Chapter 425 Sister is the Queen (75)

Sang Jian received the news from Yiyuan before Nangongye came back.

"Nangong Shi has escaped!"

With five short words, Sang Jian, who was about to go to the imperial study, paused.

"Run alone?"


Yi Yuan said: "After waking up, he realized that there was a Gu worm in his brain, and asked the system to get him out. But he remembered the incident when Nangongye beat him last time."

"Under the cover of the system, he left the barracks and is already on his way back to the southern country."

"It was he who came up with the idea of ​​attacking the Southern Kingdom last time, but it was just to test the strength of the Mu Kingdom. This time, when I go back, I guess I want to attack on a large scale."

How could Nangong Shi bear this tone?

Originally thought that Nan Gongye was living in disgrace in Muhui, but he turned out to be a mess.

Not only is he the Queen's favorite servant, but now the Queen made an exception to let him enter the barracks.

No matter how you look at it, Nangongye has the posture of wanting to make a comeback.

So he had to go back to the southern country, so he had to act first!
Sang Jian breathed a sigh of relief, "It's better not to take Ah Ye back."

If she had brought Nangongye back with her, it would be too late for her to chase after her now.

Fortunately, he went back by himself.

Yiyuan was a little worried, "But, aren't you afraid that after he returns to China, he will make preparations in advance and let the system exchange some biochemical weapons for him?"

Sang Jian raised his eyebrows, "It's okay, the worst thing about biochemical weapons is turning into zombies, and it's not like I haven't stayed in the last days."

One yuan:"……"

That seems to be the case, but I always feel that something is wrong...

"But Nangongye will die!" Yiyuan reacted.

Sang Jian couldn't help but sneered, "Are you kidding me. Have you become artificially retarded too?"

"I don't have it, I'm not you, don't talk nonsense!" How dare you compare him to an artificially retarded person?

Sang Jian said, "You should know that the last time he exchanged a pistol, it took 20 years of life. From this, it can be deduced that if he uses something that does not belong to this world in this world, then the price will be his lifespan, and what is charged is not a short lifespan.”

"Since he was a child, how many years of life do you think he has left to trade?"

He is a tasker, and he exchanged the lifespan of this world, that is, the lifespan of the real Nangong Shi.

So he doesn't feel bad at all, as long as he completes the task before his life is deducted.

Anyway, this world is just one of the worlds he has existed in. After death, there will be another world.

Since time travelling, he has exchanged many things to torture Nangongye.

"The ending of the second edition this time must be our victory." Sang Jian raised the corner of his mouth.

One yuan:"……"

Having said that, I was suddenly looking forward to it.


Yiyuan guessed right. After Nan Gongshi returned to the southern country, he planned to ask the system to arrange some cannons for him.

He's going to raze Mu country to the ground!

But Sang Jian was right in guessing.

His life is not enough.

[Drip—remind the host that you still have three years to live, which is not enough to exchange for advanced weapons and cannons. 】

Nangong Shi: "..."

[What else can a three-year lifespan be exchanged for! 】

[Drip—it cannot be exchanged for anything. 】

For high-level weapons, that is, weapons that do not belong to this world, the minimum exchange value starts from ten years.

Nangong Shi: "..."

Mad!The pistol that was exchanged for 20 years of life last time was snatched by Nan Gongye!
If it wasn't for the Gu worm in his head to attack...

By the way, Gu worm!

As if thinking of something, Nangong Shi asked suddenly: [Why did Gu worms suddenly appear in my head? 】

Isn't that always in Nangongye's head?

As soon as these words came out, Nan Gongshi inexplicably thought of the time when the queen suddenly helped him in the Mu country military camp last time.

(End of this chapter)

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