleeve, and thoughtfully wiped the blood on his mouth.

One yuan:"……"

Wan Wu: "..."

Wan Wu was silent for a few seconds, and asked curiously, "Your Majesty, what is that thing?"

"He eats brains, so your master's brain is not very good, can you understand?" Sang Jian teased.

Wan Wu looked stunned, "No wonder... no wonder I couldn't understand many of the mysterious behaviors of the master before. So it's like this..."

For example, after being injured like this by Nanguo, you still want to play for Nanguo?
This is stupid loyalty!

In the end, he was the one who got hurt!

Sang Jian couldn't help laughing, he really believed it.

But what she said was not all a joke, Nangongye's previous confusing behavior did have something to do with Gu worms.

Sang Jian laughed while looking down at Nangongye in his arms.

Nangongye, who was unconscious just now, opened his eyes at some point, and was staring at Sang Jian indifferently.

Seeing his eyes, the smile on Sang Jian's face softened a little, and she raised her hand to Nangongye's forehead, and her brain collapsed.

"Xianjun can forget the relationship between you and me, but if you dare to be ungrateful, you will bear the consequences."

Good feelings or something can be re-cultivated.

But he must remember that she saved him this time!

After being hit in the head, Nangongye subconsciously lowered his eyes and frowned.

His mind is muddled now, and he hasn't recovered from the painful feeling before.

Suddenly, there was a push from behind, and it was Sang Jian who was going to push him away from her.

Only then did Nan Gongye realize that he was still half lying in Sang Jian's arms.

Subconsciously, he reached out and hugged Sang Jian's waist, and said in a muffled voice, "Can't your majesty hug me a little longer? I'm a little dizzy..."

This hug made him even more uncomfortable.

A blush crept up his cheeks, but he just refused to let go.

Nangongye's reaction made Sangjian and Yiyuan stunned.

It looks like it's no different from before, right?

Even Wan Wu was a little surprised.

He thought Nangongye would be very angry when he woke up.

After all, I told him before that it is a matter of course to play for the southern country.

Now when you see the queen, you hug her and act like a baby?

How come there are two faces?
Nangongye didn't realize that there was something wrong with him, but felt that he was more relaxed than ever before.

And this feeling was brought to him by Sang Jian in front of him.

He just wants to hug her quietly for a while now.

"..." Sang Jian was silent for a few seconds.

She silently took out the Food Memory Gu and took a look, doubts filled her eyes.


Or three no products?

(End of this chapter)

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