Chapter 408 Sister is the Queen (58)

Xu just thought of Pei Dongqing. When Nan Gongye and Sang Jian left the bedroom and were about to send Sang Jian to court, they bumped into Pei Dongqing when they went out.

Although Pei Dongqing was asked to teach in the military camp, they would still come back to rest at night.

Pei Dongqing deliberately came here early in the morning, intending to say hello to Sang Jian who was going to the morning court, and to show her presence.

But when the door of the bedroom opened and Nangongye and Sangjian came out, he was still stunned.

Yesterday, I didn't hear that the Empress called someone to sleep in. Why is Ye Xianjun with the Empress?
Seeing his stunned expression, Nangongye, who had just come out, unconsciously had a smug smile on his face.

"Why is Lord Qinggui here? Did you come here on purpose to wait for me to go to the barracks?" Nangongye asked knowingly.

I guess Pei Dongqing wanted to show his presence, but I didn't expect him to be here, right?

As soon as this sentence was finished, Sang Jian who was beside him gave him a push, "Since I'm here to pick you up, then you can go with Qing Guijun."

Nangongye: "???"

"I'm going to court early."

Nangongye: "..."

All right, turn your face and deny anyone after sleeping!
Seemingly feeling that Nan Gongye's mood suddenly became bad, Sang Jian turned his head to him and said: "Yesterday, I already asked General Ling to let you enter the barracks, why don't you report well today and leave a good impression?" ?”

"I don't want to hear General Ling say that you are not doing business in the barracks all day long."

"I see." Nan Gongye responded, and walked towards Pei Dongqing.

Pei Dongqing looked at the little gestures of the two people's intimacy, and couldn't help but said, "Your Majesty, I have something to think about..."

Before he finished speaking, Nangongye raised his hand to grab his arm and dragged him to the place where he was walking.

"Your Majesty, don't delay your Majesty's morning court, we should go."

Yesterday he wanted to talk to Sang Jian, but Pei Dongqing dragged him away just like that.

Today he got his revenge!
Pei Dongqing: "..."

Seeing Pei Dongqing being dragged away, Sang Jian said with a hesitant expression on his face, "Mr. Qinggui, go and do your work first. I have something to tell you when I come back in the evening."

There is no delay in eliminating the harem.

In case this kid Nangongye will act like a monster again someday.

When Pei Dongqing heard this, she nodded and left with Nangongye honestly.

Nangongye groaned in his heart, come back early tonight, and resolutely don't let them meet alone!
As soon as the two left, Sang Jian went to court with peace of mind.


Nan Gongye and Pei Dongqing sat on the same step, and the atmosphere was a bit dignified.

No one opened their mouths to speak, and they didn't like each other.

Since yesterday, Nangongye has wanted to disgust Pei Dongqing.

He was quiet for a while, then suddenly said: "Mr. Qinggui won't be angry, will he?"


His inexplicable words made Pei Dongqing stunned for a moment.

Nangongye said in a low voice: "Yesterday, His Majesty asked me to wait in bed again."

Pei Dongqing: "..."

Before he had time to say anything, Nan Gongye said again: "I came back very late last night, Your Majesty secretly asked someone to let me go, saying that I couldn't sleep without me."

"I don't really want to. After all, I was busy all day yesterday and I was so tired."

This is called talking nonsense with your eyes open.

Totally forgot how humble he was in front of San-mee last night.

Pei Dongqing: "..." Do you owe me a beating?

Nangongye glanced at Pei Dongqing's face, and the corner of his mouth curled into an imperceptible arc.

"Hey..." He sighed softly, and wanted to say something else.

Pei Dongqing beside her had a sullen face and growled, "Enough! Your Majesty's favorite son, don't show off this matter!"

Especially don't show it off in front of people who really want to be favored!

Because if he can't help it, he will hit someone!

(End of this chapter)

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