Chapter 421 Sister is the Queen (71)

She herself is not afraid, but he...

Thinking of this, Sang Jian also asked, "Aye, don't you need to go to the barracks tomorrow?"

Nan Gongye rubbed against her neck, "Yeah, but what does that have to do with my going to the military camp tomorrow? Besides, I'm happy today..."

Sang Jian raised her eyebrows, "Well, I hope you won't regret it tomorrow..."

After saying this, Nangongye seemed to have received a hint.

When Sang Jian was about to hug him, he suddenly let go of Sang Jian, and pushed all the memorials on the desk in front of him to the ground.

Then he hugged the dazed Sang Jian, let her sit on the desk, leaned over and kissed her.

Sang Jian: "???"

Just do it, why did you play tricks all of a sudden?
How does this make her counterpress?
Could it be that he pushed him onto the table while she stood on the table?

It's embarrassing to think of that picture!
After all, she is the queen of a country!She definitely can't do this kind of thing!
"Hey, let's be normal..." Sang Jian was kissed vaguely and pushed Nangongye.

Nan Gongye grabbed her wrist and refused, "I will serve Your Majesty today, don't worry, Your Majesty, it's fine..."

Sang Jian: "..."

Well, she compromised.

This trick is really not easy to counterattack, wait for her to get off the table!
However, she did not have this opportunity.

And let Nan Gongye discover this secret.

When his queen is playing tricks, she will not counterattack.

Because these poses are too shameful to counterattack, she is embarrassed!
This secret is even more exciting than Nangongye knowing that she dismissed the harem for him!

So he held Sang Jian and played tricks all night.

Until the last day of dawn, I was also tired.

Only then did he put Sang Jian on the soft couch and tidy up the messy imperial study.

When he packed up and was about to hug Sangjian back to the bedroom, he found that Sangjian who was on the soft couch just now had already dressed and was ready to go back by himself.

Nangongye: "????"

"Why is Your Majesty still so energetic?" He blinked.

Didn't she say she was tired a long time ago?Why did she seem to be fine for so long? !

Sang Jian tidied up his clothes and gave him a sideways glance, "Fortunately, I thought you would wait until dawn. The Xianjun's physique needs to be strengthened!"

Nangongye: "???"

The sky outside was already dark, and it was almost a night of fighting, but she actually let herself strengthen her physique!
"Your Majesty, you..." Nangongye looked a little complicated.

It wasn't like this when she pressed herself before!

Basically two or three times I said I was tired and needed to sleep, what happened today!

Nangongye was hit hard for a while.

However, Sang Jian didn't seem to understand his expression, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Clean up and go."

She can come back to catch up on sleep after going to court in a while, but he has to go to the military camp for a tiring day.

Looks like I'll be able to sleep well tonight.

Her daily routine has basically been disrupted since she followed Nangongye.

Originally, she didn't want to, but this kind of thing is stipulated at night, and both of them are busy during the day, and he is still her servant.

If she is not favored, no one will favor her.

So she can only sacrifice her precious sleep time.

Fortunately, he didn't make her feel that sleeping time was wasted.

He still listened to his own words, so Sang Jian didn't care.

Nan Gongye followed behind Sang Jian dejectedly.

The calf trembled a little.

But remembering that Sang Jian said that his physique needs to be strengthened, he tensed the muscles in his legs, determined not to let himself be ashamed in front of her!

(End of this chapter)

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