Chapter 401 Sister is the Queen (51)

Yi Yuan said disdainfully: "Cut, what artificial intelligence? That's an artificial mental retardation!"

"I've tried it, and it can't detect my existence, let alone know that you have changed the core."

"The artificial mental retardation told Nangong Shi that you are still the idiot queen, but he knew about the last time you took the last army of the Mu country to the border of the southern country. I am afraid that there will be doubts. You have to be careful yourself. Some."

Yiyuan is not worried that Sang Jian can't handle this Nangong Shi, but he still has to be careful, after all, the other party seems to be an existence who can use cheats casually.

Otherwise, they wouldn't use Gu worms in this kind of world.

Sang Jian listened to his reminder, but did not reply.

Her eyes swept over the men around her one by one.

Many people were also looking at Sang Jian from the corner of their eyes, and many eyes were on Nan Gongye's face beside her.

I don't know why, but I always feel that the not-so-serious servant next to the queen looks familiar?
However, Pei Dongqing didn't give them a chance to look at them at all. He shook his long sleeves and snorted coldly: "This is not your southern country. In Mu country, you are not allowed to look directly at our queen! Whose eyes should I look at?" I'm aiming randomly!"

Everyone: "."

As soon as this sentence came out, the others immediately lowered their heads, not daring to peek any more.

Regarding Pei Dongqing's words, Sang Jian didn't refute anything, and continued to observe the people around, walking towards the last row seemingly aimlessly.

When Pei Dongqing spoke, Nangongye had already come to his senses.

When he realized that he was following Sang Jian and walking among the crowd in the southern country, Nan Gongye's body was a little stiff.

If these people are ordinary people, there is a high probability that they don't know him, because he rarely goes out to show off in the southern country.

The problem is that Nangong Shi is also in this group of people, he probably won't come by himself, there must be his right-hand assistant in the crowd.

Nangongye secretly raised his hand and tugged at the corner of Sang Jian's clothes. Now that the enemy is in the dark and we are in the light, it is not appropriate to startle the enemy.

Feeling that he was pulling his sleeve, Sang Jian looked back at Nangongye, and said softly, "What's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, I suddenly feel unwell, can you accompany me back?" Nan Gongye said nonsense seriously.

Sang Jian looked at his rosy face and nodded, "Okay, the last row, go back after shopping."

After speaking, Sang Jian walked a few more steps and stopped in front of one of the people in the last row.

That man was more than seven feet tall, even standing out among three thousand beautiful men, he still had a feeling of standing out from the crowd.

If you look closely, his eyebrows are three to four points similar to Nan Gongye.


Seeing this move, Sang shocked Nangongye.

what happened!

He also wanted Sang Jian to leave so that Nan Gongshi wouldn't find out, so that Nan Gongshi wouldn't attack her, but he didn't expect her to stand in front of Nangong Shi accurately?
Nangongye pulled Sangjian's sleeve a little harder.

Sang Jian didn't seem to feel it, and smiled slightly at Nan Gongshi in front of him, "This young man is the best-looking one I've seen today."

Nangongye: "."

Pei Dongqing: "."

Is this an old problem again?

Can't walk when you see a beautiful man?
Nangong Shi in front of him first glanced at Nangongye with unknown meaning, then looked at Sang Jian, and smiled back, "It is my honor to be praised by His Majesty."

He spoke softly, with a smile on his face, but there was deep disdain in his eyes.

Sure enough, he couldn't get used to the world of female lords, and he couldn't bear the thought that the last heroine would be the new queen of the female lords.

But there is no way, the task is like this.

(End of this chapter)

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