Chapter 404 Sister is the Queen (54)

Pei Dongqing: "."

He pursed his lips, not to let Mr. Yexian know that His Majesty had not done anything to him in the past two months.

After being silent for a few seconds, he replied: "I also said that I want His Majesty to look at the other servants, and I didn't say that His Majesty only favors me. Why do Ye Xianjun make trouble for no reason?"

"Making trouble for no reason?" Nan Gongye snorted coldly, "When I enjoy myself enough, I start to envy others. Your Majesty has only spoiled me for a day, and you and Mr. Yueliang came here early this morning. I don't know what they want to do to me. Now I propose What if you want His Majesty to favor others? Why can’t Your Majesty pamper me more? Does Qing Guijun have a problem with me?"

Pei Dongqing: "."

Great opinion!
How could there be such a person as Nangongye?

Sang Jian couldn't help but raised his hand to pick his ears.

She didn't make a sound and let the two of them argue.

Last night was so passionate, Nan Gongye didn't feel that it was her first time, so he deserved to be jealous and angry!
Hmm. He can't feel it, maybe it's because she's too proficient?
Sang Jian shook his head, not thinking about these messy things.

It's too noisy to leave after eating in a while.

Didn't expect that one day she would feel that others were noisy?

As for Nangongye, she had no intention of taking him back.

If you bring it back, Nangong Shi will be unable to make a move.

Nan Gongye has been using Pei Dongqing to monopolize Sang Jian for two months to talk about things, no matter how good-tempered Pei Dongqing is, he will be annoyed and say that he is making trouble for no reason.

In this weird atmosphere, the three finished their lunch.

Sang Jian thought it was a miracle that the two of them didn't fight in the end.

Not long after lunch, Sang Jian was waiting for Ling Yu in the tent where Ling Yu rested.

Pei Dongqing and Nangongye had already been kicked out by her.

When Ling Yu came over, Sang Jian straight to the point told Ling Yu about letting Nan Gongye into the barracks.

Ling Yu was silent for a long time before speaking, "Your Majesty, is this inappropriate?"

Sang Jian said, "How do you know it's not suitable if you don't try it?"

"But he is His Majesty's Servant, how can it be proper to mix with us women?" Since the founding of the Mu Kingdom, there has been no case of a man entering the barracks!
"I'm not afraid, what is General Ling worried about?"

Ling Yu: "."

Seeing Sangjian's appearance, she seemed to want to squeeze Nangongye in.

Sang Jian saw that she didn't want to agree, and she didn't want to say anything, so she started a serious nonsense mode.

"This is a good thing for your Ling family. In the future, Ye Xianjun will be in the barracks, and your brother will have one less competitor."

It's okay not to mention this, but when it is mentioned, Ling Yu can only smile wryly.

"Your Majesty, my younger brother is still young. When I said that I wanted to enter the palace with you, I was talking childishly. If Your Majesty doesn't like my younger brother, please let him go."

From the very beginning Ling Yu knew that it was her younger brother Ling Yue who took the initiative to find the empress, and the empress only agreed to let him enter the palace because he was good-looking.

As for liking
How could a mature empress like a brat who was not dry yet?
Ling Yu's words surprised Sang Jian, "You really think so?"

She thought that the Ling family also wanted Ling Yue to compete for favor.

After all, Pei Dongqing's family wanted Pei Dongqing to cling to her all day, so that she could pamper him more, so as to improve the status of the Pei family in the court.

During the two months when Pei Dongqing clinged to her, she did a lot of investigating Pei Dongqing's situation.

Later, because of his care for the past two months, he was named noble and gave him some face.

Ling Yu didn't want her younger brother to compete for favor?Instead let her let him go?

Ling Yu lowered his eyes, knelt down on one knee and said seriously: "If Your Majesty is willing."

As long as she is willing to let Ling Yue go, she will be grateful to His Majesty.

But if she doesn't want to let go, she has nothing to say.

Sang Jian was delighted to hear this, "Yes! How could I not be willing?"

"Then General Ling, let's talk about it. I let Ling Yue go, so you agree to Ye Xianjun's entry into the barracks."

Ling Yu: "???"

How do you feel that you fell into the pit?

  In Wuhu, when the school starts, I feel that the number of people who read books is reduced by half, crying~
(End of this chapter)

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